Page B4 (Elje sportiani) (©bseruer April 28. 2004 IL ©Ht$EIRV Ä © © R C lassifieds / B ids Multicultural Development Officer The Beautification of Madre Lupita Latino Culture Festival Mexican healer to be beatified by pope Latin film festival starts at PCC Cascade Campus (AP) — G uadalupe G arcia was know n as being strict, religious and alw ays available to talk. She kept a room by the front door o f the hospital she helped found so that she could m ake sure the nurses w ere arriving on time. On Sunday, M adre Lupita, as she is know n in M exico, will be Trucker and Chicago resident Abraham Arceo holds a portrait o f beatified by Pope John Paul II. Be­ Guadalupe Garcia, “Madre Lupita, ’ outside his house in his atification is the last formal step hometown o f San Jose de Gracia, Michoacan State, Sunday, Apr. 18, 1 00 miles from Guadalajara City, Mexico. (AP Photo) before sainthood. Madre Lupita was bom in 1878 in 22 foundations in M exico, Peru, “They only judged her when it G uadalajara, a provincial capital in Iceland, G reece and Italy. cam e tim e to pay the hospital bill,” w estern M exico, and died in 1963 in H er friend. M other Jo sefin a she said. the Santa M argarita H ospital she Lopez, said she was alw ays “very A Mass will be celebrated in her helped found when she was 23- neat, very quiet and always talking h o n o r o n M ay 15 h e re in years-old. H er religious order has to anyone w ho needed her.” Guadalajara. T he festival is an annual reflec­ tion o f Latin Am erican immigrants as pioneers through film, art, ac­ tion and celebration. The film fes­ tival and its events are organized by students w ho w ork to raise aw areness about Latin culture. T h e fe a tu re d film s in clu d e “N ueba Yol” at 3 p.m. on Monday, M ay 3, “The Silence o f N eto” at noon on T uesday, M ay 4 and “Los T rabajadores (The W orkers)” at noon on T hursday, M ay 6. A dm ission is free to all events including an art exhibit and sale sponsored by Bohio Studio. For m ore inform ation on Latinism o!, call 503-978-5438. •to t y ice î to u , Sf/ie M&u to H>lr O bserver There my Lord hangs on the cross between tw o thieves, and his concern is for the very ones who torm ented and tortured him. But that’s w hat the Passion o f C hrist is about. Because o f H is love for us, He paid the price for our sins, by allow ing H im self to suffer the dis­ grace o f the cross. He did not com ­ plain; He did not condem n, but He could have. Instead, what He did do w as to ask the Father to forgive them. “Father forgive them, for they know not w hat they do.” If you could hear w hat Jesus were really saying, you could re­ lease the anger against som eone w ho hurt you 20 years ago. If you could hear Jesus, you could for­ give that trusted friend or relative w ho m olested you; if you could hear Jesus, you could forgive that mate who “put” your marriage asun­ der. If you could here Jesus, you w ould understand that the person w ho did the offense, was not oper- ating in his o r her optim um capac­ ofourfears,condem ningjudgm ents ity. and grievances. People who do mean, unm en­ W e need to rem ind ourselves tionable, unbelievable, and d e­ constantly, that love is the only structive things to those whom they reality there is. A nything we per­ confess to love are in ceiv e that does not a m alfunctioning sta­ m ir r o r lo v e is a tus; they are operat­ m isp ercep tio n . F or­ in g o u t o f th e ir g iv e n e ss, th en , b e­ dysfunctionality, for com es the means for they also, have been c o r r e c tin g our violated, abused, and m isperceptions; it al­ misused. Jesus knew lows us to see only the this. love in others and our­ Forgive them for selv es, and nothing they do not know what else. Ethel Bates they have done. We T hrough selective are reactionary. W e respond to what forgetting, through taking o ff the others extend to us. W e learn how to tinted glasses that superim pose the treat others, by the way that we are fearful past upon the present, we treated...and so, we m ust forgive can begin to know that the truth o f them. Un -forgiveness is a malfunc­ love is forever present and that by tion o f our perception. perceiving only love, we can expe­ Inner peace can only be reached rience happiness. Forgiveness then when we practice forgiveness. For­ becom es a process o f letting go, giveness is the vehicle for chan g ­ an d o v e rlo o k in g w h a te v e r we ing our perceptions and letting go thought other people may have done to us or w