March IO. 2004 C lassifieds / B ids (Elje JÌortlanò (Bbseruer Page B5 R eligion Notice To Contractors Sealed bids for the construction of the W a s te w a t e r R e h a b ilit a t io n & R e p la c e m e n t o f th e S o u th S id e C ollection System for the City of Powers. Coos County, Oregon will be received by the City of Powers until bid closing tlm < 2:00 P.M. Pacific Time, on Tuesday M arch 3 0, 2 0 0 4 A two- Claudina Serrano, Laura Gomez- Navarro, Patricia Paniagua, Matilde Flores, Catherine Fleischman and Maria Avila are part o f a new team working to build healthier communi­ ties through a church- based program. hour period shall follow in which all bidders shall follow In which all bidders shall submit it the City of Powers, a subcontractor Disclosure Form, Identifying any first-tier subcontractor that will be furnishing labor or labor and material on the Contract. Refer to Disclosure Form and Instruction to Bidders within the Contract Documents. The bids opening will be conducted in the Powers City Hall Council Chambers where the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids submitted prior to bid opening date are to be delivered to the City Recorder, City of Powers, P.0. Box 250, or 275 Fir Street, Powers, Oregon 97466. The project may be generally described as follows: 12" Sanitary Sewer.................................................... 10 linear feet 8" Sanitary Sewer................................................ 3,815 linear feet 6" Sanitary Sewer.................................................... 590 linear feet 8"Sanitary Sewer Cleaning TV Insp., Lining..... 2,270 linear feet 12” Sanitary Sewer Cleaning, TV Insp., Lining...1,180 linear feet 4" Service Laterals 6” Service Laterals 23"Standard Manholes 2 Standard Cleanouts Miscellaneous Installation Materials and Appurtenances Plans and specifications may be seen at the Office of HGE INC., Architects, Engineers, Surveyors & Planners, 375 Park Avenue, Coos Bay, Oregon 97420, and at the following locations: Parishes Promote Healthy Communities The Parish H ealth Prom oter Pro­ gram , a H ispanic health outreach p ro jec t sp o n so red by C a th o lic Charities El Program a H ispano and Providence Portland M edical C en­ ter, has graduated 40 new Parish Health Prom oters serving St. Anne, St. Peter and A scension C atholic churches in Portland. T he goal is building healthier com m unities through parish-based outreach. T h ese v o lu n te e r s , or "prom otores," as they are know n in Spanish, serve as a link betw een their com m unity and the health care system . The m ost recent graduates attended m ore than 50 hours o f City of Powers..........................................................Powers Oregon Bay Area Plan Exchange....................................Coos Bay, Oregon Union G ospel M ission and Foot Dally Journal of Commerce Plan Center...........Portland, Oregon Solutions is partnering to bring a Douglas County Plan Center.............................Roseburg, Oregon m uch-needed basic item to the Eugene Builders Exchange...................................Eugene, Oregon co m m unity’s hom eless and needy: Grants Pass Builder Exchange.......................Grant Pass, Oregon Shoes. Klamath Builder Exchange....................... Klamath Falls, Oregon “A lot o f people think o f donating McGraw-Hill Construction/Dodge Plan Center...Portland, Oregon coats and clothes, but shoes are Medford Builders Exchange............................................. Portland, Oregon Oregon Contractor Plan Center................................... Clackamas, Oregon Reed Construction Data....................................................Portland, Oregon H IG H L A N D U N IT E D C H U R C H O F C H R IS T Salem Contractor Exchange................................................ Salem, Oregon 8 th A N N U A L A P P R E C IA TIO N S ER V IC E One copy of the Contract Documents may be obtained by prospective bidders upon receipt of cash or check in the amount FOR of $100.00 made payable to the Engineer. Deposit made upon PA STO R a W IF E procurement of drawing, specifications, and forms of contact documents will be non-refundable. Individual sheets and ftev. W.<5. Hardy Jr. & T in t Lady Ali/Hardy specification pages may be purchased for the cost of reproduction: Drawings $2.00 per sheet: Specifications $0.25 per sheet. THEME: Union Gospel Mission Shoe Drive Bidders must prequalify with Owner under ORS 279.039 (1), on Standard Oregon Review Board Prequalification forms, ten (10) day prior to bid opening. Prequalification forms may be obtained from the Engineer and should be submitted to the Owner via the Engineer. If prequalification form is on file with the Engineer and is not over one year old, refilling is not necessary unless there has been a substantial change in Contractor's status. No bids will be considered unless fully completed In the manner provided in the “Instructions to Bidders” upon the bid form provided , by the Engineer and accompanied by a bid bond executed in favor I of the City of Powers. In an amount not less than ten percent | (10%) of the total amount of the bid. Bid bond is to be forfeited as a fixed and liquidated damage should the bidder neglect or refuse I to enter Into a contract and provide suitable bond for the faithful performance of work in the event the contract is awarded them. Funds for the improvements are available, and monthly payments will be made by check. The successful Bidder must be registered with the Construction Contractor's Board. Bidder is not required to be licensed under ORS 468A. 720. Contracts awarded under this Notice of Contractors will be financed with a grant from the United States and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) through the Oregon Community Development Block