March 24. 2004 ^ P o rtla n ò (D b s e rü c r Page B7 R eligion 'America's Best Preacher' Coming I Local Spiritual History Uncovered Bishop and Mrs. T.D. Jakes Don’t miss the chance to see the man “T im e" m agazine called “America’s Best Preacher.” B ishop T. D. Jakes, pastor, com ­ munity advocate, humanitarian, au­ thor, songwriter, playwright, con­ ference speaker and broadcaster is coming to Memorial Coliseum for the Portland Crusade, beginning at 7 p.m. Friday, April 2 and continu­ ing at 11 a.m. Saturday, April 3 for two days of exhilarating, rigorous and compassionate sermons. The spiritual engagement is open to the public and preferred seating is available for $20. To register, cal I l-8 0 0 -B ish o p -2 or v isit w w w . thepottershouse. org. New Tesfamenl Church Annual Revival 1237 NE Failing ST (comer of I3m) Portland, Oregon 97212 503-254-7594 Professor to study history of Muslims in Portland March 25-April 2, 2004 7:30 PM Nighfly Conducted By Evangelist Dwagne Loughridge K am biz G haneaBassiri, as­ sistant professor o f religion and hum anities at Reed College, has been aw arded a $6,000 grant from H arvard U niversity’s Plu­ ralism Project to narrate the history o f M uslim -built com ­ m unities, including mosques, Islamic centers, and schools, in Portland. Portland resident Raymond L. Loretta Bowden, Tanzi Touray and Wyse Sr. died March l3.H ew as55. T he grant w ill support the Delores Wyse all of Portland; his He was bom on March 5,1949, in research o f R eed students a s­ children, Raymond Wyse Jr. of Houston, Texas. He worked as a sisting G h an eaB assiri in in ­ Portland and Dana Wyse of Oak­ shipping clerk in California and terv iew in g those involved in land; three grandchildren, Precious Oregon and owned several real b u ild in g P o rtla n d ’s M uslim Jones of Oakland, Armari Wyse of estate properties. He was an entre­ co m m u n ity and in developing Minneapolis, Minn, and Jeremy preneur who owned and operated p r o f i l e s o f P o rtla n d ’s Wyse of Portland; a niece LaJoyce two neighborhood stores: “Just Bowden and two nephews, Joshua m o sq u e s. In a d d itio n , they Us" in Oakland, Calif, and the “Cali­ W yse-Elder and Cliffonte Chaney, w ill research city records and fornia Snackery” in Portland; he all of Portland; and a host of rela­ lo c a l n e w s p a p e r s f o r th e also owned and operated “Sugar tives and friends. la r g e r n o n - M u s lim Ray’s Social Club” in Portland. Funeral services w ere held p o p u la tio n ’s attitu d e s tow ard He is survived by his parents, March 19 at Greater St. Stephen the presence o f M uslim c o m ­ Charles and Bernice Wyse; his Missionary Baptist Church, fol­ m unities w ithin th e c ity ’sbu ilt brother, William and sister-in-law lowed by a Private entombment at env iro n m en t. T he project will R h o n d a W yse; th ree siste rs, Raymond L. Wyse Sr. Portland Memorial Mausoleum. explore how M uslim s in P ort­ la n d h a v e b u ilt an a c tu a l A m e ric a n M u slim c o m m u ­ nity. Tommie D. Alexander G haneaB assiri believes this lived in Portland for 23 years. In A lexander, 23 gran d ch ild ren , A funeral was held M arch 13- 1969, she married Rance Peterson, w ill be the first scholarly h is­ three great-grandchildren and a at F ello w sh ip M issio n ary B ap­ who died in 1996. tory o f a local M uslim -built host o f n ieces, nephew s and tis t C h u rc h fo r T o m m ie D. She was an officer for Nurse friends. c o m m u n ity in th e U n ite d A lexan d er, w ho died recently A ssistance. S tates. Rem em brances to M cCleoud at age 78. She is survived by her sons. Enterprise LLC. Arrangements by A ccording to con serv ativ e Mrs. A lexander was born May Rev. C h a rle s M cC leoud Sr., estim ates, P ortland is hom e Killingsworth Little Chapel of the 3, 1926 in Sheverport, La. She Jo h n n y V e a ls and W illie Chimes. to 6 ,0 0 0 to 10,000 M uslim s. T h e r e a re a p p r o x im a te ly eleven m o sq u e s o r Islam ic cen ters in the g re a te r P ort­ land region. Vlrger Mae Dawson Virger Mae Hopgood was bom Jessie J. ; daughter, Leona Gatson; D e s p ite its s m a ll s iz e , Funeral services w ere held Jan. 15, 1909, in Boley, Okla. She P o rtla n d ’s M uslim s co m m u ­ 14 grandchildren; 42 great-grand­ March 3 at the Killingsworth Little moved to Portland in 1942 and was nity has been very active in ch ild ren ; and 11 g reat-g reat- Chapel of the Chimes for Virger a homemaker. In 1926, she married the larger com m unity. T here grandchildren. A daughter Elvia Mae Dawson who died Feb. 25, at Willis B Dawson; he died in 1986. diedin 1999, and her son Jefferson are several ongoing interfaith age 95. S u rv iv o rs include her son, died in 2000. dialogue groups in which M us­ lims regularly participate. The M uslim E ducation T rust o f P o rtlan d , fo unded in 1991, a d m in is te rs an Isla m ic e l­ City ot Portland/Multnomah County Information and Referral............... 