A p ril 14. 2004 Page A6 PHOTO BY M y KK W a SH IN G TO N /TH K PORTLAND OBSERVER Graduation to the Sisterhood Community members turned out April 2 for the Girls in Action for Power graduation ceremony. The group is a leadership program for 11 to 19-year-old girls. Emergency Response Tested Celebrate Interstate Portland Fire Department crews and TriMet conduct an emergency drill Thursday on the Interstate Max Yellow Line at North Interstate Avenue and Winchell. The simulated accident placed a wrecked vehicle with passengers on the tracks and a train with riders needing to be evacuated. Interstate Max is opening Saturday, May 1 with free rides, entertainment and special events at each new station between the Expo Center and the Rose Quarter. neighborhoods • businesses • cultures • people Jackie Robinson’s Daughter to Visit Interstate MAX Yellow Line represents a new standard in community partnerships for our regional transportation projects. Saturday events planned in Vancouver, Portland ’ Sharon R obinson, daughter library to help prom ote this free K illingsw orth in Portland. T h e title o f R o b in s o n ’ s' and biographer of baseball leg­ event. Robinson will make a brief ap­ V ancouver library presentation end Jackie Robinson, will present “Prom ises to Keep: How Jackie p e a ra n c e at th e V a n c o u v e r is also the title o f her latest book, Robinson Changed Am erica” at 2 NAACP membership meeting and which her publisher, Scholastic p .m . S a tu rd a y , A p ril 17 at reception from 10 to 10:30 a.m. Inc., describes as “a warm, inti­ V ancouver Com m unity Library, Saturday at AME Zion Church, mate portrait of A m erica’s sports 3605 E. 13th St., Vancouver and at and civil rights pioneer, told from ltX)7 E. Mill Plain Blvd. The V ancouver branch of the an 11 a.m. book-signing at Re­ the unique perspective o f a real NAACP is partnering with the flections Book Store, 446 N.E. insider: his only daughter.” • Local artists worked closely with neighborhoods to weave their history and culture into the art at each of their 10 new MAX stations. • Over $8 million in construction contracts was awarded to North/ Northeast Portland Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) firms. Interstate MAX Yellow Line is more than just a transportation project. It's a national model for engaging local and minority firms, strengthening community-based businesses and honoring neighborhood history. TR I 0 M E T \dvertise with divwsiiy in 0 P n r t l a n b (O b se ru e r See where it takes you. Cull 5U3-28K-4XÌ33 BETTER FINANCING • BETTER DEALS Thrifty Auto Centers Inc. “U DOWN GETS YOU AROUND” SI DOWN S1D0WN S1D0WN 2001 FORD F250 POWERSTROKE 2001 ISUZUTROOPER 2 0 0 1 CHRSLERPT CRUISER C28105 #E0350J06936 #E0432 641909 • SI DOWN #007 121114 . HASSLE FREE BUYING • “The EXPO” 10 am - 5 pm, Friday & Saturday $8 Admission lo Expo • Over 100 Exhibits Yoga A Yogurt • Mad Hatter Tea Party (wear a hat Saturday get $2 o f Expo price) Woodburn Company Stores bag with VIP card 1999 CHEVROLET TAHOE LT #006442421 SI DOWN “Moroccan Posh Party” 2001 MITSUBISHI GALANT 1997JEEPGRANDCHER0KEE 1999 HONDA CIVIC #E0230108135 #005 726272 #E0326 072127 S1D0WN post offices will be m arked with special yellow signs veri­ fying midnight pick-up. If you c a n ’t pay your O r­ egon tax, officials encourage you to file anyw ay to reduce penalties. To avoid a 20 per­ cent failure to file penalty, tax­ payers can set up a paym ent plan w ith the O regon D epart­ m ent o f R evenue by calling 503-378-4988. SI DOWN NO PAYMENTS FOR 120DAYSOAC S1D0WN S1D0WN T hursday, A pril 15 is the deadline to file incom e taxes. The U .S. Postal Service urges people to mail in their tax returns early, but for those with no tim e to spare, som e post offices throughout P ort­ land will collect and postm ark tax returns until m idnight on April 15. The special collection boxes located in front o f designated OREGON Thrifty Auto Centers Inc. 1999 DODGE 15004X4 Tax Deadline is Here S1D0WN 5 pm - 8:30 pm, Friday Only Indulge yourself in an exotic Music Moroccan atmosphere including champagne, fondue, massages, fmlOJ makeovers A more! $39.00 per person or $30.00 each fo r groups o f 4 or more. All events include $8 Expo pass. Music By Kink Fml02 S1D0WN Don't forget the conference fo r your w ork/life balance solutions! O ne D ay $39 • B oth D ays $59 B oth D ays w /P osh P ahty $89 APRIL 23-24 • 10 AM TO 5 PM 1997 NISSAN PATHFINDER 2000 TOYOTA MR2 1997H0NDAACC0RD #EO192 436930 015765 #E0187028544 OREGON CONVENTION CENTER www.womenatworkandptay.com SI DOWN SI DOWN 503.224.6100 AT WORK _ ■ 1f-— g |-| (J p la V ' J presented by Providence/Women's Health SI DOWN 2001 BMW 3231 1997 ISUZU RODEO 2001BMXX5 #EO415 D57389 #E0308 321608 M68321 2400 NE 82nd • 1-503-255-5500 GOOD CREDIT RATES AS LOW A S 3 .4 9 '< > A C • BAD CREDIT & BANKRUPTCY - OK re n nn HJL VISIT US AT WWW.THRIFTYAUTOCENTER.COM ran nr in n • BETTER DEALS women • BETTER FINANCING • I (Purchase tickets a t the door) • YOGA & YOGURT 12 Noon - 4 pm Fri & Sat • MAD HATTER TEA PARTY 10 am - Noon, Saturday Only Wear your favorite, craziest hat to be eligible to win FREE PRIZES!! FRI a SAT • APR 23-24 • 10 - 5 PM OREGON CONVENTION CENTER 503.224.6100 women AT WORK and play presented by Providence/Women's Health www.womenatworkandplay.com J ♦