(Tije Jlortlanò (Dbseruer March 31. 2004 Page B5 C lassifieds / B ids ce/v $ PARKING FACILITY Operator A r 5- U SD O L is c o n d u c tin g free w o rk sh o p s and p ro v id in g te c h n ic a l a d vic e on how to participate in their prevailing wage $8.00 + starting wage survey. It is very important to have Overtime/advancement potential as m any c o n tra c to rs and Medical & Dental. 401k avail. interested parties participate in Drugtest/Background check the survey as possible in order to New hires must have acceptable provide sufficient information to documentation to confirm both produce an accu rate federal prevailing wage rate for all of identity and eligibility to work. Oregon. For more information Apply 12:00-12:30PM, Mon, Wed check ODOT/Office of Civil Rights & Thurs at City Center Parking w e b site at h ttp :// 130 SW Stark, Portland. w w w .o d o t.s ta te .o r.u s / civilrightspub or contact Debra Wilcox (503) 986-4354. A d v en ir with diver n\ /// Call 503-288-O033 .id s «' p i> rilaiK lo b sen ci com « ’ll °PfGO^ 4/V spo ^ Immediate full time and part-time openings. Seeking dependable, well groomed, positive individuals n r Haiti» © b b c r n r r $250 to $500 a week Will train to work at home Helping the US Government file HUD/FHA mortgage refunds No experience necessary Call Toll Free 1-866-537-2906 PORT OF PORTLAND Career Opportunities Information about career opportunities with the Port of Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call TDD, (503) 944- 7485. Applications are available by visiting the Port's website at www.portportlandor.com or by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visit­ ing the Port’s office, located at 121 NW Everett Street, Portland. T he Port of Portland is an NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS N.E. Division S t./N .E . Kane Dr Waterline Project No. 4 1 9 4 0 0 Phase I Sealed bids for the N.E. D iv is io n S t./N .E . K a n e D r. W a te rlin e P ro je c t No. 4 1 9 4 0 0 P h a s e I will be received by R/cfc L illie , P ro je c t M a n a g e r, Department of Environmental Services at Gresham City Hall, 1333 N.W. Eastman Parkway, R oom 2 5 3 , (2 n d F lo o r) in Gresham, Oregon 97030, until Thursday, A p ril 1 5 th, 2 0 0 4 2 :0 0 P M local time at which time the bids will be publicly opened, in the Barlow Trail Conference Room ( I s* Floor) of Gresham City Hall. WASHINGTON COUNTY RESIDENTIAL COUNSELOR $3,114 - $3,784 / month Closes April 9, 2004 Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) 846-4898 for information or see our w e b site : www.co.washington.or.us. County application and supplem ental a p p lic a tio n fo rm s re q u ire d . Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. APPLY TO: Washington County Human Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 97124 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM Procurement and Contracts Specialist 3 PERS covers nearly 300,000 m em b e rs and a d m in is te rs retirem ent, d isa b ility benefit, he alth in su ra n c e d e fe rre d compensation plans statewide. Th is p o sitio n w ill o rig in a te , e xe c u te , and tra c k co m p le x contracts and other purchase activities. Salary range is $3,529 - $4,921/month, DOE. EOE/AA. To review the description, including m inimum qualification, obtain Job Announcement #LE040284 from y o u r local E m ploym e n t Department field office, the state jo b w e b site at w w w .o re g o n io b s .o rg . P E R S ’ website at www.pers.state.or.us. or by c a llin g PERS Hum an Resources at (503) 431-8905. Closing date is April 7, 2004 at 5 pm. L.F. 1 2 " D .l. W a te rlin e 390 L.F. 8 " D .l. W a te rlin e 14 EA 1 2 ” B u tte rfly V alves 5 EA 8 " G a te V alves The Youth Employment Institute is currently recruiting for a CFDC (Child and Family Development C e n te r) Teacher. P o sitio n is responsible for supervising and ensuring the safety and care for infants and children assigned to the Youth Employment Institute’s Child and Family Development C e nte r, d e s ig n in g ch ild development curricula, planning and im plem enting day to day activities, ensuring the safety of the children in care, providing parenting education classes to YEI parenting students, direct care for c h ild re n , m o n ito rs pro gra m compliance, and writing reports for fu n d in g so u rc e s . P lease s u b m it c o ve r le tte r, s a