Page A2 (Elje ■fJnrtlanh © b s e ru e r April 14. 2004 Teen Killed at Bus Stop ¿Advertise with diversity iti il,r J Jn rtla ttì» (D hs I'VLH'V Call 503-288-0033 ads@portlundob server. .com Oregon Air National Guard Ruben Garcia adds a message to the growing memorial at a bus stop on North Killingsworth Street and Albina Avenue where a teen was shot on Friday. $ 2 0 , O O O In student Ioan repayments $ 5 0 0 0 Cash Bonus O v er $ 8 0 0 / Month Educational Benefits Travel Opportunities Paid Technical Training photo by 7 b ? M ark S to p W ASHING TO n ZT HE a . P ortland O bserver "X L , High school student dies in street shooting Contact your local Air National Guard Recruiter to determine eligibility. /kw*/ Your h i lu re 803.338.4040 1.800.392.1801 4 / r M a tto n a ! ( iu a r d A 16-year-old north Portland youth, Marcus Mill, was shot to death in broad daylight on Friday afternoon. Mill attended Hellensview High school, an alternative school in northeast Portland. He was killed by someone who stepped off a TriMet bus on the corner o f North K illingsw orth Street and Albina Avenue, accord­ ing to witnesses. The gang enforcement team is investigating the shooting, but has made no arrests. Mill was the second person shot and killed in north Portland over the weekend. A lso on Friday, a 24-year-old Native American man, Robert Or- K\<&. ° lando H olliday, died at Emanuel H ospital, a fte r suffering life- threatening injuries at the 6700 block o f North V ancouver Av­ enue. Both investigations are ongo­ ing. The public is urged to call De­ tective Steve Ober at 503-823-4033 if they have any information about the shooting of Holiday and Detec­ tive Paul Weatheroy at 503-823- 0458 if they have information about Mill. MNMMNMOT ‘Driving While Black’ Investigated Where does aggressive policing end and racial profiling begin?That’s a question “Datel ine NBC” explored in a report titled “A Pattern of Suspi­ cion,” which uncovered some dis­ turbing trends in how tickets for certain misdemeanors were issued in a number of U.S. cities. What is described as a 14-month investigation begins in Cincinnati, where in April 2001 an unarmed black teenager was shot and killed as he fled from a police officer. The victim, Timothy Thomas, had 14 outstanding warrants - but almost all of them stemmed from non-mov­ ing traffic violations such as failure to have a driver’s license. Why had Thomas been stopped so many times? Was he the victim of racial profiling and police harassment? “Dateline” analyzed 100,000tick- ets issued by Cincinnati police, and, in a broader study, 4 million tickets gathered from cities across the country including Boston, Hous­ ton, Denver and San Diego. In almost every city, blacks go ticketed more than three times a; much as whites for non-movinj violations, while, for other infrac­ tions “Dateline” studied, they were ticketed far more evenly. A St. Louis accountant and Sun­ day school teacher who happen* to be black describes his driving experience this way: “We keep some bail money at home just incase 1 gel locked up - so I can get out.” Perez Shooting Inquest Delayed featuring VWJAirThDaY Saturday, April 17 • 10 am - 4 pm COME HELP PACKY CELEBRATE HIS 42ND BIRTHDAY! • TREATS & TOYS FOR ELEPHANTS • GAMES & PRIZES FOR PEOPLE • BIRTHDAY CAKE FOR EVERYONE! Free With Zoo Admission OREGON LAMB S M WWW A ■ ■ I T ■ fc-'rr- ’’ zoo m e T s o • TAKE MAX TO THE ZOO! CALL 503-238-RIDE continued fro m Front quest prior to the grand jury in order to provide the public with com plete and accurate inform a­ tion at the earliest possible date,” said Shrunk, in a state­ Schrunk. ment. He said he negotiated with of­ T he secret grand ju ry in v e s­ ficers because of the state’s ex­ tig atio n w ill begin on T uesday, pansive im m unity provisions, A pril 20 and is sch ed u led to which may have jeopardized the take sev eral days, acco rd in g to officers' full testimony. Judges Support Reforms to Help Mentally III continued fro m Front County’s Mental Health and Ad­ diction Services, presented infor­ mation showing that the percent­ age of African Americans in jail is proportionately twice the size of their representation in the commu­ nity. “It doubles again when you look at those with major mental illness,” he said. Davidson noted that there was a need for more triage at the front end by mental health professionals, rather than forcing police to decide between jail and an emergency room. Strong explained that his county- funded program would allow rapid access to Cascadia resources, in­ cluding mental health assessments, alcohol and drug treatment, hous- ing resources, medication prescrip­ tion and management resources, treatment groups, and case man­ agement. “We work collaboratively with Multnomah County and other ser­ vice providers to make best use of limited resources, for people who may have had difficulty accessing services,” Strong said. “Our model includes lots o f outreach and cus­ tomized services, carefully moni­ tored.” The group spent two hours work­ ing on developing plans to improve outreach, centralize information and resources, encourage cultural diversity for providers and their workforce, decreasing the stigma of mental health, improving early intervention and access to mental healthcare and other related con­ cerns. Unity Coalition Forms Alliances continued fro m Front city officials. “ W e ’ve h e a rd fro m th e mayor, but where are the other com m issioners? We h a v e n ’t heard from these people that, in theory, represent us,” M cGee said. A ccording to M cGee, while everyone should care about a loss of hum an life, his interest in P erez's shooting is personal. “I’m an 18-year-old African- A merican m ale living in north­ east Portland. I have to do this to save my life, my nephew ’s life, my sister’s and brother’s life,” said McGee. “We as a people have to press that som e­ how, ju stice is more than a theory, for the Perez family and for his son.” Wise up Don't try to beat MAX Look b o th ways before crossing tracks Be aw are & stay off th e tracks Respect signals a n d crossw alks Watch for trains making test runs now! T R ll< § M E T I J