April 21. 2004 ® l | e J J o r t la n ò © b s e r u e r C lassifieds / B ids SUB BIDS REQUESTED OHSU River Campus Building One Bid Package #2 - Underground Garage and Tower Shell Pre Bid Meeting: April 14,2004 at 2:00pm Bid Due: May 4 ,2 0 0 4 at 2:00pm Hoffman Construction Company Of Washington of Oregon Phone: (503)221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8888 805 SW Broadway. Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97205 - CCB LIC# 287417 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://www.hoffmancorp.com Yearly Roofing At Various Sites Job No. MX-99-01-04 Sealed bide will be received at the Housing Authority of Portland (HAP), 4400 NE Broadway, Suite B, Portland, Oregon 97213, until 2;Q0 pm . Tu e adav M a y 4. 2004 for labor and materials to provide roofing at various properties in Multnomah County. p.m. th e sam e day. No bidder may withdraw their bid after the hour set for opening until after lapse of sixty (60) days from the bid opening. The basic work consists of replacing the existing roofing with new composition shingles or metal roofing, new fascia boards, gutter and downspouts, metal flashing, roof vents, and rough carpentry. This is a unit price contract for a 1-year renewal option. Bid Documents are available at the HAP Office noted above. A $20 (twenty) deposit for one set and for each additional set is refundable when documents are returned within 10 days after bid opening. No pre-bid tour is scheduled for this contract. However, bidders are welcome to contact us for a list of properties that will typify the type of work that will be done. Questions not addressed in the documents, will be answered by addendum. The Housing Authority of Portland may reject any bid not in com pliance with the prescribed b iddin g procedures and requirem ents and may reject any or all bids and waive all informalities if, in thè judgment of HAP, it is in the public interest to do so. Questions regarding this project should be directed to Leslie Crehan (503) 288-5777 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF PORTLAND Did you used to live or work in the M e m o rial C o lis e u m , 1-5, or E m an uel h o sp ita l “ urban renewal" area? If you would like to be in te rv ie w e d fo r a d o c u m e n ta ry about the d e s tru c tio n of th ose neighborhoods, please call Sarah at (503) 235-0796. $250 to $500 a week Will train to work at home Helping the US Government file HUD/FHA mortgage refunds No experience necessary Call Toll Free 1-866-537-2906 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Sealed bids for the Kidder Hall Reroofing/Strand Hall Entrance Restoration Project will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until 2:00 PM local time May 18,2004. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud on May 19, 2004 at 2:00 PM local time. All bidders must be registered with the Construction Contractor’s Board. Additional information may be obtained by contacting Procurement and Construction Contracting, 644 SW 13,h Street, Corvallis, Oregon 97333-4238 or telephone 541-737-9635. Sub-Bids Requested Albina Community Bank - Rose City Branch Bid Date: 4/28/04 Bid Time: 2:00 pm (Pacific Time) Plans and specifications can be reviewed in Howard's Wright Construction Co. Portland Regional office. Howard S. Wright Construction Co. 425 NW 10th Ave. Suite 200 Portland, OR 97209 (503) 220-0895 Fax (503) 220-0892 We are equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from minority, women and emerging small business enterprises. CCB#89229 Essential Functions. Admin day-to-day prog operations. Manage prog and provide overall prog supervision. Take the lead in the writing and submission of grant applications, prog reports and correspondence to comm partners. Develop training mtrls, curriculum, bulletins and briefs. Design and implement innovative culturally specific approaches to the delivery of training and tech assistance via technology. MlnQuals: • An earned B ache lo r's Deg. Masters Degree pref. Advertisement for Bids Shortly thereafter, bids will be opened and publicly read. The First Tier Subcontractor List, HAP-421, must bo received by 4:00 • 5 yrs demonstrated knowledge of and/or exp in proj mgt and im p le m e n ta tio n , in c lu d in g supervision of both personnel and project/grants. PSU - Helen G ordon R enovation Bid Date: April 28. 