5 1“ ifJortlanit (©bseruer April 21. 2 0 0 4 PageA5 L aw & J ustice Race Relations Study Shows Mixed Results Half of blacks report discrimination (A P )— A m ajority o f A m eri cans support affirm ative action, believe race relations have im p ro v ed since the civil rights m ovem ent and approve o f in terracial m arriage, according to a new poll. Still, 49 percent o f blacks said they had experienced som e form o f discrim in atio n in the m onth p receding the poll and 62 p e r cen t b eliev e they are treated som ew hat o r very unfairly. T he G allup O rganization poll, com m issioned by the A A R P an d the L eadership C onferen ce on C ivil R ights, w as released to Fifty-seven percent o f A m eri coincide w ith next m o n th 's 50th cans support affirm ativ e action, anniversary o f the B row n vs. a finding that H enderson called B oard o f E ducation ruling that a pleasant surprise. "A m ericans d e c la re d sc h o o l s e g re g a tio n in a general m anner accept the unconstitutional. In th ep o ll o f adults 18 and older, nearly 9 0 percent o f w hites, 73 percent o f blacks an d 76 p e rc e n t o f H ispanics said race relations had som e -According to 63 percent of Americans polled w hat o r greatly im proved. A m ericans o f different races equitable principle that, for ev are increasingly com fortable liv ery w rong, there is a rem edy,” ing to g e th e r: 78 p e rc e n t o f he said. blacks, 61 percent o f H ispanics Sixty-three percent, how ever, and 57 percent o f w hites said said that "race relations will a l they prefer to live in a m ixed w ays be a problem in the U .S .” neighborhood. A ccording to C ensus B ureau ’ Race relations will always be a problem in the U.S. Teen Arrested in Bus Stop Murder T revell W alique the M ultnom ah Taylor was arrested County Juvenile De T h u rsd a y fo r th e tention Center on one m urder o f 16-year- count of murder. old Marcus Mill, who The investigation was shot and killed is ongoing. Anyone in the afternoon on who was a witness April 9 at a TriM et to the shooting is bus stop on the cor urged to call D etec ner o f North Albina tive Paul W eatheroy Marcus Mill A venue and N orth at 503-823-0458 or K illingsw orth Street. Detective Brian Grose at 503-823- Taylor, who is 17, is beingheldat 0757. \il\e rtise with diversity in il!‘ ^ J o r t l a i l b (O h e c rU e r CUI 503-288-0033 ads @ |X)ri landob server.com SAFEWAY you ’ll be in vited to that person ’ s h o m e .” A m ong o th e r findings: -73 percent o f A m ericans ap prove o f interracial m arriage. In a 1958 G allup poll, w hen the q u e stio n w as p o se d o n ly to w hites, ju st 4 percent supported m ixed m arriages. -21 percent o f w hites said they have been a victim o f re verse discrim ination. -56 percent o f w hites, 38 per cent o f H ispanics and 21 per cent o f blacks said all o r m ost o f thecivil rights m ovem ent'sgoals had been achieved. T he telephone survey o f 2,002 p e o p le , c o n d u c te d b e tw e e n N ov. 11 and Dec. 14, had a m argin o f sam pling erro r o f plus o r m inus 5 percentage points. Attention SENIORS The Portland Police Bureau, in coop out involving several people, includ eration with Crime Stoppers, would like ing Crews. It is not clear what the fight your help in solving a homicide. was about. The fight disrupted nor On March 20 at about 2 a.m., police mal business and drew the attention responded the report of an assault at of people inside the establishm ent Helena’s Place restaurant and bar, in the including patrons and em ployees. 500 block of Northeast Columbia Boule A fter Crews was stabbed, a distur vard. When officers arrived they found bance continued outside the restau 34-year-old Aaron A. Crews inside, suf Aaron Crews rant until police arrived. fering from apparent stab wounds. Crews W hile detectives have interviewed was transported to Oregon Health and Science people who were there, they are still looking for University Hospital, where he later died from mul- w itnesses who saw what happened, and over- tiple stab wounds. heard what was said. They are interested in talk- H elena’s Place was crowded with, about 75 ing to anyone with any information about this patrons the night Crews was killed. A fight broke homicide. ------------------------ « ------ -— — ___________________________ _ C rime Stoppers is offering a cash reward o f up to $1,000 for information, reported to Crime Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in this case, or any unsolved felony crime, and you may remain anonymous. Call Crime Stoppers at (503) 823-HELP (4357). “ our neighborhood senior citizens FREE grocery shopping shuttle service" to your nearby Ainsworth Residential C&R Broker W itnesses Sought in Stabbing SAVE up t0 9 0 ( ,b- Introducing i great new service lor Wally Tesfa (5 0 3 ) 823-HELP 111 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204 _____ fe Locally grown. Safeway Senior Shuttle Service! A man was shot after a home invasion in north Portland turned violent on Sunday at 9:30 p.m. Christopher Breuer, 22, was shot in the arm and taken to Legacy Emanuel Hospital during a struggle when two men pushed their way intoahom e on the 1500 block of North Webster. Both suspects were described as white men, one in his mid-20s, tall with a thin build. Both men were armed. The shooting was reportedly drug-related. Anyone with information is urged to call the Portland Police Bureau at 503-823-0576. CRIME STOPPERS Fresh Foster Farms ole Chicken F O O D & DRUG fV X S s projections, w hites, now about 69 percent o f the population, w ill dro p to 50.1 percent by 2050. M ore than a q u arter o f those surveyed said that w ill be a good thing. Fifty-six percent said it will not m atter, and 13 p er cent said it will be a bad thing. Tyrone Miller, a47- y ear-o ld b lack m an from the Bronx, su g gested that behavior has ch an g ed , but som e attitudes have not. “ M inorities are pulling the A m erican econom y, so if you really w ant to m ake m oney and get ahead, it’s not profitable to be racist,” said M iller, a security m anager. "B ut that d o esn ’t m ean Home Invasion Ttirns Violent Multi-Million $ Service Prudential Northwest Properties Northwest Properties 1730 NE 10th Ave. Portland, OR 97212 CELL 503 267-7586 wtesfa @ pru-nw.com pru-nw.com & An independently owned and operated member of The Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. Fresh Strawberries 4-lb. Containers. Great for dessert! 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