Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 31, 2004, Page 13, Image 13

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    (T lje ^ n r t l a n h ( ß b s e r t ie r
March 31. 2004
Page B7
R eligion
Pacific Band, Singers to Perform Jazz Mass
World premiere based
on works of Mary
Lou Williams
Pacific University’s Jazz Band and Chamber
Singers will present the world premiere of anew
arrangement of the only jazz Mass ever commis­
sioned by the Vatican on Saturday, May 8, at
7:30p.m. in McCready Hall in the Taylor-Meade
Performing Arts Center on the college’s Forest
Grove campus.
Mary Lou Williams, whose expressive sa­
cred music was among the first jazz music to be
played in the Catholic Church, originally wrote
“Mass for Peace” for a jazz combo and five
voices. Its new arrangement by Michael Burch-
Pesses, director of bands at Pacific, features a
17-piecejazz band and 24-voice choir.
In his History of Jazz and Rock class at
Pacific, Burch-Pesses teaches his students
about Williams, ajazz icon from the earliest days
of the genre. In 1969, the secretary of the Pon­
tifical Commission on Justice and Peace com-
missioned her to write what would become her
third Mass, which was originally titled "Mass
for Peace.”
Burch-Pesses said Williams was an African-
American woman who didn’t have a recording
contract and who had the bad luck to receive the
commission just when Leonard Bernstein’s
Mass and Jesus Christ Superstar were gaining
”1 have always thought it a shame that the
piece didn’t get its due and I am delighted to be
bringing it into the light. I am especially pleased
that we will be debuting the arrangement on
what would have been her 94,h birthday," Burch-
Pesses said.
The Mass has 16 movements and lasts 45
minutes. “The first movement is not part of the
Mass,” said Burch-Pesses, "but is a piano pre­
lude that Mary Lou Williams wrote to honor
gospel singer Orlando Wright."
General adm ission for this special perfor­
mance is $5 and $3 for students and senior
citizens. Tickets are available at the door or
in advance through the box office at 503-352-
Mary Lou Williams made history by
bringing jazz to the Catholic Church.
T.D. Jakes Crusade Friday, Saturday
“A m erica’s Best P reacher,” B ishop
T.D . Jakes brings his Portland C rusade,
an extraordinary religious event that’s in­
spiring and exciting, to M em orial C o li­
seum on Friday, April 2 and Saturday,
April 3.
Portland forthisexhilarating opportunity. I
personally believe G od will m ove in a
mighty way where people will leave with a
life-changing impartation,” Jakes said.
Oscar C. McCray and Flora I. McCray celebrated their 57th
wedding anniversary on March 10. The Portland couple
renewed their wedding vows on this joyful occasion with
Pastor Melvin Bailey o f Bethesda Christian Church, officiat­
ing. The McCray's attribute the joy and love that they have
shared together over the years to their belief in God and
living a Christian life.
Living Faith Ministries
1710 NE 82nd
(one block N. of the Max the NATA inside the training room)
Jakes leads the 28,000-m em ber The
Potter’s House of Dal las, one o f the fastest
grow ingchurches in America.
The crusade is an open meeting to the
publ ic; however, preferred seating is $20 per
person. For more information, please con­
Service Times
Sunday 10:00 am
Wednesday 7:00 pm
Everyone Welcome!
Joining Bishop Jakes with his stim ulat­
ing m essage will be gospel artists V icki
Yohe and H ouston’s ow n gospel pow er­
house M icah Stam pley.
“I am thrilled to join with the people o f tact M emorial Coliseum at 503-235-877 1.
P.0 Box 11648
Portland, OR 97211
David & Sherrie Littleton
"The Just Shall Live
By Faith " Romans 1:17
Grandfather Remembered
Olie Johnny Tucker
A memorial service was sched-
' uled Wednesday, March 31 at the
Community ChurehofGod,202N.E.
Skidmore St., for Olie Johnny
Tucker, a long time Portland resi­
dent who died March 9 of complica­
He is survived by his daughter,
tions from cancer.
Jolanda Z. Tucker-Smith, son-in-
Known as “One Arm Johnny," law DeShaden Smith, granddaugh­
Tucker was a very proud man. He ters Deninaand DeKuira Smith and
was bom to Alice Tucker on Sept. Kirsten Burke and son Jefferey J.
2,1926 in Mississippi.
In Loving Memory
Mark Junior Zamora
Delphia Mae Scott
A funeral was held Monday, March 22, in Mallory
Delphia Mae Scott died Feb. 28,2004, at age 79.
