Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 31, 2004, Page 2, Image 2

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(Tin' JJox*thtiìò (ßbseruer
M a rc h 31. 2 0 0 4
L aw & J ustice
Another Deadly Traffic Stop
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Nicky Taylor (left) and
her mother, Enola
Badrick, relatives o f
James Jahar Perez,
the black driver killed
during a traffic stop
on Sunday, campaign
against violence with
t-shits displaying a
message for peace.
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T he P ortland O bserver
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**AII classes are free o f charge!
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AAHC A frican A m e ric a n H e a lth C o a litio n , Inc.
/ Y \
P resen ts for your health,
Wellness W ithin REACH Activity Calendar
Mallory Ave. Christian Church
M att Dishman
Mon. Wed. Fri, 6-7am , Pierce • S:3O-6:2Opnt,
Granville • 6:30-7:30pm . Nickerson
Mon, 12:1 S -1:1 Spm, Jenkins
Humboldt Elementary
Stretching/Body Sculpting
Toe, Thu, 6-7pm , Keller
(Class courtesy o f M att Dishman)
Low Impact Aerobics
Daniel’s Memorial Church
Tue, Thu, 7-8am, Lois
Tue, 7 :15 -8 :1 Spin, Granville
Walking Group
Peninsula Park
W a te r Aerobics (Contact AAHC)
Salvation Arm y
M att Dishman
Sat, 12:30pm , Woods
A fr ic a n D a n c e
Tue, Thu. 9 - 1 Oam, Hasan
from Front
could be released until both offic­
ers had been interviewed.
The investigation is expected to
be completed by the end of the
Frustrated African Americans
awaiting answers say they are un­
der siege by the police.
“It’s a war right now. This needs
to end right now. between police
and gang members,” said Nicky
Taylor, a relative of Perez.
Taylor, who wrote a book about
gang prevention, said that Perez
was no, a gang member, but was
“guilty by association” with gang
“Foxworth really needs to step
up and give youth more jobs and
more things to do," said Taylor.
She said that the chief grew up in
her neighborhood and needs to
work harder to reach young people
before they are besieged by gang
Perez had a record for burglary,
gun and drug possessions and was
on parole at the time of his death,
but there were no warrants for his
At the news briefing, Foxworth
said a Tazer was used to subdue
Perez during a struggle with police,
although it was unclear whether
the Tazer was used before or after
shots were fired.
Sery and Maeomber. five-year
veterans of the force, are on paid
administrative leave.
“ Police are the only ones do­
ing the shooting,” said Jam es
Broadus Sr., a local real estate
agent and northeast Portland resi­
dent for 20 years. He says h e ’s
considering getting a gun perm it
to arm himself.
T aylor and her mother, Enola
Badrick, are launehingaeityw ide
cam paign against gang and po­
lice violence. They are selling t-
shirts that warn o f the guilty by
association label that gang life
"Police say they want witnesses i
to shootings. How can you trust
the police when they ’ re killing us?"
Taylor said.
The weekend shooting rings too
familiarforresidents still mourning
the death of 21-year-old Kendra
Jam es. P o lic e O ffic e r S cott
McCollisterwascleared of criminal
wrongdoing in Jam es’ death, but
was placed on five-and-a-half
months of administrative leave by
former Police Chief Mark Kroeker,
who resigned amid controversy
over the investigation.
McCollister has since returned
to work. The family of Kendra James
has filed a $10 million wrongful
death lawsuit against the city an^l
the police department.
FBI Asked to Investigate Shooting
The African American Chamber
of Commerce of Oregon is asking
for an immediate federal investiga­
tion into M onday's police shoot­
ing of James Jahar Perez, an un­
armed African-American man killed
during a north Portland traffic stop.
"We no longer have time for any
further commissions, studies and
panels”, says Roy Jay, chamber
Although the African American
Chamber is focused on economic
empowerment and development,
the organization has a keen respon­
sibility to civil rights enforcement.
