March 03.2004____________________________________________ Drug Card Scams Reported Area residents should be skep­ tical of anyone trying to sell them so-called drug discount health cards, warns Jerry Cohen, the Or­ egon director of AARP The recently enacted Medicare legislation authorizes the use of drug discount cards front June 2004 through 2005 to provide olderadults with some transitional help until the full drug benefit begins in 2006. “The real Medicare drug cards can’t be marketed until May, but it seems that scam artists are busy exploiting the new Medicare law by pushing phony discount cards now, said Cohen. "There are cur­ rently no approved Medicare dis­ count card sponsors. When Medi­ care does approve a card, the spon­ sor will be using an approved Medi­ care seal.” Oregon consumers who are ap­ proached with offers to buy Medi­ care drug cards now should report the activity to the Oregon Attorney General's Consumer Hotline at 1- 877-8779( tol 1 free) from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. (Till' 'JflortlattÒ (jObôTrUer______ ______________________ Page AS Farrakhan Advances Reparations Islam leader speaks in worldwide broadcast Farrakhan accused Bush o f wanting to go to war with Iraq from his first day in office, and o f knowing Saddam Hussein didn’t have w eapons o f mass destruction. (A P) — In a speech peppered with criticism s o f Form er chief w eapons inspector David Kay has con­ President Bush, Nation o f Islam leader Louis Farrakhan cluded Iraq didn’t have w eapons o f mass destruction. on Sunday pressed for A m erica and England to grant Bush has defended his decision to go to war, saying slave reparations. Saddam was a threat. Farrakhan, speaking during a worldwide satellite Speaking for about three hours, Farrakhan, 70, said broadcast at the final session o f the Nation o f Islam ’s A m erica and Great Britain need to recognize their roles in annual m eeting, also voiced support for M ichael the slave trade. He urged Congress to consider a bill Jackson and warned blacks against supporting the sponsored by Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich. that would front-runner for the D em ocratic presidential nom ina­ establish a com m ission to study slavery. tion, Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass. “Black people are so angry with President Bush that Farrakhan said whites fail to realize they hold privi­ leged positions in A m erica because o f slavery. they’re w illing to give Sen. Kerry a free ride,” he said. “If America is not w illing to look a t ... what happened "G etting rid o f Bush and getting John Kerry ... will to us as a people, there will never be a chance for good mean y o u 'll get more o f the sam e.” relations between blacks and w hites,” he said. Farrakhan said blacks should consider supporting Farrakhan said he believes Michael Jackson is inno­ candidate A1 Sharpton to give that candidate more cent o f charges he com m itted lewd acts on a child. pow er to prom ote black issues. Nation o f Islam chief o f staff Leonard F. M uhammad has W hile calling Sharpton “brilliant,” Farrakhan told the crowd: “You know, I know and he knows that he been working with Jackson, and other mem bers o f the group are providing security for the pop star. ain ’t going to be no president.” Nation o f Islam leader M inister Louis Farrakhan addresses those gathered at the annual Saviours' Day on Sunday in Chicago. (AP photo) EMB M arch 12 8 13 • 8pm Nike Honors Minority Contributions Tickets $20 to $40 Willie Gregory, N ike's director o f community and business relations in Memphis, Tenn., was named African-American Person o f the Year at a Black History Month ceremony in Nike 's world headquarters in Beaverton. Gregory (center) with his sons, Willie Jr. (left) and Ben, and wife, Addielene attend the celebration. Call 1-888-MAIN ACT or TicketsW est at F800-992-TIXX Filing Taxes Gets EZer with Technology C h i noo k W inds C asino It s Better at the Becchi • 1 8 8 8 C H IN O O K • w w w chinookw m The Internal Revenue Service is kicking off tax season with 1040 Central and other enhanced elec­ tronic services making the agency’s W eb site easier to use. The IRS is also encouraging tax­ payers to avoid headaches by fil­ ing and preparing tax returns early. At, taxpayers will find information about lower tax rates, files, and dow nload the right larger child tax credits, elimination form s at w w w .irs.g o v under o f the "marriage penalty," new in­ “forms and publications.” come limits for earned income tax To get the fastest refund, e-file credit recipients and more. using direct deposit. Electric filing To get a jum pstart on filing also catches math problems. long before the April 15 deadline, For problems or questions with gather all forms, including W-2s filing,call the IRScustomerservice and 1099s, save a copy for your helpline at 800-829-1040. It’s easy to be green To h e lp p r o te c t o u r r e s o u r c e s fo r fu tu re g e n e ra tio n s , w e offer three en v iro n m e n ta lly so u n d ren ew ab le e n erg y o p tio n s - Blue Sky*1 Block, U sage a n d H abitat. 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