Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 24, 2004, Page 12, Image 12

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(Ehe |J o rt lattò ©bserucr.
March 24. 2004
C lassifieds / B ids
In The District Court Of Court
The Eleventh Judicial District
Of The State Of Montana In
And For The County Of
JO N ,
In The M atter Of, B.B..S.B and
K,B.. Youth In Need Of Care
No. DN -04-007C
J o in t C h ild a n d F am ily S t u d ie s /
University Studies Position
(Bilingual - Spanish/English)
$2,493 $ 3 ,0 3 1 / m o n th
Closes April 2, 2004
To: Michelle Boyd, Mother Of B.B., S.B.
Call (503) 846 860 6 /TTY (503)
846-4898 for inform ation or see
You Are Hereby N otified that a
w e b s ite :
P e tition has been file d in th e
www.co.washington.or.us. County
a b o v e -e n title d C o u rt by th e
a p p lica tio n and s u p p le m e n ta l
M ontana D epartm ent o f Public
a p p lic a tio n fo rm s re q u ire d .
Health and Human Services, Child
W om en, m inorities, and people
a n d F a m ily S e rv ic e s D iv is io n
with disabilities are encouraged
(hereinafter CFSD), Drawer 310,
to apply.
Kalispell, MT 59903, requesting
th e g ra n tin g o f E m e rg e n c y
W ashington County Human
P ro te c tiv e
S e rv ic e s
Resources Division
Tem porary Investigative Authority
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320
of the above-nam ed youths to the
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Departm ent of public Health and
Human Services for a period of 90
a p p e a r on th e 2 6 ,h d a y o f
MARCH, 2 00 4, a t 9:00 o ’clock
a.m . at th e C o u rtro o m o f th e
a b o v e e n title d C o u rt a t th e
Courthouse in Kalispell, Flathead
County, M ontana, then and there
to show cause, if any you m ay
have, why em ergency protective
services should be granted, and
why CFSD should not be granted
Temporary Investigative Authority
of the above-nam ed youths; as it
p erta in s to th e righ ts as birth
The yo u th 's date o f birth is as
B.B d.o.b 07/11/1990
S.B d.o.b.07/21/1992
K.B d.o.b.09/22/1994
Appraiser Analyst 4
Property Tax Conference Officer
Do you have a background In property
appraisal and enjoy researching laws,
regulations, court decisions, and writing
decision letters? We are seeking someone
with experience as an appraiser to conduct
conferences and make recommendations
under the departm ents supervisory
authority over the property tax system
This person will review and comment on
complex court decisions and legal opinions
to identify impacts on property tax appraisal
policies and procedures. Salary range is
$3,529 - $4,921/month To request Job
Announcement »LERV0267A and an
application, call (503) 9 4 5855 5. TTY
(hearing or speech Impaired only) (503)
9458617 or (800) 886-7204 Recruitment
closes on March 31, 2004.
Oregon Business 2003 Top 100
Best Companies to work for, Oregon
A re n a C o rp o ra tio n is s e e k in g
experien ced security agents to
p rovid e p ro te ctio n o f all Rose
Q u a rte r F a c ilitie s (in te rio r &
e x te rio r) a g a in s t tre s p a s s ,
van da lism , theft, fire or th reat
through patrol. Excellent customer
s e rv ic e , w ritte n
a n d o ra l
communication skills required with
minimum 1-year previous security
experience. Possess or ability to
obtain DPSST certification. Must
be a va ila b le to w ork a fle xib le
schedule (Days, Swing, Graveyard,
weekends & holidays). Previous
m ilita ry e x p e rie n c e a p lu s .
Applications available in Ticket/
B ox O ffic e Lo bby at th e R ose
Quarter Job Opportunity desk, One
Center Court, Suite 200, Portland,
OR 9 7227 or a p p ly o n lin e at
No phone calls please.
Opportunity Employer. Minorities
and fem ales are encouraged to
Good Pay And Benefits
Tired of m in im um pay and no
be n efits? W e have op eningsin
m any fields, paid tra in in g, full
m e d ic a l/ d e n ta l, 30 d a ys p a id
vacation, retirement plan. No exp,
necessary for H.S. grads. C a llM -F
Finance and Adm inistrative Services Departm ent
RFP 04-1089[Reissue] - FA
M ain ten an ce and R epair fo r M etro Elevators,
Escalators, and Stage Lifts
M e tro is s e e k in g b id s fo r R F P 0 4 -1 0 8 9 [R ] -F A fo r th e
preventative maintenance end emergency servicing of
elevators escalators and stage lifts at the following
M etro Regional Center at 600 NE Grand Avenue
Oregon Zoo at 4001 SW Canyon Road
Portland Center for the Perform ing Arts at 1111 SW Broadway
Arlene Schnitzer C oncert Hall 1037 SW Broadway
Keller Auditorium 222 SW Clay
Expo at 2060 N. M arine Drive
Oregon Convention Center at 777 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd.