hatever we may think we have done to them. W hen w e ch e rish g riev an ces w e allo w o u r m ind to be fed by fear and w e b eco m e im p riso n ed by th e se d isto rtio n s. W hen we see o u r o nly fu n ctio n as fo rg iv e ­ ness, and are w illin g to p ractice it c o n s is te n tly by d ire c tin g o u r m inds to be forgiving, we will find o u rse lv e s rele ase d and set free. F o rg iv e n e s s c o rre c ts th e m isp ercep tio n that w e are se p a ­ rate from each o th er, and allo w s us to e x p e rien c e a sense o f unity and at o n e-m ean t w ith each other. T he u n fo rg iv in g m ind, c o n ­ trasted with the forgiving m ind, is confused, afraid and full o f fear. It is certain o f the interpretation it places on its perception o f others. It is certain o f the justification o f its anger and the correctness o f its condem ning judgm ent. The unfor­ giving mind frigidly sees the past and future as the same. Find peace through forgiveness. Community Outreach and Information Assistant Chem eketa Com m unity College is s e e k in g an e n e rg e tic p ro fe s s io n a l w ith a h is to ry of c o m m itm e n t and accom plishm ent in diversity and c o m m u n ity b u ild in g . The successful applicant will serve as a d v is o r to th e P re s id e n t, c o m m u n ity lia is o n , a n d w ill im p le m e n t, lead, and su p p o rt in s tit u tio n a l d e v e lo p m e n t. Required qu a lifica tio n s fo r the p o s itio n in c lu d e a B a c h e lo r's d e g re e o r e q u iv a le n t o r a co m bin a tion of ed u ca tio n and experience in related areas (see position description for specifics): demonstrated success in working w ith m u ltic u ltu ra l is s u e s , re c ru itm e n t, and re te n tio n of underrepresen ted populations; ability to developm ent and deliver training, form al and inform ation presentations. This is a full-tim e position w ith an annual sa la ry range of $60,372 - $79,656. The re c ru itm e n t w ill re m a in open filled. This position will w ork with the O ffic e of N e ig h b o rh o o d Involvem ent on a federal grant to develop education and outreach m a te ria l fo r P ro je c t S a fe N eighborhoods w orking with the c o m m u n ity s p e c if ic a lly th e Hispanic community. Part tim e (20-24 hour w eek) 1 y e a r lim ite d te rm p o s itio n - evening and weekend w ork m ay be re q u ire d fo r c o m m u n ity m eetings. Fluency in Spanish is preferred. Hourly Range $18.15 - $27.96 To find out detailed inform ation ca ll o u r jo b h o tlin e 5 0 3 /8 2 3 - 4573, w e b s ite or visit our Application Center at 1120 SW 5* Ave, 1* floor. Application deadline Is 4:30pm Monday, May 10, 2004. The City of Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer. For complete job announcement, supplemental questionnaire, and application Instructions contact: Chemeka ta Community College Human Resources Department P0 Box 14007 Salem, OR 97309 503-399-5009 or W o m e n a n d m in o ritie s encouraged to apply. Mail Boxes $15 (3m onths) (No P0 Box private address ) No Key Deposit, W e accept UPS, FedEx & all other shippers for you. Free fax service included. 503-735-1422. 317 NE Killingsworth Chem eketa Com m unity College is an equal opportunity institution, values diversity in its workforce, and is com m itted to affirm ative action; we encourage minorities, w o m e n a n d p e rs o n s w ith disabilities to apply. Com puter Repair Starting at $25 Compaq, HP & A + Certified Techs 503-735-1422 . 317 NE Killingsworth, Portland. Call For Bid City o f Eugene, Job #4183, Eugene A irp ort 2004 Construct R u n w a y 1 6 I/ 3 4 R , P a ra lle l T a x iw a y B, a n d A s s o c ia te d Improvements, Pre-Bid mtg. for more inform ation call (541) 682- 5560 or w w w in ^.înrtlanb (O hserucr ( .ill 5()3-288- in ■^Çooî Kunnin^ Ca/e MAROUTT« FAIllfl, O.C. 111 SW Columbia, Suite 725 Portland, OR 97201 Main: 503-748-7777 Reginald R. Lee, Account Executive CCB# 156837 LINKS » PORK RIBS • BRISKET • BEEF RIBS • CHICKEN • TURKEY TELECOM ^ LOCAL LONG DISTANCE & INTERNET FOR BUSINESS Insured J.R. Washer/Dryer Repair Specialist, Inc. J a m es R ich ard son M BAT "The Just Shall Live By Faith Rom ans 1:17 D avid & Sherrie Littleton P astors Also HOME 0FFICES:BL00MINGT0N, ILLINOIS Fax 503-517-5751 A local company serving your voice& data needs Chiroproctk Clink 4 M N.UJ 1«th Avenue. Svita J Portlond. OR 97tO 9 «sona: (501) t í a * 140 C a r i b b e a n 8 C a ju n C u is in e m a re .4110 NE Fremont, 503-282-2118