A p ril 14. 2004 (Clje JInrtlanh (ßbserüer Reader from Portland: Ask / received an opinion from a reader in Portland, Ore. who felt the Ask Deanna.’ column encour ages relationships to bust. That is not true. My stand is i f a rela tionship is not working, contains physical abuse, mind games, trickery or infidelity, then life is too short and you need to keep it moving. For marriage, which is a sacred bond, you seek forgive ness, counseling, God's divine intervention and healing. How ever, extreme m arital break Real People, Real Advice downs or those with societal vio An advice column known fo r lations may be on the last leg its fearless approach to reality even after going through the based subjects ’ process o f reconciliation. Sepa ration or divorce then becomes belief that people go through many the outcome after the last resort. of the same situations but have Dear Deanna! I read in your March 29, 2004 column about the lady finding condoms in her fiance’s pocket. 1 agree with you that if he had the condom s, they belonged to him. My boyfriend did the same thing. He told the same lie and 9 months later had a baby by an o th er woman because he was in the street messing around. 1 left him when it happened. - Jackie; Topeka, KS Dear Jackie: It’s good you were able to make a strong decision that was good for you. Your comments confirm the Ö ft 9 9 9 9 Dear Tyronne: Please know I am too blessed to be stressed. For anyone to send an e-mail or write a letter to Ask Deanna! indicates a serious con cern or problem in their life. Ask D eanna! c a tc h e s re a d e rs o ff guard because some people have a hard time accepting hardcore tru th . T h e y p re fe r g u e ssin g gam es, beating around em pty bushes and lopsided feel good honesty. For your rendezvous, your wife should have been with you or should have known about it. Advice, suggestions and rec ommendations considered direct, frank, crass and most importantly honest will continue to flow and spades will be called spades when necessary. Helping Neighborhood Pride Clean-ups are response to recent violence A variety ofaetivists and com munity groups are launching a pilot project aimed at restoring pride, prosperity, and peace of mind to north and northeast neigh borhoods recently rocked by a series o f gang-related shootings. A pair of neighborhood activ ists with the support of the North Northeast Business Association, C leaner Image M aintenance, SOLV, the Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods, and a variety of local neighborhood and business associations are behind this un usual neighborhood clean-up ef fort. “Nothing is Impossible’ is de signed to bring communities to gether to meet and greet their neigh bors while sprucing up neighbor hood properties, including those different outcomes. Keep reading Ask Deanna is written by Deanna the column and please know your M. Write Ask Deanna.’ Email; support is greatly appreciated. askdeanna I @ yahoo.com or Dear Deanna! I' m the man from the column dated Feb. 4 who was spotted in a res taurant by my w ife’s best friend. These women w rite to you with one side of the story and you take a fem inist approach and beat down the men. You must be bitter or had your feelings hurt a couple of times because you come off like a man hater. Yes, I was in a restaurant with a female but noth ing happened other than dinner. Page A3 write: DeannaM, P.O. Box 88847, Los Angeles, CA 90009. Website: www.askdeanna.com abandoned and neglected proper ties, while raising funds for future programs aimed at building commu nity, decreasing criminal activity, and keeping neighborhood youth away from gangs and guns. Cleaner Image Maintenance, a local company specializing in com mercial maintenance, has pledged support of the effort in the form of workers who will train and super vise volunteer work crews cleaning and maintaining businesses and properties throughout the neigh borhood. On Saturday, April 17, volun teers will begin canvassing neigh borhoods offering clean-up and light maintenance services such as raking, windows, washing vehicles and hedge trim m in g to homeowners, property owners and businesses in exchange for a vol untary pledge. All pledged dona tions will stay in the neighborhoods they are raised in, and will fund future organized neighborhood projects. Boise, King, Humboldt, Concordia, Vernon, 42nd Avenue. Irvington and Woodlawn neigh borhoods have already pledged a commitment. Work begins on Saturday, May 1 and will continue through the summer months. Individual and business volun teers are still needed for cash and supplies donations, as well as work crews. For information, contact Gary Marschke at 503-284-9013 or 503- 869-8578orgmarschke@comcast.net orBridget Bayer at 503-998-5121 or e-mail bridges@easystreet.com. —Tyronne; Chicago, IL Candidates Tackle Police Accountability A m ayoral and com m is sio n e r c a n d id a te 's forum , hosted by the A lliance for Police and Community Ac- i ountability, is from 10a.m. to noon on Saturday, April 17 at the YWCA, 1111 S.W. 10,h Ave., 3rd floor conference room. The public event brings Tom P otter, Jam es P osey, Phil Busse, Nick Fish, Sam Adams, W oody B ro a d n a x , Ja so n Newell, Randy Leonard, Frank Dixon and others to answer m oderated questions about police reform and community policing. Agenda Set for Neil Kelly Day The Rotary Club of Albina will be awarding three scholar ships to high school seniors from the north and northeast area at a Neil Kelly Day Awards Lun cheon from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. on F riday, May 14 at Shenanigan’s on Swan Island at 4575 N. Channel Ave. The North Northeast Busi ness Association will present its Neil Kelly Distinguished Ser vice Award and other awards to community businesses and individuals. The keynote speaker is State Sen. Margaret Carter, a long time African-American com munity leader from northeast Portland. For more information, visit www.albinarotary.org. Advocate for Survivors Let frgl close Ready to purchase a car? Want to lower your current car payment? Auto loans from U.S. Bank feature: • A $25 gas card with auto loan!** • No payments for 90 days, and... • Great low rates!* To apply, see a U.S. Bank representative or call us at 1 -888-444-B ANK (e x t 4100) today! [TCbank You’ve got somewhere to go Volunteers are needed as on-call rape victim advocates, to We’ll help you get there. to victims o f sexual assault. For more information, contact the M ultnomah County District Attorney’s Office, Victims A s s is ta n c e P ro g ra m at 5 0 3 - 9 8 8 -3 2 2 2 o r v is it ww w.m cda.us/va/rvap.php. 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