Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 31, 2004, Page 12, Image 12

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March 31. 2004
rt lattò © bseruer
Women Find Strength
fro m M etro
McCluskey. "Talking about that
rvirt / of T the
th»» education
information ic
is part
program lies in its 30 volunteer in­ process.”
structors, who devote I (X) hours to
Despite the physical nature of
training for the program.
the class, and discussions about
"The WontenStrength philoso­ women in danger of violent attacks,
phy is that everybody deserves many participants report an in­
tools to be able to protect them­ creased peace of mi nd after they are
selves,” said Maile McCluskey, armed with tools to protect them­
director of the program.
WontenStrength is unique from
While there may be exceptions,
other self defense programs be­ instructors refer to attackers as men.
cause it is free, which is vital to the
spirit of the program.
"Women have more limited re­
sources and everybody has the
right to have the know ledge of dif­
ferent ways to protect themselves,
p h y sic a lly and e m o tio n a lly ,”
McCluskey said.
-Sgt. Tim Musgrave
A nother elem ent central to
WontenStrength is the idea o f em­ explaining that statistics support
powerment replacing fear.
the profile that women are typically
Linda McGuire and her daughter attacked by men, be they strangers,
Jo yce M ccarty a tte n d e d the acquaintances or intimate partners.
W ontenStrength series because
According to Sgt. Tim Musgrave
they are both victims of abuse, and with the Domestic Violence Reduc­
didn’t want to live in fear.
tion Unit, 85 percent of the 10,(XX)
“I feel brave, like I can do some­ police reports that come through
thing for somebody if they are be­ his department annually are attacks
ing attacked. T hat m akes me
happy,” said McGuire, a southeast
Portland resident.
She and other class participants
learn directed moves to affectively
incapacitate an attacker, as well as
body language cues that may pre­
vent an attack from happening in
the first place.
“When we think of danger, we
think of being in a dark parking lot
by ourselves, but in fact, it’s the
person sitting across the table from
them (that poses a danger),” said
H ealthcare
Interested in a career path in
Nursing, the Laboratory or
Want to learn about the
application process at
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Specialist. 1 FT, $ 36 ,20 0
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Visit with Legacy Health System
E m p loym e n t
S e rv ic e s
representatives as we present an
information session concerning
HC jobs, how to apply and the
recruitment process. You will also
have the opportunity to speak
with current em ployees in the
fields of Nursing, Radiology and
Lab services.
$48,800. Deadline 04-12-04.
Responsible for designing and
p o stin g jo b a n n o u n cem e n ts;
a d v e rtis in g : s k ills te s tin g ;
application/resum e screening;
providing advice and assistance
with interviewing; providing advice
and counsel, and troubleshooting
personnel issues related to the
Recruitment & Selection process
and general Human Resource
issues; producing various reports,
d o c u m e n ts,
g e n e ra l
c o rre s p o n d e n c e re la te d to
program area; representing Metro
at jo b fairs and on em ployer
pa n e ls; c o -c o o rd in a tin g new
employee orientation and tour;
m aintaining M etro’s applicant
tracking database; and managing
a rc h iv in g
Whether you are pursuing a job in
healthcare, seeking a new career
direction, or are a student trying
to decide what path to pursue, we
can answer your questions and
give you the information you need
to take the next step
Visit us at our Healthcare Career
Information Event:
Tuesday, April 6”
From 2:30pm 0 4:30pm
Lorenzen Center, Legacy
Emanuel Hospital
To a c c e ss th e co m p le te jo b
a n n o u n c e m e n t,
in c lu d in g
If you cannot attend on April 6, requirem ents and application
please visit us for future Tuesday procedure, you m ay vis it our
events from 2:30pm-4:30pm on website at www.metro-region.org/
the following days:
jo b s o r you m ay pick up a
April 13, Mount Hood Medical complete packet at Metro Human
Center, Multnomah Room
R e so u rce s, 600 NE G rand
Ju ne 1, Em anuel H ospital, Avenue, Portland.
Lorenzen Center
AA/EEO Employer
August 3, Emanuel Hospital,
Lorenzen Center
October 5, Emanuel Hospital, Job Announcement
Lorenzen Center
CHILDCARE: Head Teacher for the
O ctob er 12, M eridian Park T o d d le r Room at P en in su la
Hospital, Room 117BC
Children’s Center a -non -profit
December 7, Emanuel Hospital, c h ild c a re c e n te r in North
Lorenzen Center
Portland. Must have CDA, at least
These (crimes)
occur across all
kinds o f lines.
f r,,m Metro
Today, Waller volunteers for the
program and is out o f legal trouble. He
says Butler helped him change his life
“ Back in high school, I used to
steal cars and had to go through a lot
of mentoring to get a reality check,"
W aller said. “Tiny helped me get
straightened up and told me how to be
a young man."
According to Butler, W aller's atti­
tude has changed tremendously in
the three years they’ve been working
“Ticole doesn’t feel like everybody
owes him something. He feels like he
owes everybody."
Both men encourage the commu­
nity to lend an ear to troubled kids.
“It's alright to come out of your
house and help these kids on the
street," Butler said. "W e’ve got big
shoulders and shoulders are pretty
sturdy. Sometimes you can lend your
shoulder to someone or refer them to
a good program, and it might start
changing someone’s life.”
F or m ore in fo rm a tio n ab o u t
mentoring, call 503-281 -4763.
Pledges Support
for Minorities
fro m Metro
Kotek said the key to holding on
to existing populations is support­
ing local and small businesses,
building wealth with solid living-
wage jobs and home ownership.
She points to her tenacity to get
SCHOOL-AGE: Part-time Teaching things done and her experience in
Assistant/Van Driver in After- the last Legislature working with
School Care Program. Must have Rep. Deborah Kafoury to fight for
at least 6 months experience with a law that increases education op­
children 5-12 yrs in a group setting, portunities for low-income parents.
c u rre n t d riv e r’s licen se. CDL
“So many see government not
preferred Competitive wages Call working for them, and that’s aw­
ful,” she said.
Health System
H. & B. Too
one year center-based experience
with infant/toddlers. Experience
with Early Head Start preferred.
Competitive wages and benefits.
Call 503-280-0534
Questions? Please call 503-415-
5405, or toll-free at 866-888-
4 4 2 8 . Le gacy E m ploym e n t
Services, 1120 NW 20th Ave.,
Suite 111, Portland, OR 97209
against women by men.
"These t/»rir»i**c
(crimes) I rw'/'iir
occur across
all kinds of lines," Musgrave
said. “It's not one social strata
that experiences this more than
another, or one race or faith or in
one part of the city. The numbers
tell us that it’s occurring across
the board.”
He adds that self defense
training such as the W oman
Strength program helps to pro­
tect women not just in dom es­
tically violent situations, but
in all situations where women
may be vulnerable to robberies
and sexual assaults.
W o m e n S tre n g th
classes throughout the city, sev­
eral tim esayear. Program volun­
teers also collect donated cell
phones, which are distributed to
survivors of domestic violence
or stalking, and may still be in
The next WomenStrength se­
ries is on April 15, 22 and 29 at
Faubion SUN Community School
in northeast Portland. For more
information, cal1503-988-6448.
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