la ry requirements and resume attn: CFD C S u p e rv is o r, Youth Employment Institute, 1704 NE 26,h Ave, Portland, OR 97212. Position is open until filled. We value diversity and are an equal opportunity employer. EA 6 ” F ire H y d ra n t U nit 16 EA 1 ” W a te r S e rv ic e 400 CY S e le c t B a c k fill 840 SF C o n c re te S id e w a lk C u t a n d R e p a ir 1 ,9 2 5 SY AC P a v e m e n t C u t a n d R e p a ir The Youth Employment Institute is c u rre n tly re c ru itin g for Substitute Teacher Aides. Position is re s p o n sib le fo r c a rin g fo r children enrolled in the program's child-care unit and maintaining cleanliness and order of childcare areas. Minimum of three years experience in infant and childcare w ith at le a s t six m on ths experience in a center based program is preferred. Education and tra in in g e q u iva le n t to a minimum of nine college credit hours in early childhood education is preferred. Please submit cover letter and resum e attn: CFDC Supervisor, Youth Employment In stitu te, 1704 NE 26th Ave., Portland, OR 97212. Position is open u n til fille d . We va lu e d iv e rs ity and are an e qu al opportunity employer. (•> UEDLHSN C O N S T R U C T IO N PO R T L A N D J.E.DUNN NORTHWEST, INC. 43 7 N. COLUMBIA BLVD. - PORTLAND, OREGON 97 21 7 Phone (5 0 3 ) 97 8 -0 8 0 0 * Fax (5 0 3 ) 9 7 8-1 031 * CCB#84045 We are an equal opportunity employer and actively seek participation Service Disabled Veteran-Owned, and Veteran-Owned Business Concerns. This project is for a public work and is subject to ORS 279.348 to 279.380, the Oregon Prevailing Wage Law. All proposals must be submitted on the forms furnished by the City of Gresham, mailed or delivered to the Departm ent of Environmental Services, City of Gresham, in a sealed envelope plainly marked, "SEALED BID for the N.E. D ivisio n S t./N .E . K a n e Dr. W a te rlin e P ro je c t N o. 4 1 9 4 0 0 P h a s e I, bearing the name and address of the bidder. The bid must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s check or bid bond in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid. The City of Gresham requires all Contractors to comply with equal opportunity policies. The City's programs, services, employment opportunities, volunteer positions and contracts are open to all persons without regards to race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, marital status, handicap, or political affiliation. Minority Business Owners If you perform Construction Work or Construction Services and if you have a new business or recently formed a business in the last 2 years and are interested in doing future work with the City of Portland. Please contact: Group AGB LLC, Andre Baugh - 503 281-3638 andre@l2x4.com or FM Burch & Assoc., Faye Burch - 503 735-9455 fmburchpr@aol.com We are working to create a database of new companies that includes the services they can provide. Let us help you take the next step to increase your opportunities and Profits. S E D I The City of Portland is an equal opportunity employer Request for Qualifications #03-40 City of Portland, Oregon PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Real Estate Acquisition/ Disposition and Market Analysis Flexible Services Contracts (As Needed Basis) March 29, 2004 The Portland Development Com m ission ( “ Com m ission’’) is requesting qualification for Real Estate Acquisition/ Disposition and Market Analysis Services to be contracted on an as-needed basis. From this Request for Qualifications (RFQ), one contract covering all services, multiple contracts, or any combination determined to be in the best interest of the Commission will be selected. Contracts(s) will be awarded fora three-year period with an annual contract review. The full RFQ may be obtained by telephone, e-mail or Fax request to: Julie Hoffman, Contract Specialist Portland Development Commission 1900 SW Fourth Avenue, Suite 7000 Portland, OR 97201 Phone (503) 823-3291 Fax (503) 279-1913 hoffmani@pdc.us Or download from the commission web site at www.pdc.us Proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope to the above address no later than 3:00PM, Friday April 9, 2004 Contractors who are certified as Minority, Women or Emerging Small Business are strongly encouraged to apply. Contractors are also recommended to utilize Minority, Women, and Emerging Small Business Enterprises for their