2004 at 2:00 p.m. Requesting Sub bids for all divisions except Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing P C O N E S T R N C E U C T IO N 16427 NE Airport Way, Portland OR 97230 (503) 252-3802 - fax (503) 256-3684 CCB # 153167 - WA #LCGPEL982Q1 We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and Request Sub Bids minority, ^^w om en, disadvantaged and emerging small business enterprises. C ity o f P o rtla n d °«rco'k B u re a u o f P u rc h a s e s WASHINGTON COUNTY 1120 SW Firth Ave, Room 750, Portland Oft 97204 503-823-6855 $2,493 - $3,031 / month Closes April 30. 2004 © RESIDENTIAL SERVICES MONITOR I $2,555 - $3,107 / month Closes April 30, 2004 Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) 846-4898 for information or see our w e b site : www.co.washington.or.us. County application and supplem ental a p p lic a tio n fo rm s re q u ire d . Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. PORT OF PO RTLAND C a re er O p p o rtu n itie s Information about career opportunities with the Port of Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call TDD, (503) 944- 7485. Applications are available by visiting the Port’s website at www portportlapdpr.co m or by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visit­ ing the Port's office, located at 121 NW Everett Street, Portland. The Port of Portland is an APPLY TO: Washington County Human Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Accounts payable supervisor Outlet Store Clerk Salary: $ 38,000 DOE Franz Family Bakeries has an on Lo o k in g fo r an e xp e rie n c e d , call Outlet Store Clerk Position (0- energetic A/P supervisor to join 24 hours per week) • Demonstrated ability to use our m anagem ent team . Must At our new location in The Dalles. computer hardware and software have an extensive knowledge of $9.00 per hour. Must have three in an office environment. M etro A/P, Auditing, General Ledger, & months verifiable cash handling $ 3 9 ,3 6 7 - Treasury Mgmt. Full Time Monday Salary Range: Salary com m en­ A c c o u n ta n t, e xp e rie n c e and ste a d y w ork su ra te w ith exp. E xc e lle n t $55,093, FT, Deadline April 28, th ru F rid a y w ith o cc a s io n a l history. Must be available to meet benefits including vac, emp paid 2004. Monitors, controls and Saturdays. Excellent benefits. work schedule. Applications are re tire m e n t, m ed, de ntal, life audits all transactions of the food Apply at No. Portland Employment available at The Dalles EMP OFC, insurance and opps for ongoing concessionaire; oversees and Office. 30 North Webster or Franz 700 Union St, Suite 105, or the professional development. Pref monitors the merchandise sales Sales Office, 340 NE 11th Ave. Franz Sales OFC, 340 NE l l ,h operation for MERC fa cilities No phone calls please. EEO/AAP given to qualified persons of color, Ave, Portland, AAP/EEO Employer or individuals with exp in working (Expo Center, Portland Center for employer in communities of color. Please the P e rfo rm in g A rts O regon send resume, cover letter and app Convention Center); performs a Coordinator III, (o b ta in a p p o n lin e a t a a h c- fu ll range of p ro fe ss io n a l Facility Operations: p o rtla n d .o rg ) to th e A fric a n accounting duties involved in 2 0 -h rs/w ben. $ 31 ,26 0 - Transport Driver / Dock fis c a l m a n a ge m e n t, record American Health Coalition, Inc. $34.386 min 10 yrs exp/5 yrs keeping, reporting and financial Loader / Supervisor Position is open until filled. In your certified or exp in facility mtn and cover letter, please reference analyses. operations, supervise staff, plan, Seeking and individual with the Project Supervisor position and This opportunity is open to First oversee construction projects at drive and skills to become our describe how your skills match the Opportunity Target Area residents multiple sites. Valid 0DI/W DL and transportation supervisor, $19.79 s p e c ific q u a lific a tio n s listed (C o lu m b ia B ou levard on the own vehicle: Apply at Portland HR, Requires a Class a CDL with above. Apply to: north; 42nd Avenue on the east: Im pact, 4707 SE H aw thorne, airbrake endorsement, & 2 years the B anfield Freew ay on the Portland, OR 97215 over the road with doubles & HR