All facilities are located in Portland Oregon.
Potential proposers may obtain the docum ents by contacting Pam
Juett, Contract Analyst (503) 797-1613 or by visiting our website
located at http://www.m etro-region.org/pssp.cfm ?ProgServlD=22.
S e a le d p ro p o s a ls m u st be d e liv e re d to th e C o n tra c ts and
Purchasing Division at Metro, 600 NE Grand, Portland, Oregon
97232-2736, to the attention of Pam Juett, Contracts Analyst no
later than 3:00 pm Tuesday, April 13, 2 00 4.
There will be a m andatory site w alk-through of all sites (except
Expo which is optional). All contractors m ust attend one w alk­
through of each o f the six required facilities prior to the bid closing
date. Any vendor attending the walk-thorough for the original issue
of this RFP in Decem ber 2003 has met the m andatory provision.
Tha w a lk th ro u g h m e e tin g s w ill b e s c h e d u le d by
appointm ent only by th e fa c ilitie s m anager (or building
engineer) betw een M onday, M arch 29 through Friday April
2, 2 00 4. The m anager (or engineer) can schedule individual or
group meetings at their discretion. It is incum bent on the proposer
to schedule as much tim e as they need to becom e fam iliar with
the equipm ent.
All bids must conform to the RFB form at and be com plete including
the use of any required form s. M etro m ay accept or reject any or
all bids, in whole or in part, or waive irregularities not affecting
substantial rights if such action is deem ed in the public interest.
Metro and its contractors will not discriminate against any person(s)
based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age,
religion, physical handicap, political affiliation or m arital status.
M etro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specifically
encourages minority and wom en-owned businesses to access and
participate in this and all M etro projects, program s and services.
Applications are invited for a fixed-
te rm p o s itio n fo r 2 0 0 4 -0 5 at
P o rtla n d S ta te U n iv e rs ity .
Responsibilities include teaching
th e U n iv e rs ity S tu d ie s F a m ily
Studies Sophom ore Inquiry class
as well as classes in the Child and
F a m ily
S tu d ie s
P ro g ra m .
P re fe rre d a re c a n d id a te s are
th o s e w h o have a) a Ph .D . in
Fam ily Studies, or closely related
field; b) a strong foundation in the
t h e o r e t ic a l/ c o n c e p t u a l
k n o w le d g e b a s e fo r F a m ily
S tu d ie s fro m a fe m in is t a n d
critical social science perspective;
and c) experience teaching at the
university level using interactive
a p p ro a c h e s ,
w o rk in g
collaborative team s, and w orking
w ith d ive rse group s of people.
Send a letter of application, vita,
statem ent of teaching philosophy,
and contact inform ation for three
references: Search Com m ittee,
Child and Family Studies. PSU, PO
B ox 7 5 1 -O C C D , P o rtla n d , OR
9 7207. A p p lic a tio n s w ill be
accepted until an interview pool
is established. Application review
w ill begin M ay 15, 2 0 0 4 and
c o n tin u e u n til f in a lis t s a re
identified. The position will remain
open for a m inim um of 30 days
fro m th e f ir s t p u b lic n o tic e .
Portland State University is an AA/
EO institution and, in keeping with
the President’s Diversity Initiative,
w e lc o m e s a p p lic a tio n s fro m
d iv e rs e
c a n d id a te s
a nd
candidates who support diversity.
Contact Dr. M orgaine (503-725-
T lalatinc ’BV alley
A c c o u n tln g /H R A s s is ta n t.
H e a lth c a re n o n p ro fit n e e d s
a s s is ta n c e w / b o o k k e e p in g ,
grants & benefits m anagem ent,
HR file s , d a ta b a s e s & a d m in
s u p p o rt.
