Page B4 (Elje ^Inrtlanh (ßbseruer A p ril 07. 2004 City Acquires Blighted Grant Warehouse continued Living Faith Ministries from Metro m oval activ ities, the EPA began an e f f o r t to r e c o u p th e g o v e rn m e n t’s co st o f clea n u p - m ore than $1.2 m illion. T he EPA eventually filed a lien on the p ro p ­ erty and in D ecem ber 1999 began f o re c lo s u re p r o c e e d in g s . F o r three years, the PD C p articip ated in settlem ent n eg o tiatio n s w ith the EPA and the p roperty ow n er to acq u ire the property. The PDC finally purchased the warehouse from G rant for $ 177,000 in late January . O ne o f those neighbors who kept pressure on city agencies to take control o f the property was C hris­ tine C ham eski, an Eliot resident for 14 years, " I ’m som eone w ho has not felt like the neighborhood has devel­ oped wonderfully. I'm still waiting to see M LK turn around and the quality o f com m unity life to im ­ prove,” C ham eski said. M ike W arw ick, land use ch a ir o f the E liot N eigh b o rh o o d A sso ­ ciation and ch a ir o f the M artin L uther King A dvisory C o m m it­ tee, has lived in the com m unity fo r 26 years. He attrib u tes G rant W a reh o u se’s clea n u p to n eig h ­ bors like C h a m e sk i, w ho kept the issue on the p u b lic 's radar. "T o see so m ething d evelop on 1710 NE 82nd (one block N. of the Max the NATA inside the training room) Service Times Sunday 10:00 am Wednesday 7:00 pm Everyone Welcome! P.O Box 11648 Portland, OR 97211 503-284-8527 David & Sherrie Littleton Pastors ADVERTISEMENT that land w ould be a way o f sh o w ­ ing the rest o f the co m m u n ity that inner northeast is a good p lace to live, w ork and p lay ," he said. T h e P D C ’s e n v iro n m e n ta l sta ff and consu ltan ts w ill cleanup the property in acco rd an ce with residential co d es this sum m er. / In sid ers say th e p roperty will becom e a m ixed use building with a b u sin ess on the gro u n d floor and housing above. C h a m e s k i e n v i s i o n s an a r t i s t ’ s s p a c e o r n o n p r o f it a g e n c y o c c u p y in g th e p ro p erty in a la n d tru st, to k e e p le asin g ra te s a ffo rd a b le . "M L K is a p la c e to try so m e u n c o n v e n tio n a l p ro je c ts to see w h at h a p p e n s ,” she sa id . “ W e c o n tin u e to th in k th at u n d e r the rig h t c irc u m s ta n c e s , th e G ra n t W a re h o u s e a n d s u r ro u n d in g p ro p e rtie s w ill p r o s p e r .” t u Loving Son, Father, Brother Dies Resident Dies at 92 Rosa Lee Morrison James Jahar Akbar Perez Sr. knew they could call on him w hen­ ever they needed him. Besides being intelligent. Perez was also artistic. His m em ories will be cherished by his mother. Deborah Perez; his son, James Jahar Abdul Perez Jr.; brothers Phillip Perez, Ricky Perez, Bobby Perez, Adron Collins and A sa d P e re z ; s is te r s T a h lib a , Sam aiyah, A yesha, Fatim a and A queelah Perez; several aunts, uncles, cousins and a host o f other relatives and friends. Longtime Community Member Dies Doris F. Graves A funeral was held for Doris F. G raves on Friday, April 2 at St. Paul M issionary Baptist Church. She died M arch 27 at age 5 1. Mrs. Graves was bom on Aug. 3, 1952 in Portland to Bennie and AszolarGardner. She graduated front W ashington High School, earned a business administration degree from Portland Community College and attended Concordia College. Retired Shipyard Worker Dies She married Dwight G raves on Jr. (and his wife Joy), Darnell and Aug. 17, 1968. This union was D evonne; sister, D eloris Gardner; blessed with four children. m other in-law, Bertha G raves; sis­ She w as em p lo y ed th ro u g h ter-in-law s Noell, M arcella, and W ebb and A ssociates at the U.S. Patricia; brother-in-law Donald; and Army C orpsof Engineers from 1997 nine grandchildren. until her illness. She was very ac­ She was proceeded in death by tive and faithful to her church. Her her parents and brother, Bennie spirit was like sunshine that warmed Gardner, Jr. the hearts o f all she met. A rrangem ents were m ade by Survivors include her husband; Killingsworth Little Chapel o f the daughter, Datisha; sons, Dwight, Chimes. BIG at BIG CITY PRODUCE save A funeral service was held Tuesday, April 6 inCaldwell’s Colonial Chapel for Rosa Lee Morrison, whodied March 29 at age 92. Rosa Geary was bom Nov. 10, 1911, in Eufaula, Okla. A homemaker, she moved in 1943 to Portland. In the 1960s, she married Henry Martin; he died. She m arried King Morrison in the 1980s; he later died. Survivors include her step­ son, Louis Martin; daughter- in-law, Sharlot Martin; six grandchildren; and one great­ grandchild. Her daughter Ruby Mae Howard died in 1998. Remembrances should be donated to charities of choice. 