PageA2 It|t JJortlanh © bseruer April 28. 2004 Bloodiest Month for Americans in Iraq U.S. warplanes, artillery attack Sunni insurgents (A P) — U.S. w arplanes and artillery attacked Sunni insurgents holed up in a slum in a thunderous show o f force that rocked Fallujah Tuesday, sending huge plum es o f black sm oke into the night sky. The assault cam e after A m erican troops killed 64 gunm en near the southern city o f Najaf. An A m erican soldier was killed T ues­ day in Baghdad, raising the U.S. death toll for April to 115 - the same num ber lost during the invasion o f Iraq that toppled Saddam Hussein last year. Up to 1,200 Iraqis also have been killed this month. T he second straight night o f battles in Fallujah cam e as the extension o f a fragile cease-fire ended in the turbulent city west o f Baghdad. M arines have been preparing to begin patrols in the city later this week. T uesday’s battle appeared far heavier than the previous night’s clashes, in which a M arine and eight insurgents were killed - suggesting U.S. forces w ere trying to Fires were visible in the Jolan neighbor­ w ear dow n gunm en in the Jolan neighbor­ hood, and m osque loudspeakers else­ hood, a district o f narrow alleyw ays and where in the city called for firefighters. ram shackle houses. U.S. aircraft dropped w hite leaflets over Lcpl. Jonathan, Quintero o f Tulari, Calif., from the 1st Battalion 5th Marines, mans his machine gun at a frontline position near a mosque in Fallujah, Iraq. (AP photo) Fallujah before nightfall, calling on insur­ gents to give up. “Surrender, you are surrounded," the leaflets said. “If you are a terrorist, beware. Schools Struggle with Diversity Programs (A P) — Nearly a decade ago, the Kent School District near Seattle was praised by parents, students and civil rights groups for its bold plan to stem racial discrim ina­ tion and train staff in handling cultural differences. Today, the very same district faces pos­ sible lawsuits over claims by 12 black stu­ dents who say they were manhandled and handcuffed by school security officers. The stark contrast is em blem atic o f how J ^Íortíatth (Dhseruer USPS 959-680 Established 1970 schools nationw ide have struggled to implement di versity programs, experts say. Kent School D istrict Superintendent Barbara G rohe has nam ed a retired Army general to head a com m ittee to investigate its security practices and a form er Grant County sheriff will probe the incidents. The choice o f disciplinarians as inves­ tigators has angered the N AACP, w hich is behind the threat to file nearly $40 million in lawsuits on b eh alf o f the 12 students. Carl Mack, president o f the Seattle chap­ ter o f the N ational A ssociation for the A dvancem ent o f C olored People, said the district’s handling o f the issue has been an “insult to the field o f education.” Portland, OR 97211 E D IT O R -IN - C H IE F . Mr P u b lisher : E d it o k : M ichael Leighton D istribution M anager : M ark W ashington Paul N eufeldt V \ \ \ \ O ff ic e M anager : Kathy Linder R e p o r t e r : J ay mee R. Cutí I The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submis I sions Manuscripts and photographs should he clearly I labeled and will be returned if accompanied by a self I addressed envelope. All created design display ads I become the sole property of the newspaper and cannot I be used in other publications or personal usage with I out the written consent o f the general manager, unless 1 the client has purchased the composition o f such ad. © 199b THE PORTLAND OBSERVER ALL RIGHTS I R E S E R V E D R E P R O D U C T IO N IN W H O I . I O R I N I PART WITHOUT PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED. I The P o rtlan d O b s e rv e r- O re g o n 's O ldest I Multicultural Publication-is a member of the National I Newspaper Association-Pounded in 1885, and The Security Officer Elmer Burst stands outside as a student returns to class after lunch break at Cedar Heights Junior High School in Covington, Wash. (AP photo) The district, like others across the na­ tion, has experienced a grow ing m inority population, but critics contend Kent is not adapting. “If they had follow ed through with the P ostmaster : Send address changes to original recom m endations and im plem en­ | Portland Observer POBox3137, Portland, tation strategies, they would have never OR 97208 found them selves in the situation th ey ’re Periodical Postage paid in Portland, OR in today,” said Ray Lee, a Kent parent and Subscriptions are $60.00 peryear m em ber o f the d istrict’s first di versity task force that met in 1995. 