Page B4 ^Rortlanh (Bbseruer April 14. 2004 Mr. Portland W x *«/ The Portland Oregon Visitors Association presents Roy Jay with the prestigious Member o f the Year award. continued fro m M etro USA are ju st a few o f the national touring events and conventions that Jay as racked into the “sold’ column. In fashionable Roy Jay style, he spins the credit to his hospitality partners, POV A and the local ho­ tel industry. D e s c rib e d as th e entrepreneur’s entrepreneur. Jay was also featured last year in O r­ egon Business M agazine as one j o f the S tate’s T op 50 leaders. He ow ns, operates or has business interest in at least 10 business enterprises. “He is always a pleasure to work w ith ,” sa y s B e tty D a v is o f | V ancouver, w ho has been in the hospitality and tourism business for the past 30 years. “ H e ’s q u ite the guy and has nev er let the fact th at he is A fri­ can A m erican ev er hold him back from a c co m p lish m e n t an y th in g . P eople like R oy b ecau se his is g e n u in e , c a rin g , sh a rin g and ca lls every o n e his frien d , n eig h ­ b o r or c o u sin .” J recognized the native Portlander for the past six consecutive years as one o f the nation’s m ost influen­ tial African Am ericans in the con­ vention industry. It was just last N ovem ber that he was also surprised by his peers at the National Coalition o f Black M eeting Planners C onference in Dallas with their most prestigious award. As one o f the best am bassadors that this city has had in prom o­ tions, Jay, single handedly orga­ nized fam iliarization trips to attract m inority meeting planners, media and others to take a first hand look at the City o f Roses. W hile some w ere first skeptical, they were won over with his savvy charm and per­ suasive style o f m arketing. The National Forum For Black Public A dm inistrators, N ational Organization of Black Law Enforce­ ment O fficials, Am erican A ssocia­ tion for A ffirm ative Action, TD Jakes Crusade, and N eighborhood Youth Treatment Center Expands Reach ment. con tin u ed fro m M etro “T oo often, sham e prevents youth from all econom ic back­ people from seeking help from g rounds. their children or for them selves,” “T he new center addresses the said Cruz. “The center will be a critical shortage o f evidence-based visible, w elcom ing place encour­ d in g and alcohol treatm ent for aging a pro-active approach to youth in our region,” said Sheila alcohol and drug problem s.” North, executivedirectorof De Paul. The location o f the expanded The expanded program includes center builds upon the St. C harles an array o f services, including resi­ Borrom eo Catholic Church Par­ dential and outpatient treatment, ish, and incorporates the form er m ental health services, youth and elem entary school for classroom fam ily support groups and infor­ space and outpatient offices. m ational presentations. C ontributions are still needed M ultnom ah County C om m is­ to establish an endow m ent fund. sioner Serena Cruz, said the De Paul For more information, call 503- Youth T reatm ent C enter will help 53 5 -1 161 or v is it erase the stigm a o f addiction treat­ (A P) — A federal program that can boost a low-incom e fam ily's tax credit by thousands o f dollars, is not reaching som e o f the neediest households. O nly 36 percent o f the eligible H is­ panic fam ilies surveyed in C alifornia’s San Joaquin V alley received the EITC they were entitled to last year - even though the credit can provide up to $4,000 for households headed by the w orking poor. The disparity was evident in the par­ tial results o f the Rural Fam ilies Speak Project - a five-year survey by universi­ ties around the country into the financial w ell-being o f rural families. V olunteers helping taxpayers in isolated com m unities say their clien ts’ inability to access agencies that could tell them about the credit, along with language differences and cultural assum ptions, often keep H is­ panics from receiving the credit. EIT C is often considered the m ost suc­ cessful federal anti-poverty program. M ore eligible fam ilies get the EITC than tradi­ tional assistance program s like M edicaid or food stam ps. In the last tax year, it gave Wifredo Rodríguez goes over the taxes o f Natividad Alcoceer as her daughter Iris Hernandez, 3 looks on. $36.9 billion back toqualifying fam ilies. 