Page B2 . V ' í | w ( & R esidential-Offices “ Cleanliness is next to Godliness Insured - Bonded Linda J. Scot, O w ner Coupon 10% o ff on first cleaning Laughing Through It ^^B Children o f Uganda, a dance troope o f children orphaned by AIDS inspires joy and hope. The company performs in Portland March 31 at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. The Oregon Zoo discovers Dino Island: The Land o f Ci vi I ization Forgo, through Apri 130. This sim ulator thrill ride includes riders on a scientific team whose mission is to explore a new ly form ed island baffling environm entalists around the world. The ride is $4 in addition to general adm ission. For more information, call 5 0 3 -2 2 6 -15 6 1 or visi, a io s e r v i c e Wild Child Boogie Cat on Thursday. March at 7:30p.m. 2808 N.E. Martin Luther King Ble d For more in fo rm a tio n . v is it tics unique to each bear, including black bears (not on exhibit). A special Teddy Bear Picnic area will be set up for children o f all ages to bring (or purchase) their lunches and feast with their teddy bears or other stuffed buddies. In addition, ‘R epair-A -B ear’, a special surgical m ending station, w ill be s e t-u p fo r o p e ra tio n s w ithem ergency patchw ork “in case your teddy bear o r other stuffed buddy needs a little extra loving care.’’ The zo o ’s costum ed bear m as­ cot, H oney Bear, will also be m ak­ ing friends during her appearance, along with U.S. Forest S ervice’s Smokey Bear. Artist’s Cafe The A bbey Café, 4 4 1 N. Killingsw orth S ,„ invites m usicians to sell their C D 's and perform on Fridays and Saturdays. M arch ’ s artist o f the month is Serena Barton. For more inform ation, call 503-286-4847. Kiss Me, I’m Irish Experience Irish stories with the Portland S torytellers’ G uild production o f “ Kissing the Blarney Stone: an Evening o f Irish Stories!" The show is a, 7 p.m. Saturday, M arch 20 a, M cM enam in’s K ennedy S chool’s Com m unity Room, 5736 N.E. 33 Ave. Suggested donation is $3 for children, $4 for adults and $ 10 for families. The G uild also features “The Week Folk and the N o,-So-W ee Stories from Ireland" a, 2 p.m. Saturday, March 27. a, the Charlotte A. C avatica Learning C enter. 602 N.E. Prescott. Free. A Portland Jam Night plans to heal the co m m unity’s ills through laughter at the W ave Theatre in North Portland. The live music and sketch improv. Com edy is a, 9 p.m. Fridays. Tickets are $7 for adults and $4 for kids. For more information, call 503-735-4184 or visit w w w . Open Mic Competition Bands and solo perform ers can com pete for a $3,(XX)cash prize at the New C opper Penny in southeast Portland for free on M ondays from 8 to 11 p.m. beginning M arch 15. There is a $5 cover charge for patrons. To r e g is te r, c a ll o r e -m a il R ic h a rd M a th iso n at 5 0 3 -4 0 8 -0 3 0 0 , rich a rd @ ad v o c ateso u n d .co m o r v isit w w w .ad v o c ate so u n d .co m / venues.htm l. Larger Than Life-sized O M S I's big-screen O M N IM A X theater is show ing "C oral Reef A dven­ ture" through March, “L ew is and Clark: G reat Journey W est" through June and "Jane G oodall’s W ild C him panzees" through May. For more information, call 503-797-4588. Trippin’ through Town T ake a trip through tim e to find the h o ttest p o etry , h ip -h o p and soul in flu en cin g P ortland W ed n esd ay s at the O hm . $7 co v er. 3 1 N.W . F irs, A ve. Ice C ream S o c ia l C o rre c tio n : A photograph by Susan Sumimoto. on display tl celebration o f Women’s History, was misidentified in last week's issue. The artwork