503-823-4000 em en tary sch o o l and o rg a ­ nizes m onthly outreach events Police Non Emergency..................................................................... 503-823-3333 for the larger com m unity. It Mental Health 24 Hour Crisis................................... 503-988 4888 also estab lish es and m aintains ties betw een M uslim s in P o rt­ Aging and Disability Services 24 Hour Help Line................................... 503-988-3646 land and national M uslim o r­ Winter Shelter Line.................................... t........... 503 721 1500 ganizations by sponsoring lec­ turers from these o rg a n iz a ­ Alcohol and Drug Help Line....................................................... 503-244-1312 tions. T he o rg an izatio n also w orks w ith local civil rights Statewide Toll Free................................................................................1-8OO-923-HELP groups to ad vance political Animal Services..............................................................................503-988-7387 (Pets) a g e n d a s fo r the b e n e fit o f M uslim s in the U nited States. From Los Angeles. California Pastor Leon Brewer Jr. Invites the Public to Attend Portland Entrepreneur Remembered Come Expecting A Blessing Living Faith Ministries 1710 NE 82"‘l (one block N. of the Max the NATA inside the training room) Service Times Sunday 10:00 am Wednesday 7:00 pm Everyone Welcome! P.O Box 11648 Portland, OR 97211 503-284-8527 Mother, Grandmother Remembered “The Just Shall Live By Faith Romans 1:17 David & Sherrie Littleton Pastors HIGHLAND UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 8 th ANNUAL APPRECIATION SERVICE FOR Family Matron, Homemaker Dies at 95 PASTOR a WIFE Rev. MAG. H a r d y jr . ¿f f i r s t L a d y A li/H ardy THEME: "Look back and wonder - Look ahead and know ” 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 After Hours Emergency Numbers in Multnomah County Appreciation Services to be held Friday M arch 2 6 01, 2 0 0 4 7pm Sunday M arch 2 8 m, 20Q 4 4pm Special Guest S p ecial Guests Pastor Reggie C. Witherspoon Sr Dr. Terrence Rhone M t. Calvary Christian Center M t. Sinai Church of Godin Christ Seattle, WA Pomona, CA Highland UCC - 1737 N.E. Alberta Portland, OR 97212 - (503) 287-9567 United Way..................................................................................................503-228-9131 Central City Concern................................................................................. 503-294-1681 Multnomah County Circuit Courts........................................................... 503-988-3957 EXTRAVAGANZA Sheriff s Office.........................................................................................503-988-4300 N e w Z io n R e v iv a l F u l l G o s p e l C h u r c h Multnomah County Emergency Management....................................... 503-988-4233 Pastor-Willie X Hurst Transportation Hotline.................................................... City of Gresham...................................................................503-6| .. 503-988 4884 (618-2489) Multi-Cultural Fashion Show & Dinner Health Department Information & Referral (Daytime Only).................. 503-988-3816 North Star Ballroom Multnomah C ounty After Hours Nurse Triage (Bilingual-Spanish)........ 503-988-3333 Juvenile Justice After Hours Line............................................................ 503-988-3475 Adult Community Justice After Hours line............................................. 503-988-3230 Child Abuse Reporting Line........................................................... 503-731-3100 American Red Cross.................................................... 503-284 1234 Domestic Violence Services: Women’s Crisis Line (translation available! 503-235-5333 Bradley-Angle House.............................................................................. ............... _2442 Volunteers of America................................................................. 503-232-6562 (The numbers above are provided as a public service from The Portland Observer) 9 635 N. Killingworth Ct. Portland, Oregon 97217 March 27, 2004 5:00 pm - until 9:00 pm (Dinner at 6:00 pm) Betty Martin-ExtravaganzaCoordinator KoKo Edwards - Coordinator For Fashion Show No Children Under The Age Of 14 Please