B lack H istory M onth .W February 25. 2004 sp e c ta J Page A3 c o c e ra a e . Officer Smeared in JurY Considers Death Sentence A jury began hearing tes­ timony Monday and Tues­ day in the sentencing phase o f the trial against Ladon Stephens, the m an found guilty in the m urder and rape o f 14-year-old girl and in sexual assaults in north and northeast Portland. Last Thursday, the jury convicted Stephens of stran­ Poster Campaign Foxworth calls Copwatch tactics divisive gling and raping Melissa Bittler in December 2001. The girl was abducted from the side­ walk as she walked to school in her n o rth e a st P o rtla n d neighborhood. He was also found guilty o f a 2002 sexual assault o f an acquaintance and three sexual assaults o f teenage Portland girls in 1997. Prosecutors said DNA evi­ dence links Stephens to each case. But Stephens’ defense at­ torney, Bill Brennan, had ques­ tioned the legitimacy of the case, saying there was rea­ sonable doubt about the way DNA evidence was handled and processed in these differ­ ent cases. B y M ichael L eighton T he P ortland O bserver A cam paign to obtain a photograph o f the police officer w ho shot and killed Kendra Jam es during a traffic stop last May has stunned the Portland law TALK RADIO enforcem ent com m unity. A group calling itself Rose C ity C opw atch claim s with to have distributed 300 posters in areas o f southeast REAL W eekdays 7 :3 0 -9 am PEOPLE FROM YOUR COMMUNITY Portland offering $40 in groceries for a picture o f officer Scott M cCollister. T he fliers sm ear M cC ollister as an "arm ed and dangerous killer" and call for his rem oval from the R&B, SOUL & W eekdays 7 - 9 p m HIP HOP police force. The distribution coincided with his return to duty in the Police B ureau’s Southeast Pre­ cinct after a five m onth suspension. Portland PoliceChief Derrick Foxworth condemned the poster cam paign as "sophom oric and divisive” saying it did nothing to prom ote healing or strength­ Chief Derrick Foxworth ening the partnership between the police and the struggled inside a car during a traffic stop on the 1-5 community. overpass on North Skidm ore Street. Police said she “It is tim e to build trust and increase co m ­ m unication between po­ lice and the com m unity. not to dnve wedges o f m istrust and contem pt,” Foxworth said. M a y o r V e ra K atz called the flyers appall­ ing. “This is a rank attempt JAZZ, AFROTAINMENT, HIP HOP & MORE was trying to escape. The i It is time to build trust and increase commun- nation between police r and the community, not to drive wedges o f mistrust and contempt. - Chief Derrick Foxworth at intim idation o f an o f­ S aturdays 4 - 1 1 p m car was pu 1 led over for fai 1- ing to m ake a stop at an intersection. A grand ju ry cleared O ffice : 503-231-8032 M cC ollisterof any w rong­ C all doing, but he w as later found to have erred in ju d g ­ p en d e d by th en p o lice ch ief M ark Kroeker. Advertise with diversity in M cC ollister has never ficer whose case was handled through the due pro­ appeared in public to apologize for his actions. His face cess o f law. Further, the offer o f a ' prize’ o f groceries was blocked out on videotape to protect his identity dim inishes the m em ory o f the shooting victim ," Katz in a police reenactm ent o f the shooting. said. Il!' |llnrllanb OMtserucr Foxw orth said O regon Law prohibits any law en ­ M cC ollister shot Jam es, a 21-year-old unarm ed African A m erican m otorist, on M ay 5 as the two D J ! 503-231-8187 W W W .KB00.FM C ommunity R adio m en t an d he w as s u s ­ the Call 5O3-288-OO33 ads@portlandobserver.com forcem ent agency from releasing a photo o f a police officer w ithout their perm ission. N EW S E A S O N S [ I 111 m a r k e t Ceiehrratina, our atvwrtrsaru J o in u s th is w e e k e n d f o r c a k e a n d ic e c r e a m - a n d lo ts o f g r e a t a n n iv e r s a r y p r ic e s ! S a tu r d a y & S u n d a y 1 1 :O O a m -5 :O O p m The {rùrwfthesh store in toum. E A S Y & C O N C O R D IA F U N TO S H O P ORENCO • S T A T IO N N E 3 3 r d & K illin g s w o r t h P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 1 1 N E 6 1 s t & C o r n e ll R d H ills b o r o O R 9 7 1 2 4 5 0 3 .2 8 8 3 8 3 8 O p e n 8 a m -1 0 p m 5 0 3 .6 4 8 .6 9 6 8 O p e n 8 a m -1 0 p m L O C A L LY O W N E D R A L E IG H & H IL L S 7 3 0 0 S W B e a v e r t o n - H ills d a le H w y P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 2 5 5 0 3 .2 9 2 .6 8 3 8 O p e n 8 a m -9 p m O P E R A T E D SELLW OOD 1214 SE T a com a P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 0 2 5 0 3 .2 3 0 4 9 4 9 .O p e n 8 a m - 1 0 p m