south, and North Chautaugua triples experience in all weather AfricanAmerlcan Boulevard on the west), whose www.portlandimDact.org EOE conditions. Excellent DMV record, Health Coalition, Inc. total annual incom e does not Stable work history, with previous 2800 N. Vancouver Ave., Sto 100 exceed $25,000 as an individual, tra n s p o rta tio n s u p e rv is o r Portland, OR 97227 SERVICE TECHNICIAN or $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 fo r an e n tire experience. Strong MS O ffice h o u se h o ld , fo r th e past 12 Service and perform minor routine skills and dispatch experience a Cascade AIDS Project is seeking m echanical repair work on all months. plus. Must join Teamster's Union an experienced general ledger transit vehicles. Starting wage & be available to work all shifts. accountant. Responslbllltlee: To a cce ss th e co m p le te jo b $14.41 per hour. Come in or call Excellent benefits. We are and general ledger, journal entries, a n n o u n cem e n t and required 503-588-2424 to obtain official EEO/AAP employer. fin an cial statem ents, AP, AR, application m aterials you may application form and detailed financial analysis, reconciliations, visit our website at www.metro- recruitment announcement. Send and supervising student interns. region.org/jobs or you may pick up completed application form and RETAIL SALES R e q u ire m e n ts : B a c h e lo r's a com p le te packet at M etro certified court DMV driving record degree in accounting or related Hum an R e so u rce s, 600 NE to S alem Area M ass Tra n s it & OUTREACH WANTED! field supplemented by twenty-one Grand Avenue, Portland. Community-oriented nonprofit D istric t, Hum an R e so u rce s se m e s te r h o ur c re d its in bike shop. Division, 555 Court St., NE, Suite AA/EEO Employer accounting. 3-5 years experience Join our excellent customer 5230, Salem, OR 97301-3736. in general ledger maintenance R etail service team. Official District application form and fin a n c ia l s ta te m e n t Sales Associates/ Manager Diversity valued: no mechanic must be completed and received preparation. Proficiency in Excel experience necessary. at District by 4:30 p.m. May 7, and W ord. MIP a c c o u n tin g Opening new men’s shirt store Community Cycling Center 2 004. V is it o u r w eb s ite at: software experience preferred. in Pioneer Place. 1700 NE Alberta St. www.cherriots.org. C o m p e n s a tio n : $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 - Hourly+commission Portland, OR 97211 An Equal Opportunity Employer $41,000 annually plus generous Contact Jesse 651.263.2798. www.CommunltyCycllngCenter.org benefits. To view the job posting Employment • 5 yrs grant writing exp. interested, send resum e and cover letter to Axel Bergm an D ire c to r o f Finan ce and Operations, Cascade Aids Project, 620 SW 5th, Ste 300, Portland, OR 97204, salary is $ 2 .5 4 6 $3.5 2 9 /m o n th , DOE. EOE/AA. You can obtain Announcement ALE300658B which may in d u ce test questions, and the State at Oregon application form (P0100) from the local Employment Departm en t the state website: w w w .oregonlobs.org. PERS website w w w .pers.stete.or.us or call PERS Human Resources a t (503) 603-7794. TTY (503) 603 -77 66. Criminal history will be checked prior to hire Position closes on April 27, 2 0 0 4 at 5 pm. OREGON BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS Office Specialist 2 Registration Assistant LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINEE o' .rt' 0 Immediate full time and part-time openings. Seeking dependable, well groomed, positive individuals $8.00 + starting wage Overtime/advancement potential Medical & Dental, 401k avail. Drugtest/Background check New hires must have acceptable documentation to confirm both identity and eligibility to work. Apply 12:00-12:30PM, Mon, Wed & Thurs at City Center Parking 130 SW Stark, Portland. The Oregon Board o f Medical Examiners, a licensing and disciplinary hoard, seeks a person to serve as a Registration Assistant. This position is responsible for assisting with registration o f new and current licensees in each of the Board's four licensing programs (M D /0 0 , DPM, PA, and Acupuncturist): assisting licensees; and maintaining electronic and hardcopy licensee files to ensure that current and accurate licensee inform