Page A 6 ^ortlanh ©bseruer April 07. 2004 After Hours Emergency Numbers in Multnomah County City o f Portland/Multnomah County Information and Referral............... 5O3-823-4OÖO •n'il ifii Police Non Emergency...............................................................................503-823-3333 Mental Health 24 Hour Crisis................................................................... 503-988-4888 Aging and Disability Services 24 Hour Help Line................................... 503-988-3646 Winter Shelter Line.................................................................................... 503-721-1500 Alcohol and Drug Help Line..................................................................... 503-244-1312 City Agency Offers Home Repair Loans Statewide Toll Free................................................................................1-800-923-HELP Animal Services..............................................................................503-988-7387 (Pets) United Way................................................................................................. 503-228-9131 Central City Concern.................................................................................503-294-1681 Multnomah County Circuit Courts........................................................... 503-988-3957 Sheriff’s Office...........................................................................................503-988-4300 Multnomah County Emergency Management......................................... 503-988-4233 Transportation Hotline...............................................................................503-988-4884 City of Gresham.................................................................. 503-618-CIT Y (618-2489) Health Department Information & Referral (Daytime Only)....................503-988-3816 Multnomah County After Hours Nurse Triage (Bilingual-Spanish).........503-988-3333 Juvenile Justice After Hours Line............................................................. 503-988-3475 Adult Community Justice After Hours line...............................................503-988-3230 Child Abuse Reporting Line....................................................................503-731-3100 American Red Cross................................................................................ 503-284-1234 Domestic Violence Services: Women’s Crisis Line (translationavailable) 503-235-5333 Bradley-Angle House...............................................................................503-281 -2442 Volunteers of America.............................................................................. 503-232-6562 Salvation Army West Women & Children Shelter...................................503-244-7718 Yolanda House.......................................................................................... 503-977-7930 (The numbers above are provided as a public service from The Portland Observer) **A II classes are free of chargel ^v*C I African American Health Coalition, Inc. ■r A \ Presents for your health, Wellness W ithin REACH Activity Calendar Aerobics Mallory Ave. Christian Church Pilate? M att Dishman Mon, Wed. Fri, 6-7am , Pierce • 5:30-6:20pm , Granville • 6:30-7:30pm , Nickerson Mon, 12:15-1 ;l5pm , Jenkins Low Impact Aerobics Daniel’s Memorial Church W ate r Aerobics (Contact AAHC ) Salvation Arm y M att Dishman Sat, 12:30pm , Woods W eight Mgnt./Conditioning U. of Portland Indoor Track African Dance M att Dishman Tue, Thu. 9 - 1 Oam, Hasan Sat, 10-1 lam , Addo Yoga W ild Oats Market Body Conditioning W ild Oats Market Tue, Thu, 7:30-8:30pm , O’Rourke Humboldt Elementary. 4915 N Gantenbein Mallory Avenue Christian Church (Gym), 126 NE Alberta Matt Dishman. 77 NE Knott Peninsula Park. 700 N Portland Salvation Army. 5325 N W illiams “ Must be 21 or older to participate. Please contact AAHC before showing up to the first class and for more information at 5O3-4I3-I8SO or Please receive approval from your doctor before beginning exercise class. f ' ” dB Sponsor«! by the Centers tor Disease Control and Prevention (COC) Contact AAHC at 503-413-1850 or visit our web «te at www ju h e Advertise with diversity in “ of race and national origin is al­ leged in more than 50 percent of the complaints received by HUD and the state and local agencies it funds through the Fair Housing Assis­ tance Program. D iscrim ination based on disability accounted for 39 percent of the complaints. HUD is the nation's housing agency com m itted to increasing h o m e o w n e rsh ip , p a rtic u la rly among minorities; creating afford­ able housing opportunities for low-income Americans; and sup- — HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson U. of Portland Indoor Track, S00 N W illam ette Wild Oats Market. 3535 NE 15th R acial and Ethnic Approach«« to Com m unity H e a lt h A Ptinjrnm ot Ihn Atrtcan A r m o n Health Coalition, Inc Secretary Alphonso Jackson. In fiscal year 2003, individuals tiled nearly 8, l(X) discrimination complaints with HUD and its part­ ner agencies in states and locali­ ties. However, thecomplaintscom- H ousing d isc rim in a tio n is prise only a small percentage of underreported by victims, accord­ actual incidences of housing-re­ ing to HUD on the 36,h anniversary lated discrimination. HUDresearch of the Fair Housing Act. suggests that more than 80 percent The Act. established by Con­ of people discriminated against fail gress in 1968, prohibits discrimina­ to report the incident. tion in the financing, rental, sale or "The apparent reasons for this financing of any dwelling based on inaction are not complicated,” said HUD and our partners are determined to ensure fair housing for all, especially minorities and persons with disabilities. Sat, 9 :3 0 -10:30am, Nickerson Daniel’s Memorial Church. 