February 25. 2004 •W B lack H istory M onth M z X- Page B3 Focus Star Quality Of ten's ÉODOOGffifO photo by J anis M iglavs A mother o f a Bedik tribal chief in Western Clothes. Illustrations shared during Black History M onth Portland hip-hop and rap artists from the group Young F.A.M.E. prepare for the release o f their first CD ‘The Movement.’ continued fro m Front three-song edits for prom otion. M ason says Y oung F.A.M .E. stands above other groups because o f its industry sound. “ You put our CD in and it sounds like it was put together with bril­ liance. All the tracks, all the beats are a crisp, quality production,” he says. So far. Young F.A.M .E. has re­ corded The M ovem ent, a C D due for release in the next couple o f months, featuring the hit single, “Lostland,’’currently on the playlist during the S tarchile’s: The U nder­ ground, a hip-hop and rap show that airs each Sundays from 9 p.m. to midnight on Jammin 95.5. The C'D is directed tow ard a broad audience and also features “In Luv W it” and "G et M oney.” Young F.A.M .E. perform ed at the recent Poh-Hop hip-hop festi- by S ean P. N elson , T he P ortland O bserver val and was a leading act last month at the Crystal Ballroom . They per­ form each W ednesday night at the Icon. On W est Coast tours, the group has hooked up with popular artists such as Snoop Dog, Dog Pound, Bad Ass, Too Short, 112, G inuw ine and others. Their music is downloadable at w w w .s o u n d c lic k .c o m / youngfameus. For information about upcoming shows, call 503-449-8842. Badu Gives Birth to Neo-Soul Oscar Ads to Be ‘Tasteful’ M PROPERTIES FULL SERVICE REALTY Muvnrve LMTINO M MVKt MLS. Call 503/260-0969 ÊÎ s One picture is worth a thousand words • ou.i xoueiMo tMITOH CtEANIHG SffNVCS Carpet