subcontracting needs. Portland Development Commission greatly values diversity in contracting and in the workforce, and encourages it contractors to do the same. OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR Principal Executive/M anager F Governor's Rural Policy Advisor These are just a few of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon. A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional job information are available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the Oregon jobs page at: www.oregonjobs.org The State of Oregon and all its divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers OREGON DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF OREGONIANS ly joining the Orngr.i D< iiitin n n t of Human Services (DHS). the statewide nealth and human services agency. We help Oregonians oe independent, healthy and safe. We are absolutely committed to ongoing innovation in the delivery of services, arid we am committed to recruiting, develop ng and r e ta in ^ a diverse workforce. PUBLIC HEALTH • Program Technician 2 Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention Program Coordinator Senary range: $3.208 - $4,476/month Announcement ALEHS4177 • Salem Position closes April 9 .2004 • Principal Executive/Manager D Environmental Toxicology Section Manager Salary range: $3.720 $5,486/month Announcement f(LEHS4159 Portland Position closes April 1, 2004 To obtain detailed ,oh announcements and application materials, visit the DHS website: www.dhs.state.or.us/jobs/: call the DHS job line at (503) 945-5742: TTY (503) 9 45 6214 or contact any local Oregon Employment office. Information s available by referencing toe announcement number. The purpose of this position is to help coordinate the formulation of rural policy for the state by researching, promoting and coordinating activities throughout Oregon, serving as a clearing house for the collection and dissemination o' information, as well as serving as the liaison between elected officials in rural Oregon, the Governor. Executive Branch, and the Legislature: and holding (own ball meetings throughout rural portions of the state to do a needs and ssues inventory assessment in order to develop recommended principles for an economic development plan. Desired candidates will have extensive knowledge and an understanding of rural area issues, service delivery, and stakeholders: a work ng knowledge of federal and state funding regulations, and mandates; and the ability to effectively communicate with a variety of audiences In a wide range of settings Salary Is $4.523 - $6.659/morith, plus excellent benefits. The State of Oregon is an equal opportunity, affirmative actioi enipioyer. oommittpd to worido e diversity Please visit www.oregonjobs.org for Announcement AESOA4024 and application materials. Mall, fax or email your application materials to Department of Administrative Services. Personnel Office. Attn: Barbara Mitchell. 155 Cottage Street NE. U130. Salem Oregon 97310-3974, Phone: (503) 3 78 4 1 84 , Fax: (503) 3 78 6 8 79 . email: Barbara.MKchell9das.state.or.us. Position coses on April 5, 2004 Affirmative Action Program Program Representative 1 Executive Assistant The primary duty of the Governor's Affirmative Action (AA) Program rs to direct and monitor affirmative action programs in all state agenc es. The person in this position w ll oversee the program and one or more adrrnnistrarive functions, including related supporting programs; develop, review, monitor, and make recommendations regarding program budget, requinng management and executive knowledge and ability; and monitor a reporting system to track agency progress in workforce diversity. To qualify, you must have 2 years' staff technical or professioria-level expenenne. including advising and/or instructing the public concerning spec i e piogiams or processes; momtonng programs: or perform lg |n ticipa'it (views Salary is $2.607 $3.652/m otlttl, plus exerrtent benefits To obtain full Announcement FES121001 and application materials, please visit www.oregonjobs.org Mail, deliver, fax or email application materials to Department of Administrative Services. Attn. Joe Wahl. Attn: Joseph Wahl. 155 Cottage S t U40. Salem OR 973013968: fax to (50313786879: phone: (503) 3784184; or email: Joseph.m.wahl@state.or.us. Your aoplv at on materials must oe received by 5:00 pm on April 15. 