Page B2 ®I|e JJortlanh (ßbseruer Focus save A p r il 14. 2 0 0 4 PARTNERSHIP BIG Latest Usher Album Breaks Record at BIG CITY PRODUCE A new chapter in Soundscan history was made with the new re­ lease of Usher’s long-awaited fifth album “Confessions." Approximately 1.1 million cop­ ies were distributed in the first week of distribution. The amount was the highest first week numbers ever scanned by a male R&B artist in Soundscan's 13- year history, breaking R. Kelly’s record of 540,000 and the highest first week scans by any male artist since Eminem’s 1.7 million units. The first week sales gave Usher his first #1 on the Billboard 200 Albums chart, and his first simulta­ neous #1 pop/#I R&B entry. As icing on the cake, Usher’s success marks the biggest debut week in the 30yearsof Arista’sexistence, break­ ing the 689k record held since 1997 by Notorious B.I.G.’s posthumous Come to Big City Produce For all of your fruit & vegetable needs. We have it all fo r your Easter Holiday B I« CIIY PRODUCE 722 N. Sumner, PDX 503 460 3830 Local Produce For Local Folks Discount Groceries Now Too! Open Monday-Friday 7:30 am till 7:00 pm Saturday 9 am till 7 pm; Sunday 9 am till 6 pm Open on Easter regular hours The 4(ttb Annual presenta r 2003/04 Sponsored by Mel Brown Jazz Night to Feature Local Legend Localjazz legend Mel Brown and the B-3 Organ Quartet take part in Jazz Night on Friday, April 23, at 8 p.m. in Evans Music Center at Lewis and Clark College, 0615 S.W. Pa­ latine Hill Rd. This event is free and open to the public. The quartet is made up of drum­ mer Brown, organist Louis Pain, saxophonist Renato Caranto, and guitarist Dan Balmer. The band is promoting its recent release, “Live at the Britt Festival.” Balmer cur­ rently directs the jazz program at Lewis andClark. Benefit Of LINKS EDUCATIONAL/ SCHOLARSHIP FUND F r id a y , ^A prll 16, 2004 8:00 P.M., Oregon Convention Center Portland, Oregon One £ 161S 5 hop irtti Reflection« Coffeehouse 446 NE Killingsworth 503-288-4070 Tondalayera Designer« Salon 5401 NE Culley Blvd 503-284-0712 « mt !5 Domonique's Hair Salon 222 N Killingsworth 503-285-3758 For More Information Contact: 503-638-7139 • 503-245-5156 503-281-3446 Ail Ticket Master Outlets OR From Any Links Member (Includes 1 yr. subscription to EBONY or 6-montb subscription to JET) WWW. EBON YFASHION FAIR COM PRESENTS The musicians will kick off the evening follow ed by three jazz com bos made up o f Lew is and Clark students. The com bos will play their arrangem ents o f jazz classics and modern ja z z com ­ positions. “Rather than the traditional big band performance, this concert will emphasize small groups with ev­ eryone taking part in soloing,” said Balmer. “It will be a new and excit­ ing approach to Jazz Night." For more information, call 503- 768-7460. Al Green W l* j GLIDE Ebony Fashion Extravaganza April 16 The Portland Chapter of The Links presents its annual fundraiser, the A DAZZLING EVENING OF JOYOUS DANCE, INVENTIVE FILM AND EXHILARATING LIVE MUSIC! 3RD ANSIE ARTISTIC DIRECTOR RON S K t i l N O IR THURSDAY-FRIDAY 7:30PM Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall I The Oregon Zoo discovers Dino Island: The Land of Civilization Forgot through Apri 130. This simu­ lator thrill ride includes riders on a scientific team whose mission is to explore a newly formed island, baffling environmentalists around the world. The ride is $4 in addition to general admission. For more in­ formation, call 503-226-1561 or visit O M S I 's b ig -s c re e n O M N I M A X th e a te r ‘" lllt l' " k ( ' " ' J l VK,'s| "L e w is '" '" 'a n d 1,1111 Goodall s W ild < ininp.ui/ccs , through >o ■ o ' i>,ss Trippin' through Town ’" I ’ dim ugh tunc to Im d the hottest poetiv. hip hop ,md sold n ilh ie ik mg Port loii W ed n esd .o • .ii diet him s eo\ct U N.W. First Ave. Jazz Mass Performance I’aeitu. I im ersity to present the world pre tmere of new arrangem ents ol the only la // H B H H H | BHHflB Cv'iVix ? G 9E B B B R | |B H W w oF M j j 'L & f , MflB tt-^B I M jB BBB MB M k H Mass com m issioned In the \ at 1 1(1 p in Saturday. Max 8 in Met "icadx Hall in the I ay lor Meade Pertoiilim a \r ts ( entei on Pae 11 u I. m \er slt> eampus ( ieneral admission is S5. and S 1 lor 'Indents and sennas I or mine mtoi illation call 503-352-2918. Blazers Street Jam Bla/er Street lain mi 1 basketball to benefit the s Pvc'al Olympics Oregon is on July Ib-IK For inlornialion. \ m i w w bla/erssiieet|.nn