_____________ (Eljc ^ortlanh (Pbeeruer Page B4 ____________________ March 24,2004 Mexico to Host World Water Summit Asian and Hispanic Populations Boom Focus on restoring health, dignity to people M exico w ill host the fourth W orld W ater Forum in 2006, Presi­ dent V icente Fox said M onday, bringing the w eeklong m eeting on w ater scarcity to the A m ericas for the first time. T he 2006 sum m it will focus on providing clean w ater and sanita­ tion to the w orld’s poor - a major problem in relati vely water-rich Latin America. “W ater is the great them e o f the 21 st cen tu ry . It is our com m on fu­ ture,” Fox said. “In M exico, water is a m atter o f national security.” T ap w ater is considered unsafe to d rin k th ro u g h o u t m u ch o f M exico, and bottled w ater is con­ sum ed by m uch o f the population that can afford it. T ourists are con­ sistently w arned to not drink tap w ater because it can cause diges­ tive problem s. A lack o f access to sanitation is the m ost pressing w ater problem worldwide, said W illiam Cosgrove, president o f the W orld'V aterC oun- W o rk e rs S e n d $ 1 4 B illio n H o m e ( AP)— M exicans will receive an estim ated $14.5 billion this year from countrym en working in the U nited States, a figure that rivals the nation’s m ost im por­ tant sources o f foreign income, according to a new study. The study by the Inter-Ameri­ can Development Bank and Pew Hispanic Center found that offi­ cial estimates overlook money shipped home by mail or carried by migrants and messengers. It found that 18 percent o f M exico’s population currently receives regular incom e from abroad. “For a big country, it’s enor­ m ous,” said D onald Terry o f the In ter-A m erican D evelopm ent Bank. Minorities to compose half of Americans in 2050 president o f research for the N a­ tional C ouncil o f La Raza, the nation’s largest advocacy group for H ispanics. “ But in term s o f the m essage, it’s the sam e story on how we need to Hispanic population could triple by 2050 Cow tracks lead up to the water's edge on a section o f the Rodriguez dam reservoir in Tijuana, Mexico. Drought and heavy water use has lowered the reservoir to critical levels. (AP photo) cil. “ It’s a fundam ental issue be­ cause it affects the health o f people and their dignity,” said Cosgrove, noting that m ore than h a lf the w orld’s population is living w ith­ out access to basic sanitation. T he problem could get worse. A ccording to a recent U.N. report, as m any as 4 billion people could face w ater shortages by 2025. Rapid population grow th and clim ate changes are feeding the accelerating crisis that could bring w ater shortages to 60 countries by the m iddle o fth e century ¡faction is not taken, according to the report. The U.N. C hildren’s Fund re­ ported Friday that diarrhea diseases - w hich spread more rapidly in areas w ithout sanitation or where safe w ater is unavailable - now claim the lives o f about 5,000 children per day. Fox Proposes Election Reforms (A P ) — P re s id e n t V icente Fox and opposi­ tion lawm akers delivered com peting election-reform proposals to Congress on M onday, each citing the need to cut election costs and renew confidence in a cam paign finance system shaken by scandal. Both proposals would Mexican President Vicente Fox shorten the cam paign sea­ son for presidential candidates to that grips M exico during extended 90 days and lim it the am ount o f election seasons. “T he purposes is to com bat cor­ m oney they can spend. The dates for federal, state and local elections ruption, create transparency in the use o f resources, and to increase w ould be consolidated. T he Fox adm inistration co n ­ accountability,” the president said tends its plan would unlock infor­ M onday. He said his plan “also w ould m ation about cam paign finances and break the legislative deadlock decrease the cost o f the dem ocracy and facilitate legislative agreem ents.” Law m akers from the In stitu tio n a l R e v o lu ­ tionary Party, or PRI, w hich Fox unseated in 2 000, an d the leftist D em ocratic Revolution Party are backing an elec­ tio n -re fo rm p ro p o sa l that w ould place new restrictions on radio and television advertising. L ast year, o p p o sitio n law m ak ­ ers accu sed Fox o f using g o v ern ­ m en t-reserv ed airtim e to prom ote the ach iev em en ts o f his ad m in is­ tratio n d u rin g the ru n -u p to m id ­ term electio n s - a com m on p rac­ tice o f the PRI d u rin g its 1929- 2000 reign. OFF.: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 0 3 STATE FARM BUSINESS FAX: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 4 6 INSURANCE COMPANIES T he n a tio n ’s A sian and H is­ p a n ic p o p u la ­ tions will roughly triple in size by The Hispanic and Asian m id -c e n tu ry , population could triple by 2050 w h en m in o rity nationwide, according to g ro u p s o v e ra ll w ill b e n e a rly projections by the Census Bureau. equal in num ber ■ ■ White ■ ■ Black with w hites, the C e n su s B u reau (Non-Hispanic) says. Asian ( Hispanic W h ites, now about 69 percent Percent change ofthe population, ofth e population, by race and origin w ould com prise 35 percent 50.1 p ercent o f U.S. residents by 2050, bureau pro­ jections released last week show. I m m ig r a tio n should continue to play a key role in sparking the ex­ p lo siv e g ro w th a m o n g A s ia n s a n d e s p e c ia lly H isp a n ics, said G reg Spencer, a d em o g rap h er at the C ensus B u­ SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau AP reau. These dem ographic shifts will fo cu s on in v e stm e n ts in th ese occur as the national population populations” such as reducing d is­ balloons to 420 million at m id-cen­ parities in education and health care, tury, rising nearly 50 percent from Perez said. T he A si^p p o p u latio n is e x ­ 2000. Americans will getabitgrayer, too, by 2050 - nearly 21 percent of pected to gMw 213 percent to 33 residents will be age 65 or older, m illion by 2050. H ispanics will in­ crease their ranks by 188 percent to com pared with 12 percent now. T he latest estim ates update 102.6 million, or roughly one-quar­ lo n g -p re d ic ted tren d s, th o u g h ter o f the population. The black population w ould see race and ethnic changes are o c­ curring sooner because o f higher- a71 percent increase t o 61 m illion, than-expected im m igration rates. rem aining the second-largest m i­ “These kind o f data pushes us nority. M eanw hile, the w hite popula­ to think about the country in dif­ ferent w ays, and how w e define tion w ould grow ju st 7 percent to A m erica,” said Sonia Perez, vice 210million ^■Çooî kunnings Cafe E atitand L/AE I T U , HOME OFHCES:BLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent 6527 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Suite A Portland, OR 97217 n< ^C arifcfeear» & Cajwr* C u is in e ,4110 NE Fremont, 503-282-2118 DOUBLE J TIRE CENTER M R A C illT Tt FRILLfl, DC. NEW • USED • NEW CAPS Taxes. M ounting « B alancing Included FULLY GUARANTEED S pecial O rd e rs G la d ly A c c e p te d ! “NOW WITH 2 LOCATIONS" Paul Houge 6641 N.E. M.L.K. JR. BLVD. PORTLAND. OREGON 97211 (503)283-9437 Chiropractic Clinic 1-887-860-0047 4 8 5 N .U I. 1 8 th ftv «n u « , Suit« 3 4510 S.E. 52ND & HOLGATE PORTLAND. 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