1 (AP photo) Benson Grad Remembered Spiritual Development Pursued Aaron Allen Crews A m em orial service was held on M arch 26 in the C athedral o f Praise in Portland for Aaron Allen C rew s, w ho died M arch 20 o f hom icide at age 34. C rew s was bom Jan 14,1970 in Portland. He graduated from Benson Polytechnic High School, received a certificate in bricklaying from the Job C orps and was a brick m ason. He had lived in T acom a before returning to Portland. Survivors include his daughters A yanna Jones and A aliyeh Jo n es-B an k s; m other, D olores Jones; father, Larry Shephard; sisters, A ngela Golden, Traci Crew s, Sheri Hamilton and Velaida Harris; and brothers, Uhuru C rew s, K aranja Crew s, Zaw die C rew s, Enrique Shepard, Emile Shephard, M ike S hephard and Tony Shephard. A rrangem ents w ere m ade by Rose City. The C e n te r fo r S p iritu a l D e v e l­ opm ent at T r in ity E p isco p a l C athe­ m usic, silence and q u ie t re fle c tio n in the garden. d ra l, 147 N .W . 19th A v e . is h o ld in g The ca th e d ra l is also sp onsoring a a re tre a t and w o rk s h o p aim ed to le c tu r e an d w o rk s h o p w it h Rabbi re a lig n p a rtic ip a n ts w ith th e ir s p ir i­ L a w re n ce K ushner, a b r illia n t s to ry ­ tu a l selves fro m 9 a.m . to 3 p.m . te lle r, a u th o r and R a b b in ic scholar, on S aturday, A p r il 24 at the E lk R ock F rid a y and S aturday, M a y 14 and 15. G arden at B is h o p ’ s C lose. F o r m ore in fo rm a tio n , c a ll 503 -4 7 8 - The day in clu d e s an e cum enical s e r v ic e 1218. w it h scripture, prayer, jo u rn a l w r itin g , c o n v e r s a tio n . — V7 Allen Temple C.M.E. Church Spring Revival Living Faith Ministries 1710 NE 82nd “Revive Thou Work, O ’ God” Habakkuk 3 :1 1 (one block N. o f the Max the N A T A inside the training room) Service Times Sunday 10:00 am Wednesday 7:00 pm Everyone Welcome! r.uYn 4 an, E v a n g e lis t: C arter Tem p le O rlan do, Florida W hen: 7 :00 pm - W ednesday, A p ril 2 1 ,2 0 0 4 7 :00 pm - Thursday, A p ril 2 2 , 2 0 0 4 i P.0 Box 11648 Portland, OR 97211 503-284-8527 7:30 pm - Frid ay, A p ril 2 3 , 2 0 0 4 W h e re : A lle n T em p le C M E C hurch 4 2 3 6 N E E ighth A venue Portland O R 97211 (5 0 3 ) 28 7 -0 2 6 1 “The Just Shall Live By Faith” Rom ans 1:17 David & Sherrie Littleton Pastors R everend D r. Robert Z a k Senior Pastor D r. LeR oy Haynes, Jr. - Senior Pastor .INKS • PORK RIBS • BRISKET • BEEF RIBS • CHICKEN • TURKEY TM 8 7 0 1 SE Powell Blvd. Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 6 6 CATERING AVAILABLE Espresso Coffee Tee Breakfast Lunch Tu esday - Friday Lunch 1 1 : 0 0 a m - 2 : 0 0 pm / Julcee Pastries ^Cool Running Cafe' * Tu esd ay - Friday D in n e r 5 : 0 0 p m - 9 : 0 0 pm S a tu rd a y All D ay 1 1 : 0 0 a m - 9 : 0 0 pm IUSIC EVENTS (5 0 3 )7 7 7 -9 7 9 5 Fax (5 03) 7 7 7 -6 6 3 4 Every Saturday 4:30pm-6:30pm To Go Orders • Catering Patio Seating • Sauce Shipping Available HOME OF THE • SMOKEY BROWN SUGAR • MILD • MEDIUM • HOT (AfE 441 H Rlllln«8werth I t . Portland. OR. *7317 Phawa t Pai: (Id i) 288 4847 MONTHLY ART DISPLAYS WE DELIVER OFF.: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 0 3 M A « « U T T € FARLA, DC. STATE FARM FAX: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 4 6 ^C aribbean fr C ajun C uisine , 4110 NE Fremont, 503-282-2118 DOUBLE J TIRE CENTER NEW • USED • NEW CAPS INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME 0FFICES:BL00MINGT0N. ILLINOIS CHiiortAcnc oil Tanas. Mounting & Balancing Included FU L LY G U A R A N T E E D I Chiroproctk Clink 0 5 N W. 18th Rvanue, Sull. 3 Portions, O« 97809 Phon« (503) 888 6140 6S41 N .E . M .l.K . JR . BLVD. 6 5 27 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Portland, OR 97217 HOURS - MON THRU FRI » TO 6 * SAT » TO 4 n< J Boyd Picture Perfect Landscape Maintenance & Special O rd e rs G ladly A ccepted! 1- 887-860-0047 10% off Moss Control P hone: (803) 289-8418 Insured Also Frontloader • Stacked Units • Coin Ops ACCic AI. uKtfyahtck - All Name Brands Used Washer/Dryer: $85.00 each or $ 185.00 set 6 m onth w arranty on labor C C B #156837 Anee» e STATE F ARM INSURANCF.OIMPANILS HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS 24 Hour G ood Neighbor Service® HOURS: îKiipateb ’s ^Jats nur/ Aecessoties J.R. Washer/Dryer Repair Specialist, Inc. I / 9045 SW Barbur. Suite 109 Portland. OR 97219 (503)221-3050 FAX: (503) 227-8757 Call (503)970-5743 8238 N D e n v e r A v e n u e , P o rtlan d , O r. 97217 (503)978-2746 Michael E. Harper, Sr. Agent A good lawn starts with a early prep. Prepare your lawn for spring now! Paul Houge Jam es R ichardson (5 0 3 , 7 7 1 -1 8 3 4 Suite A m eat Bonded 45 1 0 S E . 52N O & HO LG ATE PO RTLAND, O R 97206 PORTLAND. OREGON 97211 (503) 283-9437 C11 Licensed “NOW WITH 2 LOCATIONS" ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent ^MON thru FRI - 10AM to 8PI SAT - 11AM to 6PM CLOSED SUNDAY TIIE SUB SHOP 4331 NE KILLINGSWORTH • PORTLAND. OR 97218 Piote: 502-288-8565 • Ocn. 5 0 9 -2 8 9 -8 2 2 0 20 < A.P. Aatot. Suitti ♦ ‘PrmtPatrt, Phoqot 972 ti ORDERS P A O TO GO n r» -a r t z h x x x v PHONE 503-281-2609 & FAX