A p ril 07. 2004 Page B2 Helpline (Make The Call): 8OO-923-HELP Linea de Ayuda (Spanish): 877-515-7848 Youthline (Teen Helpline): 877-553-TEEN Focus Youth Art Show Opens Blasting through Hip- Arts A cadem y students from north and northeast Portland will kick o ff a g ala rec ep tio n and fundraiser at W aterstone G allery, 424 N.W. I2'h Ave., on Saturday, April 1 7 fro m 6 p .rn .to 8 p .in. The "W hy the M oon is Free: A Youth Art Show " by students from Beach Elem entary, O ckley Green M iddle School and Jefferson High School wi 11 also be exhibited at the gallery throughout the month. Tickets are $ 10 and can be pur­ chased by calling 503-2 8 9 -3 3 9 9 . Il’t ^ìnrtlattò (Dbserucr IF o n ld of A u to s Rhos o\ t:\nriv. m » n un i ts id the «owns i t tnisi, hwi ru n keks 2004 Nissan Quest 3.5S Minivan The introduction o f the all-new 2004 Nissan Q uest makes a dram atic statement in the market, sharing nothing from its previous models. Although it has taken a long tim e for Nissan to market its own distinctive product for this line, it could be one product that brings them to becom ing a m ajor com petitor. It started as one o f the smallest m inivans and now has becom e one o f the largest inside and out. The all-new cutting edge design and plenty o f extras draw s the attention o f the vehicle shoppers. Nissan Q uest could hold up to the fam iliar long-standing com petition o f Honda O dyssey or Toyota Sienna with its "perform ance oriented" product line. The vehicle provides features like: fold-flat m iddle-row captain’s chairs, power- adjustable foot pedals and N issan’s unique Skyview Roof. The instrum ent panel is a single cage cluster and inform ation screen in the Hop Boundaries T h e hype su rro u n d in g dead p re z ’s fresh m an alb u m “L e t’s G et F ree” rivaled acclaim ed hip- hop album s by A T ribe C alled Q u est and O utK ast. T he album w as also equated to P ublic E n­ em y in its fiery, observant po liti­ cal statem ents. D e a d p re z ’ new album , "R B G : R e v o lu tio n ary B u t G a n g a sta ,” co n trib u tes to h ip -h o p 's tim ely and tim eless m essag es w ith a shift in focus from the 'h o o d to street k n ow ledge. It cro sses the b o u n d aries o f h ip -h o p w ith e le ­ m ents o f soul, blues, reg g ae and ro c k . “U n b ro k e n ’ is a te stam en t to th e fact that w e ’ve been through the w orst that life co u ld th ro w at us but w e ’re still here, w e still survived,” sa id ‘M - 1 ’ o f d ead p rez. F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , v isit w w w .d e a d p re z .c o m . Dino Discovery at Oregon Zoo Hopplty Hop The Oregon Zoo w elcom es spring with a Rabbit Romp from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 10. The romp features a candy egg hunt, gam es, face painting and photos with the M ad H atter's Tea Party by the Y oung People’s T heater Project. For more information, call 503-226-1561. Spring Fest The I Oth annual Spring Beer and W ine Fest is at the O regon Convention C enter on April 9 and 10. The them e, A Taste o f the Best, introduced another level o f culinary education with cooking dem onstrations, b e­ sides sampling more than 150 beers, ciders, meads, w ines, Scotches, b o u r b o n s , m a rtin is a n d g o u rm e t fo o d s . F o r d e ta ils , v is it w w w .springbeerfest.com . Neville Brothers at Chinook Winds The Neville Brothers bring their M ardi G ras M am bo and New O rleans Big Easy sound to Chinook W inds C asino and C onvention C enter in Lincoln City, May 7 and Saturday, May 8. Peacejam Diverse World Retreat Oregon and W