(E lje J l o r t l a n ò © b s e r u e r March 31. 2004 Page AS Careers on the Line J u d g e N ix e s T iils a R a c e Advertise with diversity /// ul’1 j L ì o r t l a n ì t ( © h s e r u c r R io t Call 503-288-0033 ads@ponlandob server.com R e p a r a tio n s s (AP) — S u r v i v o r s o f a ra c e rio t th a t d e s tro y e d T u ls a , O k l a . ’s b la c k n e i g h ­ b o rh o o d 83 y e a rs ag o c a n ­ n o t s e e k r e p a r a tio n s in c o u r t b e c a u s e o f th e lo n g - e x p ir e d s ta tu te o f lim ita tio n s , a f e d ­ e r a l ju d g e h a s r u le d . T h e ju d g e d ism isse d th e la w ­ su it file d la st y e a r a g a in s t th e c ity an d th e s ta te by 150 s u r­ v iv o rs an d a b o u t 3 0 0 d e s c e n ­ d a n ts o f th o se w h o lo st p r o p ­ e rty o r w ere k ille d in th e 1921 rio t. “T hat p la in tiffs' claim s are b arred by the statu te o f lim ita­ tio n s is strictly a legal c o n c lu ­ sion and d oes not speak to the trag ed y o f the riot o r the terrib le d e v a s ta tio n it c a u s e d ," U .S . S e n io r D istric t J u d g e Ja m e s E llison said. H is d ecision, issued F riday, w as e n te re d in to th e c o u r t’s reco rd system M onday. T h e city and state ask ed the ju d g e to d ism iss th e case b e ­ ca u se o f a tw o -y ea r statute o f lim itatio n s in civil cases. S u rv iv o r O tis G . C lark said he w as not sure w hat to m ake o f the ruling and tru sted his atto r­ n eys to take the next step. “ I ’m 101 y ea rs o f age, and I ’ll ju s t leave it to th em ,” said C lark , w ho w as 18 w hen he saw a w hite m ob b u m his g ran d ­ p a re n ts’ and p a re n ts’ hom es. T h e s u r v i v o r s ’ a t to r n e y , C h a rles O gletree Jr., p lan n ed to appeal. Portland General Electric presents NEW FRONTIERS IN DIVERSITY DIVERSITY SUMMIT 2004 Learn how to build a stronger, more competitive organization ready to face the challenges of the 21st century at PCI s Diversity Summit 2004. It's an opportunity for anyone interested in diversity issues in today's workplace Register online to attend classes with worldwide leaders in diversity Wednesday issues, network April 28 with the region's top Oregon organizations, and Convention Center learn from outstanding 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. keynote speakers. Multnomah County officials made history earlier this month when they announced their decision to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples. (AP photo) argum ents against hom osexuality. “W e w anted to m ake sure that even though C hair Linn made this began m arrying in the county. decision in a very legal manner, it A man identifying him self as really is im portant to provide a Brandon Rogers said on that re­ venue for a public dialogue," said cording, “ 1 hope your w hole family Cruz, after sitting through more than is killed. I hope with all my heart that tw o o f the eight schedule hours of you guys are gunned dow n and public hearings. killed." O ne common complaint the com ­ Rogers also made a reference to m issioners face is that public offi­ them being "run out o f office.” He cials should not practice civil dis­ faces assault charges for roughing obedience. up a television cam eram an and he C ruz calls this a m isunderstand­ m ay face charges for the threaten­ ing o f her actions. ing phone calls. “ In California, the m ayor was “ It was very ugly and it made me being civilly disobedient because nervous that som eone felt they had they have a D efense o f M arriage to go to the level o f threatening not A ct,” C ruz said. “ In Oregon, we only my life, but my fam ily’s lives as have different rules.” w ell," said Cruz. A ccording to C ru z’s interpreta­ O ther passionate critics have tion o f a Suprem e Court ruling, flooded into public hearings, some elected officials in O regon must do chiding the officials for not includ­ their jo b s in a m anner consistent ing the public in their action and w ith the state Constitution, even if others voicing religious or moral it m eans violating an underlying con tin u ed fro m F ront statute. "It’s not civil disobedience be­ cause we are follow ing the highest law o f the land," she said. For C ruz, taking a stand for the gay com m unity is a personal as well as professional move. “As a young w om an o f color. I’ve experienced racism and dis- crim inat ion. If I want people to stand with me on those issues, I ought to be w illing to stand with others on theirs,” she said. "It com es dow n to civil rights. I take this issue as seri­ ously as I take the violation o f civil rights against people o f color and against w om en and we all must stand when we see som eone being discrim inated against," she said. Cruz encourages the public to contact her and other county com ­ m issioners to discuss the contro­ versial sam e-sex m arriages in the county. C ruz can be reached via e- m a il at serena@ co.m ultnom ah.or.us. For m o re d e ta ils a n d to re g ister, v isit P o rtla n d G e n e ra l c o m /D iv e rs ity S u m m it Keynote Speakers M a d a m e J e h a n S a d a t, i v o r l d - r v n o w i w d p e a c e a n d c i v i l - r i g h t s a c t i v is t a n d w i d o w o f t h e la te E g y p t ia n P r e s id e n t A n w a r S a d a t J u d y S h e p a r d , c h a m p io n o f h a t e - c r im c l e g i s la t io n in m e m o r y o f h e r s la in s o n M a tth e w S h e p a rd M a rk W illia m s , a u th o r o f ihe h ig h ly acclaim ed b o o k 20 Lenses: Your Cuide to Living and Working nt a Multicultural World PG E / X Portland General Electric TH A N K S It A Talented Teen Pageant Finalist An interest in speech, acting and dance brought 14-year old D estiny W alrath to com peting in pageants. She has been chosen as an O r­ egon State Finalist in the A m eri­ Destiny Walrath can Co-Ed Pageant, com peting from July 17 through 19. T his is her sec­ ond pageant as a top contender. W alrath atten d s Floyd Light M iddle School in southeast Port­ land, and enjoys basketball, shop­ TO OUR SPO N SO R S Providence | Health System c a rin g d iffe r e n c e y o u can fe e l 4 PACIFIC POWER Fred Meyer ping and w atching Prince videos. W alrath and her fam ily are seek­ ing donations to offset the cost of pageant participation. Businesses and individuals interested in sup­ porting her can call 503-762-4586. M E T NW N a tu r a l Standard Insurance Company Hewlett-Packard Company T R I © Port of Portland Legacy Health System Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon P o r tla n d G e n e r a l.c o m /D i v e r s ity S u m m it Giving our best. 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