March 03,2004____________________________________________ (ETje ^ortlatxò (Bbseruer_________________ Page A3 Nutty Orange Wheat Bread High-fiber bread features rustic crust, walnuts and tangy orange T A nutty orange *4 wheat bread is I a recipe for IN G R E D IE N T S ( M a k e s O n e h > a ] ) • 1-1/2 to 2 cups all-purpose flour • 1-1/2 cups w hole w heat flour • 1 envelope Fleischm ann’s RapidRise Yeast • 1-1/2 teaspoons grated orange peel • 1 teaspoon salt • lc u p m ilk • 1/4 cup w ater ; family fun to * spend some d time together in the kitchen. D IR E C T IO N S In a large bow l, co m b in e 1/2 c u p a ll­ purpose flour, whole wheat flour, undissolved yeast, o ran g e peel, and salt. H eat m ilk, w a­ ter, honey, and butter until very warm (1 20°F to 130°F). G rad u ally add to flo u r m ixture. B eat 2 m in u tes at m edium speed o f e lectric utes. C o v er; let rest 10 m in u tes. hour. m ixer, scrap in g bow l o ccasio n ally . S tir in Di vide dough i nto 3 equal pieces; form each Bake at 375°F for 35 to 40 m inutes or until nuts and e n o u g h rem a in in g flo u r to m ake a into sm ooth ball. Place in greased 8-1/2 x 4- done. C over with foil during last lO m inutesto soft dough. K nead on lightly floured surface 1/2-inch loaf pan. C over; let rise in warm , prevent excess brow ning. Rem ove from pan; until sm o o th and e la stic , ab o u t 8 to 10 m in ­ draft-free place until doubled in size, about 1 cool on w ire rack. Dear Deanna! that makes it appear acceptable. Then when it’s used by someone out of the race, they try to go off. If your son had the proper home training, he would have known the word nigger doesn’t apply to him. It means stupid in the dictionary, can be translated to the color black in Spanish and the slave mentality that com es with it, died 400 years ago. M y son got into a fight at school with another student because o f the n-word. T he school suspended my boy and d id n ’t do nothing to the w hite kid because he d id n 't hit back. 1 went to the school and f ussed but they blew me off. W hy isn ’t the school sensitive to the n-word that started this w hole m ess? -S h a n te ; Baltimore, M D Dear Shante: In a nutshell. N-word glam our in rap music. Self-referral andUse o f the n- word in the black com munity and culture. A small percentage o f blacks use the n-word in a loose fashion continue this relationship because my salvation is more important. W hat should I do? —Dennis; M em ­ phis, TN Dear Dennis; Dear Deanna! W hen I met the w oman I’m with, I w asn’t saved. N ow I’ve given my life to the Lord and she doesn’t understand why I w o n 't have sex with her. Iasked her to marry me but she said no. I d o n ’t feel as if I can R eal P e o p le , R eal A dvice A n advice column kno wn fo r its fearless approach to reality based subjects! Y ou’re doing the right thing by avoiding fornication which is a sin. It’s not worth it to send your soul to Hel I for an i I legal orgasm — that ’ s right, a m om ent o f passion with som eone who isn ’t your spouse. Lead her to the Lord and help her becom e saved. G od doesn’t want you to be unequally yoked so d o n ’t sweat the m arriage rejection. Pray for her and continue to w alk with G od so sh e’ll see your faith and Nutrition Information PerServing Serving Size & Weight: 1/12 of recipe; 2.9 ounces Calories: 230 C arbohydrates: 33 g Total Fat: 9 g Dietary Fiber: 3 g Saturated Fat: 3 g Sugars: 7 g Cholesterol: lOmg Protein: 6 g Sodium: 250 mg obedience. Dear Deanna! said y o u ’re related then you better listen. Elders know the family tree like the back o f their hand. Do your­ self and the fam ily a favor by find­ ing another boyfriend. D on’t be stupid and take it to the next level and try to have kids. M ixing genetic blood causes birth defects, retar­ dation and other problem s. You may as well get “un-serious” and keep it moving. This may sound like something from a book, but it’s true. I started dating this guy from around the way and my grandm other ju st told me that w e’re cousins. M aybe fourth or fifth cousins so it’s not too close. I d o n ’t see any harm in it but my family is going off. W e're serious about each other. W hat's the big deal? —A nonym ous; M ooresville, Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: askdeannal or Dear Anonymous: It’s called incest and you d o n ’t write: Deanna M. P.O. Box w ant any part o f it. If your granny 88847, Los Angeles, CA 90009. Website: ivw h ’. askdeanna. com Exclusively at Safeway! SAFEW AY F O O D & DRUG Attention SENIORS Ï . Introducing a great new service fo r A o u r neighborhood senior citizens FREE grocery shopping shuttle (C l — VT- W r WT » •» h* 71 S a f e w a y S e n io r S h u ttle S e rv ic e ! \ lè ! x « K.FGLV.U) ■flwwtnlM Manor House Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts O r Boneless Skinless Thighs. Sold in a 4-lb resealable frozen bag, $7.88 ea Valu Pack. SAVE up to $1.26 lb. R ed Seedless G rapes Im po rte d Bursting w ith flavor. SAVE up to $2.11 lb. service" to your nearby A insw orth « M I K Blvd Safeway Food & / ' 4 Oru9 TWICE s MontW ^, rvice '* free to seniors age 60 and ovei t ' f /• t ) / FT/ / ■s?/ / / / PAme Sewn W (W rK ,»{W (fT£C v«f5W *aiiiryii.w 1CXM FOB O U A SPATIAL A A 1 TAANSAOATATTOTT T A O L L Ir S IA V IC I K H t m i i t n r t n at t ouam la alvo SATTW AT T O A T O T A P iT T T O tT A IL S i fCISAFEWAY I VS FOOD t DRUG INRKIM FIM MOM CMMttti ot rtnw itw t « wtcon M D Bath Tissue Available at Safeway: 24 Single Roll or 12 Double Roll Card pnce $5 00 ea. SAVE up to $3.98 on 2 OvenJoy Bread 22.5-oz White or Wheat. SAVE up to 99< on 2 PRICES EFFECTIVE MARCH 2004 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri 3 7 8 4 5 BUY ONE GET ONE Sat 6 9 D oublé Fncev Effective Wednesday 6 am March 3 thru Tuesday Marrh 9 2004 '** • '»Wale»««~n frfc,Or fatetoiMff r*m H w