ashington youth aged 12-20 and adult supporters are holding Peacejam: Youth Leadership for a Diverse W orld retreat at Cam p A dam s in Molalla. The registration cost is $75. Scholarships are avail­ able. For more information, call 503-275-0663. Benevolent Queen helps Community Tested vehicle information: price: $25,980, engine: 3.5 liter, V-6 and the transmission 4-speed automatic. middle, w hich increases the outw ard visibility. The design theme for the interior is “Urban Loft.” The use o f the interior space has dram atically improved for the com fort ofall ages notjust to hold small children or car seats. The seats are more com fortable for the growing child. The second and third row seats folds flat providing the space to carry large payloads. The increase in horsepow er brings the Q uest in line with other Nissan products em phasizing perform ance and handling. The entire product line is all about driving experience. The engine pow er com es sm oothly with a quiet engine sound. Q uest com es with multi-link suspension and front and rear stabilizer bars. The handling o f this m inivan m ight leave one thinking they are driving a sport car. T he Nissan Q uest offers the vehicle shopper a minivan worth taking for a test drive. They believe that m inivans do not sell unless they are safe. They have m ade a vehicle that will provide safety for all three row s o f passengers. Hip-hop emcees and activists ‘M l ' and ‘Stic.man' comprise deadprez. The O regon Z oo discovers D ino Island: The Land o f Civilization Forgot through April 30. This sim ulator thrill ride includes riders on a scientific team w hose m ission is to explore a newly form ed island baffling environm entalists around the world. T he ride is $4 in addition to general adm ission. For more inform a­ tion, call 503-226-1561 or visit w w w .oregonzoo.org. Artist’s Featured at Abbey Cafe The A bbey Café, 4 4 1 N. Killingsworth St., invites m usicians to sell their C D s and perform on Fridays and Saturdays. For more inform ation, call 503-286-4847. Pill Hill at IFCC PassinA rt T heater presents “Pill Hill,” the story o f six black steel mill w orkers as they m ove from blue collar to w hite-collar professions. The play by Samuel Kelley and directed by Brenda Phillips through April 10 at the Firehouse Interstate Cultural C enter, 5340 N. Interstate Ave. G eneral adm ission is $15 with discounts for students and seniors. For more information,call 503-823-4322. Laughing Through It A Port land Jam Night plans to heal the com m unity ’sills through laughter at the W ave Theatre in North Portland. The live music and sketch improv com edy is at 9 p. m . Fridays. Tickets are $7 for adults and $4 for kids. For more information, call 503-735-4184 or visit w w w .jam -night.com . Larger Than Life-sized D arcelle XV is having a benefit extravaganza prem iere glam our drag queen show for the Linnton C om m unity C enter at 7 p.m. Sunday, April 25. Tickets are $20 for legendary perf ormances at the Com m unity Center, 10614 N.W . St. Helens Rd. For more inform ation, call 503-286-4990. O M S I’s big-screen O M N IM A X theater is “Lew is and Clark: G reat Journey W est" through June and “Jane G o o d all's W ild C him panzees” through May. For more inform ation, call 503-797-4588. Ebony Fashion Extravaganza April 16 Trippin’ through Town The Portland C hapter o f The Links presents its annual fundraiser, the Ebony Fashion Fair at the O regon Convention Center at 6 p.m. April 16. Tickets are $45 to $75. For more inform ation, call 503-2866426. Take a trip through tim e to find the hottest poetry, hip-hop and soul influencing Portland on W ednesdays at the Ohm. $7 cover. 