LeBron James Outfits for the African-American plus-sized woman Fashions from the Soul L wins NBA Rookie o f the Year Focus, page B3 Sports, page B6 uh ©hecrlwr T| ‘Qty of Roses’ *' www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity Wednesday • April 21. 2004 x- Volume XXXIII • Number 16 T, Weekin TheReview Established in 1970 ~7lrnf)cis~sac/ors fo u s £ e r in i£e. Europe Rejects Bln Laden Truce A man identifying himself as Osama bin Laden offered a “truce” to European countries that do not attack Muslims, saying it would begin when their soldiers leave Islamic nations, according to a recording broadcast Thursday on Arab satellite networks. Britain, Germany, Italy and Spain quickly spumed what appeared to be an attempt to drive a wedge between Europe and America. School Security Declines As the five-year anniversary of the Columbine High School mas­ sacre approaches, experts warn that the focus on school security has declined. Even in Colorado, where the deadliest school shoot­ ing in U.S. history occurred, some schools have not followed up on recommendations and the use of prevention programs has dimin­ ished. Coke Goes Low-Cal Coke is launching a mid-calorie cola that promises half the sugar, carbohydrates and calories of its regular version. The Atlanta- based company said Monday that Coca-Cola C2 will debut first in Japan and then the United States this summer. The company has been Researching the idea for a year. U. S. Military Negotiates with Fallujah Leaders Fallujah’s civic leaders joined American officials in calling for insurgents battling Marines here to surrender their heavy weapons in return for a promise not to re­ sume the U.S. offensive against the city, according to a U.S. spokesman. The commitments appeared to be the first fruits of direct negotiations between U.S. officials and a group of ci vie lead­ ers and professionals represent­ ing Fallujah residents. Iraq Tour Extended for Thousands of Troops The Pentagon said Thursday it is extending by three months the tours of some 20,000 American troops in Iraq, giving command­ ers the extra firepower they be­ lieve necessary to confront an insurgency that is taking a mount­ ing toll on the U.S.-led coalition.... Sharon Gets Firm Support from U.S. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon now can count on unprecedented U.S. backing for his plan to hold on to parts of the West Bank, a policy shift by President Bush that strengthens Sharon politi­ cally jus, weeks ahead of a vote in his Likud Party on a proposed Gaza Strip pullout.... Kaprl Pennington, Jefferson Z mbassadors from 14 Portland / J high schools are now in place i for activities leading up to the 97th Portland Rose Festival.The high school seniors will kick off the world- acclaimed celebration with the theme “Dis- Breanna Probaeco-Canda, Grant Nicole Creblllo, Marshall cover the Wonders" during the Fred Meyer Queen’s Coronation presented by Portland’s WB at 8 p.m. on Thursday, June 3 on cable channel 3, over the air on channels 32 and 4. The Portland Rose Festival bursts into bloom each June to celebrate the City of Roses with special events, excitement and entertainment for all ages. The festiv al’s Southw est A irlines Grand Floral Parade is the second-larg­ est all-floral parade in the nation and ju st one of three colorful parades. Add to the mix an 11-day W aterfront Festi­ val, the high-speed thrills of a Champ Car World Series Race, and a Fine Arts and Crafts Festival, and you have ju s, the tip of the rosebud.