JoAnn Bowman, vice chair of
the chamber and former state legis­
lator. said that a federal investiga­
tion will bring outside resources to
the table immediately and make a
complete and thorough investiga­
"This is not about police unions
protecting their ow n.. . this is about
what appears to be a complete vio­
lation of civil rights and cold
blooded murder in our city,” Bow­
man said.
The city of Portland will not tol­
erate a six month suspension as
what happened in the Kendra James
shooting, says Harold Williams,
ehair of the chamber.
"Portland is now on the radar
m ap ... and not in a positive way,”
says Jay. “This is not only tragic
for our city, but also for our
econom y.”
M att Dishman
W eight Mgnt./Conditioning
U. of Portland Indoor Track
M att Dishman
Sat. 1 0 -1 lam . Addo
W ild Oats Market
Body Conditioning
W ild Oats Market
Tue, Thu, 7:30-8:30pm . O’Rourke
Sat. 9 :3 0 -10:30am. Nickerson
Fraud Case Search Warrants Executed
Federal agents in­
vision agreement on
vestigating a fraud ease
previous, unrelated
for the U S. Dept. of
Transportation and FBI
The investigation
served a series o f search
involves Jackson’s
warrants Thursday on
b u sin e ss, P acific
property owned or used
Northwest Financial
by Portland business­
Services which is also
man Larry L. Jackson,
known as Primeriea
Insurance Services.
At the same time, a L a rr y J a c k s o n
This company was
ColumbiaCounty Parole
set up to act as a fi­
and Probation officer tw k Jackson nancial institution to collect funds
into custody on allegations that he on behalf of interstate motor carri­
had violated his post-prison super- ers. The affidavit in support of the
search warrants alleges that Jack-
son took money from transporta­
tion brokers, but never set up trust
funds as he was supposed to do.
Authorities have identified more
than 30 potential victims who may
have lost more than $300,000, but
they are looking for more victims.
Any memberof the general public
or anyone working in the transporta­
tion industry who has had financial
dealings with Jackson's company is
asked to call USDOT's hotline at
415-744-2521 or send an e-mail to
Daniel’s Memorial Church. 1234 NE Killmgsworth
Matt Dishman, 77 NE Knott
(12th St Killmgsworth)
Humboldt Elementary, 4 91 S N Gantenbem
Peninsula Park. 700 N Portland
Salvation Army. 532S N Williams
Cross Burned at Home of Black Minister
Mallory Avenue Christian Church (Gym). 126 NE
U. of Portland Indoor Track. 500 N Willamette
Wild Oats Market 3S3S NE 15th
(AP) — A cross was burned on
The family, which was not iden­
the front lawn of a black minister in tified. moved into the neighbor­
the middle of the night, and police hood surrounding a golf course
have increased patrols in his Ar­ south of town several months ago.
lington. Wash, neighborhood.
Gray said. He added that the minis­
Firefighters doused the flames ter. who has five children, is con­
and investigators found a 3- by 5- cerned about their safety and did
foot cross held together with duct no, want to discuss the matter.
tape lying flat in the grass about 2
The family "was saddened and
am . on March 24. Police Chief John surprised." he said. “This jus, goes
L.Gray said.
against everything they’ve already
" Must be 21 or older to participate. Please contact AAHC before showing up to the first class and lor
more information at S 03-4I3-I8S0 or kdempsey@aahc-portland.org Please receive approval from your
doctor before beginning exercise class.
R a c ia l a nd E th n ic A p p ro a c h « « to C o m m u n ity H e a lth
A Program ol Ih», African American Health Coalition. Inc
s p o n w o o by Iho C enter, In' DHeooe Control
Prevantion (CDC)
^'’'l-lo rt latti» (ObSi f U r r
Call 503-2X8-0033 ads^portlandobserver.coni
Advertise with diversity in
Contact AAHC at 503-413-1850 or viat our web site at www.aahc-pordand.org
experienced here."
Besides canvassing the neigh­
borhood, police sent pieces of the
cross to a State Patrol crime labora­
tory for testing. Gray said.
“W e're very angry," Gray said.
"This kind of malicious harassment
isjust intolerable. Arlington is gen­
erally a very inclusive community.
This kind of crime goes against
what this community believes in.”