31 N.W . First Ave. Ongoing and Upcoming Music Ten Grands Concert T he B lue M onk on B elm o n t plays live ja zz . For a sch ed u le, visit w w w .th eb lu em o n k .co m . In terstate Bar and G rill has m ature live m usic at 4 2 3 4 N. Interstate. T he B lack N otes play T h u rsd ay s at the C a n d lelig h t Room . Mel B row n plays ja z z at Jim m y M aks on T u e s­ d ay s and T h u rsd ay s and F rid ay s and S atu rd ay s at S a lty ’s on the C o lu m b ia. A C om m unity U nity B reak fast is every th ird T h u rsd ay at SEI at 7:30 a.m . Skip E lliott B ow m an Jazz T rio plays S atu rd ay s from 10a.m . to noon at H annah B e a 's, on n o rth east Shaver. R&B and live funk bands perform w eekends at the In terstate F ireh o u se C u ltu ral C enter. LINKS • PORK RIBS • BRISKET • BEEF RIBS • CHICKEN • TURKEY TW 8701 SE Powell Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97266 Espresso Coffee Tea Breakfast Lunch Jazz Mass Performance Pacific University presents the world prem iere o f a new arrangem ent o f the only Jazz M ass com m issioned by the V atican at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, M ay 8 in M cCready Hall in the Taylor-M eade Perform ing Arts C enter on Pacific University cam pus. General adm ission is $5, and $3 for students and senior. For more inform ation call 503-352-2918. ■^Cool CATERING AVAILABLE Tuesday - Friday Lunch 1 1 :0 0 a m - 2 :0 0 pm II A benefits for the Snowm an Foundation is Saturday, April 10 at 7 p.m at the A rlen e S ch n itz er C o n cert H all. F or in fo rm atio n , v isit w w w .snow m anfoundation.org or call M ert M eeker at 503-227-7271. Juices Pastries E at 'T a N d Tuesday - Friday D in n e r 5 :0 0 pm - 9 :0 0 pm Cafe' ■8- / t S a tu rd a y All Day 1 1 :0 0 am - 9 :0 0 pm (503) 7 7 7-9 795 Fax (503) 7 7 7 -6 6 3 4 www.campbellsbbq.com To Go Orders • Catering • Patio Seating • Sauce Shipping Available (AfE 441 N Klllinaewerth 81. Portland. OR. 87117 Phene 8 Pei (983) >1*-4447 HOM E OF THE • SM OKEY BROWN SUGAR • M ILD • M ED IU M • HOT WE DELIVER OFF.: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 0 3 <-----------s FAX: STATE FARM (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 4 6 INSURANCE COMPANIES -------------- J an ft C a ju n C u is in e 4110 NE Fremont, 503-282-2118 DOUBLE J TIRE CENTER NEW • USED • NEW CAPS Taxes. Mounting A Balancing Included FULLY GUARANTEED HOME OFFICES:BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS ‘NOW WITH 2 LOCATIONS" ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent 6841 N.E. M.L.K JR. BLVD PORTLAND. OREGON 97211 (503) 283-9437 6527 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard 4510 S E. 52ND & HOLGATE PORTLAND, OR 97206 (503) 771 1834 Suite A Portland, OR 97217 HOURS - MON THRU FRI 9 TO 6 • SAT 9 TO 4 I IK J Boyd Picture Perfect Landscape Maintenance A good lawn starts with a early prep. Prepare your lawn for spring now! Call (503)970-5743 10% off Moss Control Michael E. Harper, Sr. Agent 9045 SWBarhur, Suite 109 Rutland. OR 97219 (503)221-3050 FAX: (503) 227-8757 STATE FARM INSURANCECÜMPANŒS HOME OFFICES: HLOOMINGTON. ILLIN O IS 24 Hour G ood Neighbor Service® HOURS: VXtfpabicfc’s G ibk nnd drwfXOAif*! cACPie ^11. - GRtoiin MON thru FRI • 10AM to 8PM SAT - 11AM to 6PM CLOSED SUNDAY THE SUB SHOP 4331 NE KILLINGSWORTH • PORTLAND, OR 97218 James Richardson (503) 978-2746 CCB4I56837 Ptn*r: 5P3 288-8G 65 • TTm: 5 0 3 -2 8 4 - 8 3 4 0 407 ^t/.P v-iAtfr’*, Guitti • Pönttöni!. fineqoo 972t t k «I ° trodegh os 503-281-2609