1234 NE Killingsworth (12th S Killingsworth) The whole idea o f the program is to help people maintain their properties and stay in their homes. Victims often don't report violations Tue, Thu, 6-7pm . Keller Walking Group Peninsula Park Program serves minority and low income residents Discrimination Hurts Housing Equality Humboldt Elementary Tue, 7:15-8:15pm, Granville gram s through local lenders. PDC electrical repairs. However, the offers a very low interest rate agency also offers as much as with no or low monthly payments, $ 10,000 for larger projects such depending on an applicant’s in­ as a new roof or furnace. com e level. A nother benefit of PD C ’s pro­ Rita In addition, PDC can deter­ grams is that the agency provides McCain- mine whether a hom eow ner is eli­ construction specialists who ad­ Walker gible for its loan program s by vise hom eow ners as they carry telephone. The turnaround time out im provem ent projects. This varies, but it generally takes an ensures the work is done by quali­ average o f five to six weeks to fied contractors at the low est close on a loan from the time prices. hom eow ners make their initial “We make sure the work is phone call. If a hom eow ner does done properly, the c o n tracto r not qualify for PDC assistance, gets paid properly and the money the agency often can refer them goes back into the property,” to other resources. Gaines said. Money for those much-needed home im provem ent projects may be just a phone call away, thanks to a loan p rogram a v a ila b le through the Portland D evelop­ ment Commission (PDC). The Home Repair Loan Pro­ gram provides financing for a variety of projects, including elec­ trical and plum bing repairs, roof and furnace upgrades, and re­ - Rita McCain-Walkerof the Portland Development Commission pairs to hazardous porches, stairs and broken sewer connections. PDC also provides funds to make Some people may balk at loan Since 1958, PDC has helped houses accessible for people with assistance because they consider nearly 14,(MX) homeowners in Port­ disabilities. it a handout, said Phyliss Gaines, a land maintain and im prove their The program helps minority loan originator/processor for PDC. hom es. As the c ity 's housing homeowners and those on lim ­ However, PD C's programs require agency, PDC has a vested inter­ ited incomes improve the safety eventual repayment for projects est in m aintaining healthy and and com fort o f their homes. It that many financially struggling vibrant neighborhoods. also ensures property is in good households otherwise cannot af­ "W e want to help m aintain, condition in the years ahead. ford because they are simply trying properties and neighborhoods,.’ 'The whole idea o f the pro­ to make ends meet, she said. not just for current occupants.* gram is to help people maintain “They have to pay it back, so but for the next generation and their properties and stay in their it’s not a handout. They do n ’t do the things that will make the h o m e s ,” said R ita M cC ain - have to pay it back right away, com m unity even more livable,” W alker, hom eow nership coordi­ but they do pay it back when they Gaines said. nator for PDC. "We want to make no longer occupy the hom e,” For more inform ation about people aware that we have funds G aines said. “The property is the PD C 's Home Repair Loan Pro­ available and we can help.” last thing that gets attention when gram, as well as program s that The program is one o f several you are just trying to feed your­ h e lp new an d e x is tin g a v a ila b le th ro u g h PD C . self and your fam ily.” h o m e o w n e rs and f ir s t- tim e Homeowners may find it easier to PDC loans typically are for hom ebuyers renovate and im ­ qualify for the agency’s special $5,000or less and used for smaller prove their homes, call its Home finance program s than for pro­ projects such as plum bing and Services Hotline at 503-823-3400. race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. In 1988, amendments were added to prohibit discrimination based on disability or families with children. Alleged violations of the Act are investigated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, state and city agen­ cies working with HUDand private fair housing groups that receive HUD funds. "HUD and our partners are de­ termined to ensure fair housing for all. especially minorities and per­ sons with disabilities," said HUD Carolyn Peoples. HUD assistant secretary forfair housing and equal opportunity. "Far too many Ameri­ cans still do not know where to turn lor help when they do experience discrimination. Others have trouble recognizing discrimination when it occurs.” HUD studies confirm that Afri­ can Americans, Hispanics, Asians/ Pacific Islanders and Native Ameri­ cans often receive less favorable treatment than similarly qualified whites when attempting to buy or rent homes. Discrimination because porting the hom eless, elderly, peo p le w ith d is a b ilitie s and people living with AIDS. The De­ partment also promotes economic and com m unity developm ent as well as enforces the nation’s fair housing laws. More inform ation about HUD and its program s is a v a ila b le on the In te rn e t at w w w .h u d .g o v and e sp a n o l.h u d .g o v . People who believe th ey ’ve been harm ed by housing discrim ination can file com plaints with HUD by calling I -800-669-9777 or on the Internet. JJnrtlattit (lOliBCrUer call 503-288-0033 or email ads@portlandobserver.ccom