A venue Christian Church in Portland for Mark Junior “Mizta
Delphia Salvesen was bom Dec. 2, 1924, in
Junebugg” “Vegas” Zamora, who died March 13 at age 25. Portland. She moved in 1942 to Seattle, in 1960
Mr. Zamora was born Jan. 21,1979, in Portland, where he to Tacoma and returned to Portland in 1996. She
lived all his life. He was forklift operator and computer was a teller for U.S. Bank. In 1955, she married
operator for Columbia Sportswear.
Dean; he died in December.
1 Survivors include his son. Markus Presley; father, Roy
Survivors include her daughters, Tamara L.
8.; mother, Antoinette B.; twin brother, Matthew; brother, and Rebecca A.; sisters, Evelyn Pichaand Louise
pelavaughtey Kindred; and sisters, Aresa and Peggy.
Teed; and brother, Ed Salvesen.
Remembrances to a scholarship fund in his name for
Remembrances to an animal charity. Arrange­
needy students in sports through Bank of America. Ar­ ments by Killingsworth Little Chapel of the
rangem ents by Killingsworth Little Chapel of the Chimes. Chimes.
Iner Lenora Hunt
A funeral will be held
on F rid ay , A pril 2 for
Iner L enora Poe, w ho
died on M arch 25 at age
B o rn I n e r L e n o r a
Hunt in L ynden. T exas,
she m a rrie d T h e o d is
Poe in 1939. He died in
She w as the o w n er of
a M obil gas station. She
m oved to P ortland from
C alifo rn ia in 1963. She
was a m em ber o f the
W alker T em ple C hurch
o f G od in C hrist.
She w ill be rem em ­
b e re d by h er so n ,
T heodis Poe Jr.
R em em brances in her
m em ory may be made to
W alker T em ple C hurch.
City o f Portland/M ultnom ah County Information and Referral................ 5O3-823-4OOO
Police Non E m ergency.................................................................................... 503-823-3333
M ental H ealth 24 H our C risis........................................................................ 503-988-4888
Resident Dies at 25
Owner Dies
After Hours Emergency Numbers In Multnomah County
Aging and Disability Services 24 Hour Help L ine...................................... 503-9 8 8 -3 6 4 6
W inter Shelter L ine............................................................................................5 0 3 -7 2 1 -1500
Alcohol and Drug H elp L ine.......................................................................... 5 0 3 -244-1312
Statew ide Toll F ree..................................................................................... 1-800-923-H E L P
A nim al S ervices..................................................................................... 503-988-7387 (Pets)
United W ay........................................................................................................... 5 0 3 -2 2 8 -9 13 1
C entral C ity C o n cern ......................................................................................... 5 0 3 -2 9 4 -1681
M ultnom ah C ounty C ircuit C ourts................................................................. 503-988-3957
New Testament Church
Annual Revival
1237 NE Falling ST (com er of 13"')
S heriff’s O ffice.................................................................................................. 5 0 3 -988-4300
M ultnom ah County Em ergency M anagem ent............................................503-988-4233
T ransportation H otline.....................................................................................5 0 3 -988-4884
Portland, Oregon 97212
City o f G resham ......................................................................... 5 03-618-C ITY (618-2489)
Health Departm ent Information & Referral (D aytim e O nly).................... 5 0 3 -988-3816
March 25-Aprll 2,2004
M ultnomah County After Hours Nurse Triage (Bilingual-Spanish)........... 5 0 3 -988-3333
7:30 PM Nightly
Juvenile Justice A fter H ours L ine.................................................................. 5 0 3 -9 8 8 -3 4 7 5
Conducted Bg
Adult Com m unity Justice A fter Hours line.................................................. 5 0 3 -9 8 8 -3 2 3 0
Evangelist Dwayne Loughridge
Child A buse Reporting L ine........................................................................... 5 0 3 - 7 3 1 -3 |(X)
Los Angeles, California
Pastor Leon Brewer Jr.
Invites the Public to Attend
Come Expecting A Blessing
A m erican Red C ro ss......................................................................................... 5 0 3 -2 8 4 -1 2 3 4
Dom estic Violence Services: W om en's Crisis Line (translation available) 503-2 3 5 -5 3 3 3
Bradley-A ngle H ouse....................................................................................... 5 0 3 - 2 8 1 -2442
Volunteers o f A m erica...................................................................................... 503-2 3 2 -6 5 6 2
Salvation A rm y West W omen & Children Shelter.......................................5 0 3 -244-7718
Advertise with diversity in J J n rtla itb (0 lis erne •
( all 503-288-0033 ads@portlandob S ti ver.com
Yolanda H ouse.................................................................................................... 503-9 7 7 -7 9 3 0
(The numbers above are provided as a public service from The Portland Observer)