Page B4 (EIje JÌortlanh (Bbseruer 'Alamo' Movie Touches Nerve in Mexico Actor Billy Bob Thornton as Davy Crockett, left, fights off a Mexican soldier in a scene from Touchstone Pictures' “The Alamo, " in this undated publicity photo. (AP Photo) April 21. 2004 Iglesias in India (AP) — Mexican audiences cringe in watching '"The Alamo,” which depicts this country’s most reviled traitor, one of its most humiliating defeats and events that ultimately cost Mexico half its terri­ tory. There is scant comfort in the fact that Mexican forces won the 1836 battle of the Alamo: The movie closes with the Battle of San Jacintoone month later, which Mexico lost - along with Texas. Within a dozen years, Mexico went on to lose most of what later became California, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada and Arizona. An audience at the Mexico City pre­ miere Wednesday gasped at the final scenes of the Mexican army defeat at the hands of Texans - "in 18 minutes,” accord­ ing to the film. (AP) - King of Latino music, Enrique Iglesias brought his Latin rhythm to Bombay, India earlier this month in a rare concert. Pop singer Enrique Iglesias ar­ rived in India’s entertainment capital to promote his latest al­ bum “Seven," as thousands of fans lined up for last minute tick­ ets ahead of Sunday’s concert. "This is my first trip to India. There are some warm and friendly people here,” Iglesias told report­ ers after arriving in Bombay. Rael Fernandes, a 20-year-old Indian fan, said: "He is the king of Latino music.” "H e is not only a fantastic singer, but a great d a n c e r,” Enrique Iglesias performs at a live concert in Bombay, India. (AP photo) Fernandes said. Ig le sia s also p e r­ form ed in the so u th ­ ern Indian city o f B an­ galore last T uesday. An Outstanding Combination For your Real Estate and Financing needs... Helping make your dreams come true • First Time Buyers • Refinancing • Second Home • Relocating • Many buyer programs • Buying an Investment Property • Selling your Home/Free Valuation • 100% Financing Option with Closing Cost Assistance S h elly F u llw ile y MRMMBRMRMBM Cultural Festival at Portland Area Libraries puppetry, piñata-making w ork­ Families are invited to attend a va­ shops and m ore. T hese fun riety of performances and activities multicultural events celebrate the in both English and Spanish at the power and magic that books bring following neighborhood libraries: to children. North Portland Library, Saturday, Several neighborhood libraries April 24, 1-5 p.m.; Rockwood Li­ will present free cultural activities brary, Saturday, April 24, l-5p.m.; in multiple languages as part of this Midland Library, Thursday, April internationally-recognized event. 29,4:30-8 p.m.; Gresham Library, The Multnomah County Library is celebrating literacy with cultural festivals and other multi-language events over the next two weeks. Dia de Los Ninos y Dia de Los Libros activities will include tradi­ tional Mariachi and other Latin musical performances, flamenco dancing, bilingual storytelling and Friday, April 3 0 ,10a.m .-l p.m.; St. Johns Library, Friday, April 30,2-5 p.m.; Gregory Heights Library, Sat­ urday,M ay 1, l-5:00p.m. For more information, including acomplete schedule of events, visit the lib ra ry ’s W eb site or call 503-988-4332. R ea l E sta te B r o k e r D irect: 503-704-2716 O ffice: 503-282-2551 M IL IT A M I M M I’RO I’I RI ILS Continuing a own our and businesses M a r le n e H o lid a y , L o a n O ffic e r Office: 503-236-5599 Direct: 503-752-2688 1-888-888-0861 Holy Redeemer Opens Doors State’s most diverse Catholic school takes new students Applications for the 2004-2005 school year are now being accepted for Holy Redeemer Catholic School in northeast Portland. For par­ ents who have been thinking of giving their children a private education, now is the time to apply. Holy Redeemer is opening its doors at an open house at 1 p.m. Sunday, April 25. The school is the most diverse Catholic school in the state. As a kindergarten through eighth grade school, it is cal led a Rainbow Place where cultural differences are celebrated. More than half of the students are minorities and represent Lifelong Resident Dies Phyllis Renee White Beloved Community Member Dies different religious preferences, ethnic and eco­ nomic backgrounds. Holy Redeemer has a lot to offer students including an excellent music program with two choirs and an orchestra, along with an exten­ sive sports program. Its students exceed na­ tional testing standards in math, reading and language, and maintain a96 percent high school graduation rate. “Students at Holy Redeemer receive an excellent education along with individual at­ tention to develop the gifts and potentiaF of each child,” says Principal Anna Raineri. Families interested in receiving a tour or enrolling in the school may contact the office at 5 0 3 -2 8 3 -5 1 9 7 or e-m ail A funeral service was held on Friday, April 16 in Stone Tower Seventh-day Adventist Church for Phyllis Renee White, who died April 9 at age 47. t=J Malestlc M ortgage S e rv ic i» In c. Phyllis R. Ollison Services were held for Phyllis R. Ollison, who died earlier this month. She was the fifth of nine children, bom to Robert and Martha Ollison on Sept. 3,1956, in Portland. Phyllis attended Vernon Elementary School and Adams High School. She worked at Good Samaritan Hospital as a teenager and was 4,h rupnerjip for Ms. Oregon. Phyllis pursued her career and education in the United States National Guard. She attened the Army Health Science University in Texas and Baylor University. While in the military, she met and married her first husband, Vernon Cropper. Through their union, two children, Vernon Cropper II and Andre Cropper were bom. After her divorce from Cropper, she married her husband of 19 years, Lawrence White. Through their union, Tyren, Tamyra and Rob­ ert White were bom. Phyllis worked as a laboratory assistant for Good Samaritan Hospital. Phyllis Ollison was bom Sept. 3, 1956, in Portland, where she lived all her life. A graduate of Adams High School, she was a computer programmer. Living Faith Ministries 1710 NE82"“ (one block N. o f the Max the NATA inside the training room) S e r v ic e T im e s Sunday 10:00 am Wednesday 7:00 pm E v e r y o n e W elco m e! P.0 Box 11648 Portland, OR 97211 503-284-8527 "The Just Shall Live By Faith” Romans 1:17 Pastors LINKS • PORK RIBS • BRISKET • BEEF RIBS • CHICKEN • TURKEY 8701 SE Powell Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97266 integra y Care Tuesday - Friday Lunch 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Tuesday - Friday Dinner 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Saturday All Day 11:00 am - 9:00 pm Direct: 503-517-5791 reginald.lee @ integratelecom.eom TELEC O M *“ * 111 SW Columbia, Suite 725 Portland, OR 97201 LOCAL LONG DISTANCE & INTERNET FOR BUSINESS Main: 503-748-7777 Fax 503-517-5751 (5 0 3 ) 7 7 7 -9 7 9 5 F ax (5 0 3 ) 7 7 7 -6 6 3 4 To Go Orders • Catering 428 N A lb e rta St. M o n d a y -F rid a y 6 A M -6 P M Reginald R. l ee. 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