3>I|c ÿorthmb (fibseruer Page B4 March 03.2004 R eligion Vancouver Baptist Celebrates Anniversary V ancouver Avenue First B a p tist C h u rc h , 3138 N. Vancouver Ave., is celebrat­ ing its 59lh anniversary with several special events. All members old and new are invited to join services on Thursday, March 11 at 7 p.m., Friday, March 12 at 7 p.m., a celebration that includes a “potluck supper” on Saturday, March 13 and a special Sun­ day, March 14 event at 3:30 p.m. The church is one of Port­ land oldest African-A m eri­ can congregations. The late civil rights leader, Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., vis­ ited the congregation during a visit to Portland during the 1960s. save BIG at BIG CITT PRODUCE In Store Specials This Week: • Sweet Honey Tangerines, 69 cents per lb. • US #2 Russet Potatoes 15 lbs. Bags only 99 cents each • Organically Grown Bananas, 59 cents per lb. • Extra Large Sweet juicy Red Globe Grapes, 99 cents per lb B I « CITY PRODUCE 722 N. Sum ner, PDX 503 460 3830 A1 Green Enters Gospel Hall of Fame (AP) — A1 Green and Sandi Patty led a diverse quartet of industry veterans inducted into the Gospel Music Hall o f Fame. "W e always want to honor the spectrum of music that has the gospel in it,” said Gospel Music Association President John Sty 11, “For us, it’s not about the style, it’s about the message, and it’s a way of showing that the gospel can be packaged in any number of w ays.” A lso in d u cte d T h u rsd ay w ere V estal Goodman, who died in December o f flu com ­ plications, and BM1 President Frances W. Preston. G reen said he w asn’t recognized by the m u sic’s G ram m y Awards com m unity until he made a gospel record. “I made records and records and records and didn’t win a one. I come to Nashville, cut a gospel record, and they give me two,” he said. Patty, the all-time Dove Award leader among female artists with 39, said she appreciates the growth and diversity of gospel music. “ I’m a mom of many teenagers, and I’m thrilled there are groups out there like Third Day and MercyMe that my kids absolutely love, and they’re not only getting great music, but they’re getting good stuff for their heart, too,” she said. AI Green is inducted into the Gospel Music Hall o f Fame. (AP photo) prices effective 2/25/04 thru 3/02/04 Advertise with diversity in Local Produce For Local Folks Discount Groceries Now Too! 'ri,‘ P n r t l a n b (O bt.rruer O pen M onday-F riday 7:30 am till 6:00 pm Sunday 9am till 7pm ; Saturday 9 am till 7pm ads(®portl$ndob sen er.com Call 503-2884)033 k . H. & B. Too NOW OPEN Oregon's Oldest Licensed Pawnshop 4709 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd. 2 blocks south of Alberta Weekdays til 6 p.m. - Saturdays til 4 p.m. Free Parking - State Controlled Rates - Se Habla Espanol www.hbloan.com Oregon Family Business for over 50 years L ie . # 3 0 6 Meditate On Positive Things by E thei . J. B ates T he P ortland O bserver Phil. 4;8, says “Finally brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, what­ ever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things. The significance of these words can be appreciated only when we picture the environment from which they w ere p e n n e d — a filthy first-century prison. How could Paul write about such p o sitiv e things, in such a negative place? Why didn’t he men­ tion the stench, the cold, the bugs, the m istreat­ ment, the loneliness, and the poor nourishment suffered in the prison from which he was writing? The answer to this question is found in the verse itself. Paul didn't want the church at Philippi— or us— to focus on the negatives. In this joyous book, he tells us to center our thinking on positives things of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy. If we are constantly thinking about our negative circumstances, we never will have peace. Our thought patterns are extremely im­ portant to our mental, physical and spiritual health. We can literally think ourselves into mental and physical distress. Doctors attest to the fact that a large percentage of physical illness has a psychologi­ cal basis. What are you meditating on? What is your mind murmuring to your heart? As we move into 2004 what “things” have you not left behind? What injustice have you not forgiven, and how does one get Satan knows our weaknesses and our strengths, just as God does, and in this narrative Paul is persistent in his warning to us. He says, “D on’t copy the cus­ toms of this w orld” that are usu­ ally selfish and often corrupting. W ise Christians decide that much worldly behavior is off lim its for them. O ur refusal to conform to this world’svalues however, must go even deeper than jus, behav­ ior and custom s, it must be firmly planted in our mind: “Let God _____ transform you into a new Let God transform person by changing the way you think.” you into a new person This Scripture really , helped me recently, as I by changing the way was dealing with a per­ you think. -E th e l J. Bates sonal issue. I knew in my heart the right thing to do; a joyful heart? Through joyful cir­ yet I struggled to transfer that cumstances? No. Paul’s circum­ knowledge into action. It was a stances were not joyful. There was spiritual warfare between that old nothing joyful about being in sinful nature, and the new Christian prison. But he said, “I have learned that the Holy Spirit is developing to be content in whatever situation within me. When we spend time I found myself. This contentment meditatingon God ' s precepts, man - that Paul speaks about, comes only dates and principles, and invite the as the result of a right relationship Holy Spirit to renew, reeducate, and with God, and allowing his word to redirect our minds we will be truly “renew" your mind. Paul wrote, transformed. "And do no, be conformed to this Ethel J. Bates is a minister for world, but be transformed by the the Allen Temple AME Church in renewing of your mind.” Portland. HOURS: J Boyd Picture Perfect Landscape Maintenance MON thru FRI - 10AM to 8PM SAT - 11AM to 6PM CLOSED SUNDAY THE SUB SHOP A good lawn starts with a early prep. Prepare your lawn for spring now! 9045 SWBartxir. Suite KW STAR-FARMINSURANCE CTTMPANIES HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. ILLIN O IS Portland. 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Suita 3 Porttona, OR 97209 Ahona (SOI) 228 A140 6527 NEMLK.Jr. Boulevard ^ # » r lfe » b e « » n fr C a j u n C u i s i n e ,4110 NE Fremont, 503-282-2118 I Suite A Portland, OR 97217 . . TK (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 4 6