March 11. 2004 ________________________ (Elje 'Portlanò Page B3 Focus Jennifer Dworkin (above center) has a produced a documentary featuring Love Hinson and her family surviving in poverty in the modern urban environment. photo by J ennifer D workin LOVC CMCÌ D ia n e , an Urban Portrait Jennifer D w orkin’s “Love and D iane” airs on PBS on W ednesday, April 21 at 9 p.m. in a spring edition o f public telev isio n 's groundbreaking “cy cle o f p o v e rty ,” w hich P.O .V. series. haunts many urban women and “ Love and D iane” puts a single mothers. The docum en­ hum an face on the expression tary follows one family through poverty, ad d iction, broken hom es and a crack cocaine epidemic, which plagued many inner-city A frican A m ericans in the 1980s. Festival, th e 2003 M TV News “ Love and D iane” w on the D ocum entary A w ard and the 2002 G old Leopard A w ard at TruerThan Fiction Award from the Locarno International Film Independent Spirit in 2(X)3. CANNON'S ‘This Heated Place' _ = = RIB EXPRESS Encounters in the Promised Land (FORMERLY CHUCK HINTON'S) Journalist and m edia critic Deborah peace activists w ho continue to push for co ­ Cam pbell traveled to Israel, the G aza Strip existence; the settlers w ho w ant no part in Catering & Take-Out and the W est Bank to create an honest that; husbands and w ives in the occupied O ur S pecialty : territories w ho want a better life for their R eai H ickory S moked B ar -B-Q view o f the conflict in the M iddle East. ‘‘This Heated Place" tells her story. children and the youth who w ant to live like C am pbell show s how both sides in this their peers in the W est. conflict are saturated in im ages, slogans and constructs from the m ass media. Her book attem pts to get beyond the • Sandwiches • Salads • Chicken • Pork Ribs • Beef Ribs “T his Heated Place” is touted as a signifi­ cant contribution to the understanding of the civilian lives caught up in the Israeli- m edia saturation and m anufactured co n ­ Palestinian conflict and the m edia lens which sent on both sides to show readers the real continues to frame the war. lives o f non-com batants, civic leaders and T he book, published by D ouglas dissenting voices. C am pbell interview s the M cIntyre, is available now in paperback. & CATERING ALL EVENTS ‘Sunday Morning at Momma’s House’ Low Carb Special: HOURS: M onday 11:00-9:00 T uesday CLOSED Wed. & Thurs. 11:00-9:00 Fri. & Sat. 11:00-10:00 Sunday 11:00-8:00 (lc a rb ) Chopped Pork w /side sm. greens $5“ * * * N ew L oc ation * * * 5 4 1 0 N.E. 3 3 rd * 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -3 8 3 6 rMRHN CLEANING SBNKX M Carpet <4 Upholstery Cleaning w Commercial A Residential Services N EW P R IC E S E F F E C T IV E J A N U A R Y 2 0 0 4 Robin Miller ingram Lynete Doreen Brown “Sunday Morning at Momma's House " celebrates one of the most important African-American traditions — family mealtime. Family’s guiding force told through granddaughter’s eyes multi-family dw elling where Robin Leigh lived alon g w ith h er g ra n d ­ m other, m other, and o th e r fam ily m em bers. M om m a, the fa m ily ’s g u id in g force, set the to n e for ev ery th in g that w as d one and for ev ery o n e w ho fo llo w ed . M e al­ tim e w as the tim e o f day w here all the fa m ily g a th e re d to sh a re strong C h ristian an d fam ily v al­ ues w hich w as ev id en t in all that she said and did. A lthough the b ea u tifu lly p re ­ pared b reak fast, that featu red ev- ery th in g from h o m em ad e ro lls to c o u n try ham and ev ery S o u th ern co m fo rt food in b etw een , w as a m a jo r p art o f the S un d ay e x p e ri­ en ce, M om m a m ade sure that the m ost im p o rtan t fac to r w as n ev er fo rg o tten - G o d ’s love. She a l­ w ays rem in d ed h er fam ily o f H is p ro v isio n s for h er an d the fam ily m ade ev e ry d ay sp ecial - not ju st S u n d ay ! M om m a’s place at the head o f the table was a place o f pow er and security and as she shared with the “Sunday M orning at M om m a's H o u se" is a book that cele b ra tes the I i fe o f Ethel Lee M i I ler and one o f m any fam ily trad itio n s - S u n ­ day m orning b reak fast. T he story is told through the ey e s o f her g ra n d d a u g h te r, e ig h t-y e a r old R obin Leigh. T he M iller fam ily hom e w as za entire family how much they were blessed, she taught the family how to pray for those less fortunate. Then it w as o ff to church for Robin Leigh where she soon began to anticipate "M om m a’s glorious Sun­ day dinner.” T he a u th o r is R obin M iller Ingram, a native o f Philadelphia. She is an educator and cham pion for many ch ild ren 's causes. The b o o k 's illustrator is Lynette Doreen B row n, a g rad u a te o f T em p le U niversity’s T yler School o f Art. CARPET COUPON I 1 CLEANING AREA I Pre-Spray T ra ffic Area $40.00 I^Small Hall Included _ l I 2 CLEANING AREAS OR MORE $25.00 I PRE-SPRAY TRAFFIC AREA I SMALL HALL FREE --------------------J I STA IR S (W IT H SERVICE) $ L50 EACH~| SOFA (under 6 f t ) LOVESEAT SECTIONAL CHAIR OR RECLINER THROW PILLOWS $69.00 $40.00 $99.00 AN b UP $25.00 A N b UP $5.00 EACH CALL FOR A P P O IN T M E N T S V. Elmore i EACH AREA I L __________________________ ... UPHOLSTEfNCLEAN/NG African American Justice Guide Attorney John V. Elmore challenges all, Elm ore gives advice and actual case sum ­ especially African-American males, to be in­ m aries regarding com m on issues such as: formed about how the criminal justice system w hat to do if you are stopped, arrested or works anti em powered not to become a victim incarcerated by the police; choosing the o f miscalculations, misunderstandings, po­ best attorney, the correct court appearance lice misconduct and society's urban ills in his and conduct; police m isconduct and how new btx,k “Fighting For Your Life: The Afri­ drugs and alcohol can lead to a life o f crim e can American Criminal Justice Guide." The book can be purchased at local book­ It is the nation’s only book w ritten for s to r e s o r by e - m a ilin g o r d e r s to A frican A m ericans about how to survive jv e la w 2 1 @ y a h o o .c o m o r o n lin e at John the crim inal justice system. A m . I (5 0 3 ) 2 8 1 -3 9 4 9