IPage A8 9Hfe JJortlanb ODbaeruer save March IO. 2004 BIG at BIG c m PRODUCE In Store Specials This Week: • Sweet Honey Tangerines, 69 cents per lb. • US #2 Russet Potatoes l5lbs.Bagsonly99centseach • Organically Grown Bananas, 59 cents per lb. • Extra Large Sweet juicy Red Globe Grapes, 99 cents per lb B IG C IT Y P R O D U C E 722 N. Sumner, PDX 503 460 3830 prices effective 2/25/04 thru 3/02/04 I--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Local Produce For Local Folks Discount Groceries Now Too! Open Monday-Friday 7:30 am till 6:00 pm Sunday 9am till 7pm; Saturday 9 am till 7pm TALK RADIO W IT H Respiratory therapist Dawn O Brien (from left) works with high school students Diana Cajas and Vanessa Villanueva, to show them how to help a patient breathe using an oxygen mask during career day at Providence St. Vincent Medical Center. The recent event was held to help young people learn about a variety o f health care opportunities. W eekdays 7:30-9 am REAL P E O P L E FROM YOUR Promoting Careers and Good Health COMMUNITY R&B, SOUL & W eekdays 7 -9 pm HIP HOP JAZZ, AFROTAINMENT, HIP HOP & MORE S atu rd ays 4 - 1 1 pm 503-231-8032 CALI THE DJ! 503-231-8187 O ffice : W W W .KB00.FM C ommunity R adio **A II classes are free of charge! African American Health Coalition, Inc. Krystal White (left) and Ivy Huff, students at Jefferson High School, are shown a model o f the human heart by Liz Archer o f Providence St. Vincent Medical Center. The recent “Heart Watch" session also gave students a real-life dose o f medical reality as they observed a live open-heart surgery. The program is part o f the hospital's effort to raise awareness about what it takes to save a life and the teamwork involved in open-heart surgery. Presents for your health, WeHness Within REACH Activity Calendar A tro b iw Mallory Ave. Christian Church Hon, Wtd, Fri, 4-7an, Pierce • 5:30-4:20pm, Granville • 4:3O-7:3Opm, NKktnon Salsa Salvation Arm y Tu», Thu, 6-7pm. Keller Stretching/Bodv Sculpting M att Dishman Low Impact Aerobics Tut. Thu, 7-8am, Lois Daniel's Memorial Church Tut, 7:1 $-1:1 Spin, Granville TaiChi W a te r Aerobics ( C o n t a c t A A H C ) Salvation Arm y M att Dishman Wtd. 4:30-7:30pm, Lyies Salvation Arm y Walking Group Peninsula Park Sat. 12:30pm, Woods M att Dishman ht, 10-11 am, Addo W eight tlgnt^Conditianing U. of Portland Indoor Track BodyConditioning W ild Oats Market T im . Thu. 9 -1 Oam, Hasan Sat, 9:30- 10:30am, Niektnon Yogi W ild Oats Market Pilatas Tut, Thu, 7:30-8:30pm, O'Rourke M att Dishman Hon, I2 :l5-I:l5p m , |»nkim O wm T i Htmonal Owrd. 1234 Nf KAngsworth N M Dtthman. 77 NE Knott (12th A KiHingtworth) PwMwda hrfc. 700 N Portland HwnWdt (leneetary 49IS N Ganttnbtm Hslory Attn« Onstna Owdi (Gym). 124 Hi Altena Sahst»« Army, S32S N Williams U. d Portland Indoor Track, S00 N Willamette Wild Oats Härtet. 3535 NE 15th “ Hust b» 21 or oWer to participai». Pkas» contact AAHC befor» showing up to tte first class and lor mort information at 503-413 USO or hdtmpstyQaahc-portland.org Please recti»» approval from your doctor bifore beginning enrtist class. CtirfTH YOU fr o m Being Fit and Fabulous Hon, 4:30-7:30pm, Henry Humboldt Elementary AfrkanJBantc | W h a t ’S K e e p i n g H M M W M d m « « * e e r « « 6 n » » to C o m m u n ity MooMti » R o f i w w ollh« AMoan Amoncon h m w Cotation me h» • » CanMn tor n - w m Comm «un OrovonRon (COC) Coetaa AAHC at 5 IM D -IIS 9 or voit wr wte tea at wwwjak-portend.erg Sisters offer comebacks to common excuses “I’m too tired.” “I don’t have time.” “I can't find a babysitter.” Sound familiar? As we ease into spring, Sisters Together: Move More, Eat Better has a few challenges when it comes to health and fitness. Right now, nearly 70 percent of African American women are overweight or obese. And a re cent survey by the American Council on Exercise found that 92 percent of black women do not work out regularly. It’s time to make a change and get serious about improving your health. So, when you hear your self making those same, old, tired excuses, keep these comebacks in mind: Cm too tired. You won’t be afterwards. Regular physical ac tivity not only helps you feel great, but will energize you. It may be hard to stick to the rou tine at first, but once you begin to exercise regularly, you'll realize the pros far outweigh your initial reasons for not being active. I ’m too busy. W hat's more important than your health? If time is a factor, try doing 10 minutes of physical activity three times a day. or planning activities that get your family moving like out the day. If you have a high fat a softball game, biking or a walk or high-calorie breakfast or lunch, through the zoo. Finding time for make sure you eat a low-fat din activity today may also help you ner. avoid diseases tomorrow, like Cm always on the go and type 2 diabetes, high blood pres often have to eat fa s t foods. sure, heart disease, stroke, and Choose wisely. With a little know some forms of cancer. how, fast food can be a part of a / ju st d o n ’t fe e l like it. Call a healthy w eight-loss program. friend. If you don’t like to exer Choose salads and grilled foods cise alone, bring friends together instead of fried foods, which are to walk, jog, or bike; take a class high in fat and calories, and only together at a nearby community use high-fat, high-calorie top or fitness center. If you still can’t pings in small amounts. Don’t convince a buddy to join you, try supersize! If you do order fried taking a class like dance or yoga. foods like French fries, try to / d o n ’t like the way healthy split an order with a friend or foods taste. Spice ’em up. While order a smaller portion. fried foods and fatty meats may My hair will he ruined. Find a taste good, they put too much style that works. If you don’t saturated fat into your diet if you exercise because it will ruin your eat them often or in large amounts. hairstyle, consider wearing a Add a little flavor to healthier natural style that holds up to foods by using herbs, spices, frequent shampoos, like braids, lemon, lime or vinegar. For baked twists or locks. If natural isn’t potatoes, add salsa, low-fat sour your thing, try a short haircut cream or garlic for a different that’s easy to wash and wear or twist and for the old standard— a style that you can pull back collard greens—cook with on with a headband or scrunchie. ions, garlic, chicken broth or Whatever you do, don’t let you smoked turkey, turkey bacon or hair keep you from a fitness pro turkey ham. gram. I work long days and often Sisters Together: Move More, have to eat after 8 p.m. Strive Eat Better is a program that en for balance. It’s how much you courages Black women to main eat during the whole day and tain healthier lifestyles by be how much exercise you get that coming more active and eating determines if you gain or lose healthy foods. For more health weight. Most women need to eat tips, you may order free copie?» about 1,600 calories per day, of Sisters Together publication with no more than 30 percent - by visiting www.niddk.nih.go^/ about 480 calories - from total health/nutrit/nutrit.htm or calling fat. Balance your meals through 1-877-946-4627.