503-288-0033 Experts say that efforts across the coun­ FAX 503-288-0015 try to address cu ltural differen ces in PPr^PQdiendgbseryer.OQn-} schools have taken a back seat to funding struggles and federal m andates to improve student test scores. Benjam in Baez, associate professor o f educational policy studies at G eorgia State U niversity, said educators often are ex ­ Fill out. C lip out & Send to: I p e c te d to im p ro v e te st s c o re s an d “uneducate people about racism and make them better w orkers" w hile funds are cut Attn: Subscriptions for the very program s that w ould help PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 achieve those goals. s u b s c r ip tio n s are /nst\ “ Now when w e talk about diversity $60 p e r yea r | training w e’re talking as much about clo s­ (please include check with this | ing the achievem ent gap as we are about subscription form ) discipline procedures," G rohe said. In claim s filed last m onth by the N ame :. N A ACP, 12 black students, ranging in age A ddress : from 11 to 17, say they were the victim s o f excessive force by school security o ffic­ ers. T elephone : O n e s tu d e n t, 1 3 -y e a r-o ld S ie r ra I National Advertising Representative Amalgamated I Publishers. Inc. New York. NY. and The West Coast I Black Publishers Association • Serving Portland and I Vancouver Subscribe! Jlortlanb (Obserurr j Suspect Arrested in Las Vegas Victim shot to death P O R 1 1 . A N D — A suspect is under arrest for the shooting death o f a Portland man. Police found the body o f Lavelle A nthony M athew s (pictured) M arch 23 in the road at North A lbina and W ebster streets. The medical exam iner confirm ed that the 35- year-old died from a gunshot wound. Robert W agner was arrested in Las V egas on an outstanding warrant. The 25-year-old was being held in N evada until he could be returned to Oregon. A possible m otive w as not released. Lavelle Matthews Billion Dollar Reparations Suit DNA linked plaintiffs to African slaves who suffered atrocities (AP) — D escendants o f slaves filed a $ 1 bi 11 ion la wsuit i n Ne w York Ci ty against U.S. and British corporations, accusing them o f profiting by com m itting genocide against their ancestors. L aw yers for the eight plaintiffs said the M arch 26 com plaint was the first slave reparations law suit to use DNA to link the plaintiffs to A fricans w ho suffered atroci­ ties during the slave trade. The suit filed in federal court in M an­ h a tta n a c c u s e s L lo y d ’s o f L o n d o n , FleetBoston and R.J. Reynolds o f “aiding and abetting the com m ission o f geno­ cide" by allegedly financing and insuring Charles H. Washington C reative D irector : Body Found In Street: D ouglass-Sw anson, says she was grabbed by the hair and throw n to the ground, a security o fficer’s knees pressing into her back as her arm s w ere w renched behind her and handcuffs closed around her wrists. D o u g la s s-S w a n so n a c k n o w le d g e s flailing her arm s and kicking her legs in an attem pt to get free from the guard. She was charged with assault, placed in juvenile detention overnight and expelled. At the d istrict’s C edar H eights Junior High School in Covington, 38-year-old security officer Elm er Burst said h e’s used his handcuffs once since com ing to work for the district in A ugust 2003. 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd because your last day w as yesterday. In order to spare your life end your actions and surrender to coalition forces now. We are com ing to arrest you.’ Burst, who is black, said h e’ll do what he can to prevent any student from being harmed. “If that m eans using restraints, I’ll do it," he said. The threat o f a lawsuit by tw o black parents w ho claim ed their children were harassed by w hite students triggered the creation o f the Kent d istric t’s original di versity council in 1995, form er co-chair B arbara Phillips said. That com m ittee made dozens o f recom ­ m endations, including nonviolent crisis intervention training for staff and im prov­ ing discipline records to m onitor for racial discrim ination. Phillips said sh e’s disappointed in the resp o n se. A curriculum audit released in 1999, the year G rohe took over as superintendent, found the district was slow to follow cer­ tain directives. Today, all em ployees m ust undergo diversity and cultural sensitivity training, district spokesw om an Becky H anks said. D uringthe 1989-90 school year.m inori- ties in the school district m ade up nearly 15 percent o f the student population. Today they are about 35 percent. And while blacks account for more than 10 percent o f the district’s 26,400 students, they represent about 59 percent o f students disciplined since September 2003, accord­ ing to district security reports. Fighting also broke out in Baghdad and in the south, where U.S. forces are in a standoff w ith m ilitiam en loyal to radical Shiite cleric M uqtada al-Sadr, w ho is w anted on m urder charges for allegedly killing a fellow cleric. U.S. forces killed 64 Iraqis on M onday and Tuesday in battles with m ilitiam en outside the Shiite holy city o f Najaf, Brig. Gen. M ark K im m itt said. The United States is trying to avoid a’ resurgence o f the intense fighting ahead o f June 30 - the date for installation o f q new Iraqi governm ent. the ships that delivered slaves to tobacco plantations in the United States. The defendants “have destroyed our national and ethnic identity,” one o f the plaintiffs, D eadria Farmer-Paellm ann, said at a new s conference announcing the suit. DNA testing has made a “direct co n ­ nection" betw een Farm er-Paellm ann and the M ende tribe in Sierra Leone, w hose people “w ere kidnapped, tortured and shipped in chains to the United States!” the suit said. Scientific evidence also has linked the other plaintiffs to tribes in N iger and G am bia, the suit said. Ellen M atthew s, a spokesw om an for R.J. Reynolds, said the com pany had not received a copy o f the suit. In January, a federal ju d g e in C hicago threw out a sim ilar lawsuit brought by descendants o f slaves. ‘American Idol’ Voting Strikes Sour Note Diva voted out amid accusations of racism ( A P) — T heories flew fast and furious Thursday after the “American Idol" viewer vote w ent against favor­ ite J e n n ife r H u d so n , ranging from racism to fateful w eather to teen­ age puppy love. O r m aybe A m erica ju st has a tin ear. W hile H udson and tw o others singers lav­ ish ly p ra ise d by th e sh o w ’s judges ended up at the bottom o f the heap W ednesday night, co n ­ testants w ho gave marginal perform ances w ere top vote-getters. H udson, Fantasia Barrino and La Toya London - “The Three D ivas,” as th ey ’ve becom e known - seem ed to have the best shot at taking the Fox TV contest. W ith the lowest vote tally, H udson was bum ped from the show. Even series host Ryan Seacrest chastised viewers. A storm that caused a pow er outage in the M idw est m ay have been a factor in H u d s o n ’s o u ste r, TV e n te rta in m e n t new sm agazine “E xtra” said Thursday. M ore than 15,000 people in H udson’s hometown o f Chicago were unable to watch the show or dial in Tuesday night, when the vote turned out to be the closest in the show ’s three-year history, “E xtra" said. Judge Randy Jackson, w ho said losing H udson w as “n u ts,” told “ E x tra" he thought the outage could have been a , problem but it w asn’t en o u g h to a lte r the outcom e. Fox d id n ’t release the view er vote count this w eek, but about 24 m illion votes w ere re c o rd e d la st week. The New York Post reported it was deluged with calls com plaining that the voting w as ra­ c ia lly m o tiv a te d : Hudson, B arrino and London are black. (The Post is ow ned by News Corp., which also ow ns Fox TV .) G eorge Huff, still in the com petition, is black, as was last y ea r's w inner, Ruben Studdard. “A m erican Idol." unlike other reality show s featuring com petition, is m ore popular in black hom es than white hom es. For the current season, the show was watched in 19 percent of all black households, compared to 15 percent of white households, according to Nielsen Media Research. Q uestions o f racism also cam e up in the first season, after talented T am yra Gray was voted off.