(Elje Jlartlanò (ßbseruer A p ril 07. 2004 Page B 3 Focus A CAMP FOR KIDS WITH TYPE 1 DIABETES > * ' w Zoo Celebrates Famous Birthday ► < 0 ^ <áS t__________________________ _________________ - '______________ Packy is the largest and oldest male Asian elephant in North America. pressions o f the love that is felt when mother and child are one. W hether the artwork is simple, elaborate or sym bolic, the cast becomes an expression o f the in­ dividual pregnancy. Stanger be­ lieves that by capturing the beauty o f their pregnant forms, women are em powered and supported as they prepare to take the journey into motherhood. Stanger has her studio in south­ west W ashington and helps women in the Portland and Vancouver ar­ eas com m em orate their pregnan­ cies. She has 21 years o f experi­ ence as an elem entary and middle school art teacher. Admission to the Alberta exhibit is free. For more information about the a r tis t v isit w w w .pregnancyculpture.com or call 360-666-2728. Al Franken Jazz Artist Presents ‘Ten Grands’ For more information or an Application call (503) 968-2267 www.galecreekcamp.org Carpet