Grant Program (OCD), administered by the Economic and Community Development Department (OECDD) of I the State of Oregon. Neither the United States nor any of its departments, agencies, or employees is or will be party to this Notice to Contractors of any resulting contract. This procurement will be subject to regulations contained in Part 33 Procurement Under Assistance Agreement. Contracts are subject to 40 CFR regulations. Work included in this project is for pubic work subject to the Oregon Prevailing Wage Rate Laws (ORS 279.348 to 279.313). Bidders attention is directed to the requirements of employment and minimum wage rates to be paid. No bid will be considered or received by City of Powers unless the bid contains a statements by | the signer as part of his bid that the provisions required by ORS 279.350 are to be complied with. Requirements for bidders and contractors under this order are detailed in the Contract Documents. “Look back and wonder - Look ahead and know ” 2Connthians4:17-18 The attention of Bidders is directed to the requirements and conditions of employment to be observed and minimum rates to be paid under the Contract. The Bidder shall comply with provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 27 6a) for this public work project. Call (503)286-7962 10% off Moss Control con tin u ed “As I stand in line at the café in He said he cam e to O regon, “for the Sunday March 28* , 2004 4pm Special Guest Pastor Reggie C. Witherspoon Sr. Mt. Calvary Christian Center Seattle, WA Special Guests Dr. Terrence Rhone Mt. Sinai Church of God In Christ Pomona, CA Highland UCC -1737 N.E. Alberta Portland, OR 97212 - (503) 287-9567 the Student C enter Building, I can adrenaline rush. 1 w as young at the see the difference being m ade in the time and cam e up to work, do som e­ faces o f the students. They are thing new ,” he said. trying to get educated and hope­ “The biggest thrill is taking noth­ fully they can m ake it out o f college ing and turning it into som ething,” and make a difference in the world,” Rom ero added. “ You can do w hat­ Rom ero said. "From the bottom up, ever you w ant to do in this line o f it’s exciting to be a par, o f the co n ­ struction o f a structure that will be know ledge he has gained from Friday March 26°', 2004 7pm com ing his addiction as a m em ber o f the mission ’ s LifeC hange recov­ ery com m unity, John Parsonsover- sees the activities o f the group’s hom eless services. For inform ation, call 503-274- 4483 or visit ing a com m unity. fro m M etro to be his ow n boss and use the Appreciation Services to be held M ultnom ah County H ealth D ivi­ sion, an d O SU E x ten sio n , the prom otores are participating in an­ nual health fairs, teaching w ellness classes, perform ing door-to-door outreach in low -incom e areas, of­ fering sports physicals for Latino youth and producing Spanish lan­ guage radio program s on health. Cascade Campus Expansion E ventually, Rom ero would like here years from now being used by students and the com m unity.” R om ero’s participation in the w orking as an apprentice. But for construction at PCC reflects the now, Rom ero said w orking on the co lleg e's com m itm ent to include PCC-Cascade projects has given w om en and minority w orkers in the him a sense o f pride that he is help- project. HOURS: MON thru FRI - 10AM to 8PM SAT - 11AM to 6PM CLOSED SUNDAY THE SUB SHOP 4331 NE KILLINGSWORTH • PORTLAND, OR 97218 DOUBLE J TIRE CENTER “ NEW • USED • NEW CAPS 5 0 3 -2 8 1 -2 6 0 9 PHONE & FAX Taxes. Mounting A Balancing Included FULLY GUARANTEED M A fl«L IT T € FflIUA, DC. “NOW WITH 2 LOCATIONS’' 6841 N.E. M L K JR BLVD PORTLAND, OREGON 972,1 (503) 283-9437 4510 S E. 52ND & HOLGATE PORTLAND. OR 97206 (503) 771-1834 CHII0P1ACTIC (AIE HOURS - MON THRU FRI 9 TO 6 • SAT 9 TO 4 C.11 C hiroproctk Clinic 425 N W 18th Avenu«, Suit« 3 Portlond, OA 9 7 Î0 9 Phon«: (503) «28 6140 m eat C3I S p e c ia l O r d e r s G la d ly A c c e p te d ! TW A & 5EV 1- 887-860-0047 8238 N Denver Avenue, Portland, Or. 97217 eAT'TANo C A T E R IN G A V A IL A B L E Espresso C ofín Tn Breakfast Lundi MUSIC EVENTS Every Saturday 4:30pm -6:30pm Phone: (803) 289-5418 J Boyd Picture Perfect Landscape Maintenance A good lawn starts with a early prep. Prepare your lawn for spring now! really needed as wel I. We have people com ing to our door everyday that need shoes and the shoes are always in short supply. A lot o f homeless people are on their feet all day and walking a lot,” says John Parsons. In addition to w orking on over- work. There are no lim its here.” Paul Houge Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the provisions of the President’s Executive Order No. 11246 concerning equal em ploym ent opportunity, including all am endm ents and requirements issued thereunder. The requirements for Bidders and Contractors under this Order are explained in the Contract Documents. training over a five-m onth period to help parishioners access health care and deal with health issues ranging from high blood pressure and heart disease to basic first aid. CPR, and counseling. In collaboration with U niversity o f Portland School o f Nursing, the P o rtla n d A rc h d io c e s e , th e (A ff Cafe 441 N KllllAfSWorlh Phons a Fai SI. Partía Ad, OR, 17117 (St» 211 4147 like it ir C a ju n C u is in e ,4 llO N E Fremont, 503-282-2118 ( .ill 50.3-288-0033 MONTHLY ART DISPLAYS WE DELIVER STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES \ i l v e r t i s e w u h d i v e r s i t y in îh r Juico Pastries ( O h e e v U i'r adsGâportlandob serv m OFF.: (503)286-1103 FAX: (503)286-1146 HOME OFF1CES:BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS ER N EST I . H IL L JR- Agent 6527 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Suite A Portland, OR 97217 IN f