2004. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (ODOT) CAREER OPPORTUNITIES . JOIN OUR TEAM! ODOT supports a vast range of innovative transportation products and services, touching the He of every Oregonian, every day Explore our variety of rewarding occupations... CUSTOMER SERVICE/ENFORCEMENT PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM (PERS) Principal Executive/M anager H Executive Director Tigard. Oregon The Executive Director serves as tbe chief executive officer and is responsible for the ovemll administration of the agency. Candidates must have a degree in Business. F.nance, or related experience, including leadership experience iri large, diverse organizations, public or private that haw; a similar scope and complexity ot programs related to this position. proven ability to motivate ano lead m a challenging environment strong financial manage bent skills: exoerience dealing with complex policy Issues, superb verbal and written communication skills; and strong human resource management experience. Candidates must also have a proven track reixxd in facilitating consensus between a broad range of stakeholders. Salary is $69.156 $9z.056/yeai. plus an excellent beneffs package. The State of Oregon is an equal opportunity. affirmative action employer, committed to To obtain Announcement »ES459002. please visit www oregonjobs.org. Mail, deliver, fax or email your application materials to Joe Wahl, Statewide Recruitment Services. Department of Administrative Services. 1 5 5 Cottage Street. NE. Salem. Oregon 97310. Phone: (5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 4 1 8 4 , Fax: (503) 3 7 8 S 7 3 1 , email: Joseph.M Wahl®state.or.us. This pos is open until tilled. 3/25/2004 CITY OF GRESHAM CALL FOR NEW Employment C o p ie s o f C o n tr a c t D o c u m e n ts a n d P la n s a r e to b e Contractors who are not currently prequalified with the City of G resham fo r w a t e r l i n e I n s t a l l a t i o n , m ust su b m it a prequalification application to the Department of Environmental Services by A p ril 7th, 2 0 0 4 . Prequalification application forms are a v a ila b le thru P r e c is io n Im a g e s or D e parm e n t of Environmental Services at City Hall. 1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750. Portland OR 97204 503-823-6855 BID DATE: APRIL 6,2004 AT 12:00 PM Questions concerning this project should be addressed to R ich L illie, Project Manager, (5 0 3 ) 6 1 8 -2 7 2 2 . Prior to obtaining Contract Documents, potential bidders must have the current edition of the City of Gresham Public Works Standard as shown by the records of the Departm ent of Environmental Services at City Hall. The Gresham Public Works Standard are to be purchased at the office of the Department of Environmental Services. For the convenience of the Contractor, C o n tra c t D o cu m en ts m ay be re vie w ed at th e o ffic e of Environmental Services at the Gresham City Hall. B ti r e a t i o f P u r c h a s e s Substitute Teacher Aide: from Small, Small Disadvantaged, Minority, Women-Owned, HUB Zone, 8 C i t i o f P o r t la n d Sub Bids Requested COLUMBIA MENTAL HEALTH FACILITY ST. HELENS, OREGON The character of the work is w a te rlin e In s ta lla tio n The major quantities involved are: 2 ,8 1 0 CFDC Teacher: acjo / v <#>« “ x %> For contracting opportunities with the City o f Portland and for valuable information on how to do business w ith the City, please log on to the Bureau of Purchases Web Page: www.portlandonline.coiu/omf/purchasiiit; W W • Safety Compliance Specialist Salary $2,925 - $4.065/month Announcement P0CDT4157 La Grande MANAGEMENT/ PROFESSIONAL • Region 5 Manager Salary $5,229 - $7,703/month Announcement »0CDT4041 La Grande • Assistant State Project Delivery Manager Salary $3.903 ■ $5.486/month Announcement F0CDT4249 Salem • OTIA III Bridge Delivery Project Manager Salary $3,903 $5.486/month Announcement #0CDT4250 Salem To apply, you must obtain a copy of the appropr ate announcement number, which provdes full details, quanficahonvrequ rements. and how to apply instructions. Call (5O3i 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 jT7Y (503) 986-3854 for the hearing impaired), or visit www odot state.rx us/Jot». As an AA/fEO employ«', ODOT is committed to ntegratmg toe promotion and management of workforce diversify and affirmative action Into every facet of our business