ation is available to th e public. Salary is $ 1 .863 $ 2 .5 4 6 /m o n th , plus excellent These are just a few of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon A more complete announcement listing, application forms and additional job information are available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or h) the Oregon jobs page at: www oregonjobs org The State of Oregon and all its divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers Top training with top-flight agency. No exp. req’d, HS grads, 17-34 years old. Good pay, great benefits. Paid relocation. Call M-F 1-888- 824-6289. PARKING FACILITY Operator SUB-BIDS REQUESTED www.portlandonline.corn/onif/purchasing ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT II Bid Documents - Precision Images (5 0 3 /2 7 4 -2 0 3 0 ) o rwww.bxwa.com H For contracting opportunities with the City o f Portland and for valuable information on how to do business with the City, please log on to the Bureau o f Purchases Web Page: Project Supervisor needed by nonprofit agency with a mission to promote and improve wellness among African Americans living in OR through health education, advocacy and research. South Waterfront Page B5 benefits The Board s office Is located next to the Marriott Hotel In downtown Portland. 1 5 0 0 SW Flrat Avenue. (5 0 3 ) 2 2 9 -5 8 7 3 ext 222 For Announcement »LE040305. please visit www oregon)obs.org To find out about the Board of Medical Examiners, visit the Board's website at w w w .bm e.state.or.us. This recruitment closes at 5 pm on OREGON DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES April 30, 2004. MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF OREGONIANS by OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (ODOT) joining the Oregon Departm ent of Human Services (DHS). the statewide health and human services agency We help Oregonians be independent, healthy and safe. We are absolutely committed to ongoing innovation in the delivery of services, and we are com mitted to recruiting developing and retaining a diverse workforce. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES...JOIN OUR TEAMI ODOT supp orts a vast range of innovative tra n sp o rta tio n products and services, touching the life of every Oregonian, every day. PUBLIC HEALTH Explore our variety of rewarding occupations. • Program Representative 2 Vital Records Field Ualeon ENGINEERING/ENVIRONMENTAL • Pavement Design Technician Salary $ 1 ,8 6 8 $ 2 ,6 4 5 /m o n th Announcem ent »0C 0T4258 Salem Salary range: $ 3 ,0 6 0 $4.265/roonth Announcement ALEHS4251 ■ Portland Position closes May 3, 200 4 • Senior Traffic Analyst * Microbiologist 3 Microbiologist Salary $ 3.661 $ 5,242/m onth Announcem ent #0C 0T4034 Bend Salary range: $ 2 ,9 2 5 $ 4,065/m onth Announcement »LEHS4186 - Portland Position Is open until filled • Junior Laboratory Technician Salary $ 1 .5 5 2 - $ 2 ,1 8 V m o n th Announcem ent UOCDT4259 Salem To obtain detailed jo b announcement and application materials, visit the DHS website www dhs state or us/job s/. call the DHS jo b line at 1503) 9 4 5 5742: TTY (503) 9 4 5 6 2 1 4 or contact any local Oregon Employment office. Information is available by referencing the announcement num ber PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM PERS rovers nearly 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 members and adm inisters retirem ent disability benefits, heelth insurance and deferred compensation plans statewide. Perform complex benefit calculations tor retirement eligibility: provide information to members: and possibly coordinate team activities W W ■ W ireless System s S pecialist Salary $ 3,410 - $ 4.703/m onth Announcem ent «OCOT4187 Salem To apply, you must obtain a copy of the appropriate announcem ent Retirement Counselor 2B Benefit Analyst W INFORMATION SYSTEMS o number, which provides fun details, qualifications/requirem ents. and bow to aooh instructions. Call (5 0 3 1 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 |TTY (503) 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 tor the hearing impaired!, or v s it www odo tstate or us/iobs As an AA/EEO employer, ODOT is com m itted to in tegrating th e prom otion and management o f workforce diversity and affirm ative action into every facet of our business o é