B a s ic a c c o u n tin g
knowledge required. Resum e &
c o v e r le tte r by 3 / 3 1 / 0 4 to :
O CH IN HR, 522 SW 5,n #400,
P o rtla n d
5 0 3 .4 1 6 .1 4 3 7
fa x
o c h in r e s u m e s @ c o m m u n it v -
A c c o u n ta n t,
$55,093, FT, D eadline Ap ril 2,
2 004. M onitors, co n tro ls and
audits all transactions of the food
co n c e s s io n a ire ; o v e rs e e s and
m onitors the m erchandise sales
o p e ra tio n fo r M E R C fa c ilitie s
(Expo Center, Portland Center for
th e P e rfo rm in g A rts O re g o n
Convention Center); perform s a
fu ll ra n g e o f p ro fe s s io n a l
a c c o u n tin g d u tie s in v o lv e d in
fis c a l m a n a g e m e n t, re c o rd
keeping, reporting and financial
This opportunity is open to First
Opportunity Target Area residents
(C o lu m b ia B o u le v a rd o n th e
north; 42nd Avenue on th e east;
th e B a n fie ld F re e w a y on th e
sou th , and N orth C h a u ta u g u a
Boulevard on the w est), whose
to ta l a n n u a l in co m e d o e s not
exceed $25,000 as an individual,
o r $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 fo r a n e n tire
h o u s e h o ld , fo r th e p a s t 12
To a c c e s s th e c o m p le te jo b
a n n o u n c e m e n t a n d re q u ire d
a p p lica tio n m a te ria ls you m ay
visit our w ebsite at w w w .m etro-
region.org/jobs or you may pick up
a c o m p le te p a c k e t a t M e tro
H u m a n R e s o u rc e s , 6 0 0 NE
Grand Avenue. Portland.
AA/EEO Em ployer
A d m in is tr a t iv e A s s is ta n t.
H e a lth c a re n o n p ro fit s e e k in g
flexible, positive person to greet
guests, arrange travel, schedule
tra in in gs, a n sw er ph ones, file,
build & m aintain spreadsheets.
Resum e & cover letter by 3/31/
04 to: OCHIN HR, 522 SW 5th
# 4 0 0 , P o rtla n d O R 9 7 2 0 4 or
5 0 3 .4 1 6 .1 4 3 7
fa x
o c h in r e s u m e s @ c o m m u n it y -
S erves African Am erican m ales
p r o v id in g m ilie u tre a tm e n t,
r e c r e a tio n ,
a s s e s s m e n t,
in d ivid u a l and g ro u p se rvice s.
M ust have CAD C or be eligible or
have an M A w ith a lco h o l/d ru g
e x p e rie n c e .
M ust
h a ve
e xp e rie n ce w orkin g with youth
a n d a p p ly in g m o tiv a tio n a l
interview ing as well as agreeing
with a strength based philosophy.
A fric a n A m e ric a n m a le s a re
encouraged to apply.
Interested applicants m ay e-m ail
resum es to: hr@tvcenter».org
fax to: 503-690-9605 or m ail to;
T V C , 1 4 6 0 0 N W C o rn e ll Rd,
Portland, OR 97229 Attn: Human
Resources. Please include in your
cover letter the position for which
you are applying. To learn more
a b o u t T u a la tin V a lle y C e n te rs
p le a s e v is it o u r w e b s ite at
w w w .tvcenters.org
Equal Opportunity Em ployer
Office Assistant 2
P E R S c o v e rs n e a rly 3 0 0 ,0 0 0
m e m b e rs a nd a d m in is te rs
re tire m e n t, d is a b ility benefits,
health insurance and deferred
com pensation plans statew ide.
T h is p ositio n w ill ca p tu re and
re trie v e
d o c u m e n ts
fro m
microfilm. Salary range is $ 1,456
- $ l,9 4 9 / m o n th , DOE EOE/AA.
You c a n
additional inform ation.
PCC Spring Torm.
3,000 Adventures Start March 28.
t-'jr •niwv mtUr'iiMltor
ptl. UlAl
or t a i W 3 977 a tra
BIG at
Specials This Week:
• 6 pack of Fresh Garlic 69 cents each
• Broccoli 69 cents per lb.
• Zucchini Squash 69 cents per lb.
• Locally Grown Mustard Greens
• 3 Bunches For $ 1.00
o b ta in A n n o u n c e m e n t
# L E 0 4 0 2 7 1 , which may include test
questions, and the S ta te of Oregon
722 N. Sumner, PDX
503 460 3830
application form (P D 1 0 0 ) from the
local Employment Departm ent, the
state website at www.oregonlobs.org.
Co4 )•<)<•
w e b s ite
w w w .pers.state.or.us. or by callin g
PERS H um an Resources a t ( 5 0 3 )
6 0 3 - 7 7 9 4 , TTY ( 5 0 3 ) 6 0 3 - 7 7 6 6
Crim inal history will be checked
prior to hire. Closing date is April,
2004 at 5 pm.
Limited to supplies on hand. Prices effective 03/17/04 thru 03/23/04
Local Produce For Local Folks
Discount Groceries Now Too!
Open Monday-Friday 7:30 am till 7:00 pm
Sunday 9 am till 6 pm; Saturday 9 am till 7 pm
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