0 in WORTH A three-day celebration hosted by the congregation o f Ainsworth United Church o f C hrist (AU CC), w hose activities include social re­ sponse and action in the greater Portland area, support for com m u­ nity issues, and prom otion o f in­ te rfa ith u n d e rs ta n d in g , ta k e s place May 14-16. Proceeds will support the m ission and ministry o f AUCC, as well as our com m u­ nity partner for 2004, Elders In Action. A U CC is also offering a special raffle for a 7-Day M exi­ can R iviera C ruise. This y ear’s them e for A ITC is Ainsworth in the City C el­ ebrates Com m unity." Friday, May 14 Gala Dinner, Dance & Silent Auction W hen the sun goes down in Stum ptow n, we will gather at She­ n a n ig a n s R e s ta u ra n t, on th e Willamette River, 4575 N. Channel (Swan Island), in North Portland. From 6p.m .tol 1 p.m.,wewillenjoy a delicious buffet dinner, have a great fun with our silent auction. Live M usic - Featuring our own D anG aynor& Friends!-and danc­ ing. There will be som ething for everyone's taste. Tickets are avail­ able now: $55 perperson($16.50of w hich is a tax-deductible d ona­ tion). Call the church as soon as possible at (503 >284-8767. EASTER SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE SUNDAY, APRIL 11, 2 0 0 4 SERVICE BEGINS 12:30 7411 SE POWELL BLVD PORTLAND OR 97206 CONTACT We have it all for your Easter Holiday PASTOR, CLYDE LEWIS (50 3) 228-1078 III« CITY PRODUCE 722 N. Sumner, PDX 503 460 3830 Local Produce For Local Folks Discount Groceries Now Too! Open Monday-Friday 7:30 am till 7:00 pm Saturday 9 ant till 7 pm; Sunday 9 am till 6 pm Open on Easter regular hours OUR MISSION IS: T— Train th e Saints In the word and ministry C— Encouragethe Communion o f the saints in true unity. W — Win the lost to Jesus Christ O— Offer meaningful service to the com m unity W — Worship Cod in Spirit and In Truth. Advertise with diversity in ( all 503-288-0O33 (Olisvvuer ads@portlandoh Saturday, May 15 Family Festival Saturday m arks the Third A n­ nual Fam ily Festival, featuring food, b ev erag es, an in flatab le “B ounceH ouse,” a clown, face painting, a Portland Fire Truck; and a jew elry, plant & book sale. Festivities run from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. right next to the church on a closed N.E. 30lh Ave. Sunday, May 16 Celebration Worship Service and Birthday Party W hen you are as w el­ com ing as AUCC, the w or­ ship service offers inspira­ tion, jubilation and the W ord o f God brought to you by people o f profound faith, witness and ser­ vice. A in s w o r th ’s P a sto r L y n n e S m ouse L o p e z ’s serm on topic w ill be "O p en in g the C ity to the G lory o f G od.” Rooted in A U C C ’s trad itio n al F our Seasons B irth ­ day C e le b ra tio n , th e a fte r - ch u rch activ ity w ill h o n o r and ce le b ra te e v e ry b o d y ’s b irthday w ith sc ru m p tio u s food, cak e, p unch and beverages. T he d raw ­ ing fo r the M exican C ruise w ill be d one at the B irthday C e le b ra ­ tion. Winning the drawing includes thecruisefortwo(Nov.5-12,2004)and mund-tripairfare from Portland to Los Angeles. CELEBRATE EASTER WITH THE CHURCH WITHOUT WALLS Come to Big City Produce For all of your fruit & vegetable needs. Andrew Williams A graveside service was held Friday. April 2, in Skyline Me­ morial Gardens for Andrew Williams, whodied March 28 at age 85. Mr. Williams was born Jan. 28, 1919, in Warren. Ark. He moved in the 1940s to Portland and was a laborer in the Swan Island shipyards. Survivors include his son, James; daughter, Jean; and two grandchildren. Arrangements were handled by Caldwell’s Colonial. f l 20 04 The Environmental Protection Agency disposed o f dangerously deteriorated drums o f highly concen­ trated heavy metals during a cleanup a few years ago that cost more than $1 million. F A funeral was held on Saturday, April 3 at M aranatha Church in northeast Portland for Jam es Jahar Perez, w ho died on March 28. Perez w as born on Jan. 1 1 ,1976 in Portland, to D eborah Perez and the late Jam es Perez. He attended Peninsula Elem en­ tary School and Harriet Tubm an M iddle School. He also attended Jefferson High School, and re ­ ceived his G .E.D. in 2(X) I . He was previously em ployed with W est C oast Loaders. A loving father, son and brother, Perez will be remembered by his fam­ ily and friends for his pranks, his hum or and his insatiable appetite. Perez cared about and was pro­ tective o f his fam ily, especially the children in his family. Relatives “The Just Shall Live Bv Faith ” Romans 1:17