-W B lack H istory M onth Page B2 \d\ ci use w ith d iv e rs ity Focus in Jl" J J n r t la n h (Ob s m i in- Call 5O3-288-OO53 ads portlandobservcr.com BIG at BIG CITY PRODUCE r save 1 Aguilera, Elliott to Pitch Viva Glam t In Store Specials This Week: 1 i 1 1 1 1 • Sw eet Honey T angerines, 69 cents per lb. Bag only 99 cents each 1 1 1 • O rganically G row n Bananas, 59 cents per lb. 1 1 • Extra Large Sw eet ju icy Red G lobe G rapes, 99 cent per lb 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L February 25. 2 0 0 4 1 BIG CITV PRODUCE 722 N. Sumner, PDX 503 460 3830 1 I (AP) — M AC cosm etics has introduced five new representa- ti ves - including Christina Agui lera and M issy Elliott - for V iva G lam products that will benefit the M AC AIDS Fund. All proceeds from V ivaG lam V Lipstick and L ipglassw illgo to the fund, which provides money to organizations that provide care and daily essentials to those af­ flicted with H IV/AIDS and that 1 1 p ric e s e ffe c tiv e 2 /2 5 /0 4 th ru .3/02/04 Missy Elliott and Christina Aguilera are helping raise money to fight HIV and AIDS as promot­ ers o f Mac Cosmetics. (AP photo) j Local Produce For Local Folks Discount Groceries Now Too! Open Monday-Friday 7:30 am till 6:00 pm Sunday 9am till 7pm; Saturday 9 am till 7pm offer education, aw areness and prevention programs. A guilera, Elliott, superm odel Linda Evangelista, Chloe Sevigny and Boy G eorge were introduced at a recent press conference. M AC President John Demsey said they were asked to join the project be­ cause they represent the m any faces o f AID S patients - “all ages, all races, all sexes.” The stars, featured in an adver­ tising cam paign shot by M ichael Thom pson, said they are hopeful acure for AIDS will be found in the near future so the M A C AIDS Fund could be disbanded and the lipsticks retired. E lliott’s cousin died recently from com plications from AIDS. “None o f us are imm une,” Elliott said. Actress Selma Hayek walks pass one section of a 40-foot mural while viewing “Beyond Graffiti“ at an art space called “Headquarters “ in the Hollywood section o f Los Angeles. The exhibit is in honor o f the disappeared and murdered women o f Juarez, Mexico. (AP photo) Mural Focuses on Missing Women Honors hundreds feared dead in Juarez, Mexico (A P) — In one im age, a young girl cow ers under a blanket below dark phantom s. A nother depicts the V irgin M ary, and still another show s a skull with flowing black hair dotted w ith roses. All are part o f a mural A m nesty International unveiled in Los A n­ geles honoring hundreds o f m iss­ ing and m urdered women in Juarez, M exico, in a case that activists say has been largely ignored by M exi­ can authorities. M exican au th o rities estim ate nearly 300 w om en have been killed in the last decade in the border town. A m nesty International puts the num ber closer to 400. Most victim s were poor and ranged in age from 14 to 20. Police have convicted only one man in the crim es, and their inves­ tigations have been criticized by M exico's N ational H um an Rights Commission. “W hen we first started talking about it, I d id n ’t know all the crazy facts,” said an artist w ho goes by the nam e Axis, one o f four people com m issioned to do the 8-by-40- foot m ural at an art space near H ol­ lyw ood Boulevard. “Then we each read about the killings, and it’s still hard to believe stuff like this is happening,” he said. Several plays and docum enta­ ries have told the stories o f the victims and theirfam ilies. More film projects are in the works. "I hope my involvem ent helps draw attention to this abom inable act o f violence against defenseless w omen to create more pressure to put an end to it,” said actress Selm a Hayek. Earlier this m onth, M exico’s at­ torney general announced the cre­ ation o f a special prosecutor’s of­ fice to investigate the killings. ■MHaMnaaMBHHM B.B. King (center) with Steven Tyler (left) and Joe Perry ofAerosmith at the recent Grammy Awards. King says blues music doesn 'tget much airplay on radio stations, so he continues to bring it to the people with 200 shows a year. (AP photo) Proud to share the journey... Guitarist Keeps Playing the Blues (A P )-L e g e n d a ry guitarist B.B. King says blues m usic doesn’t get much airplay on radio stations, so he continues to bring it to the people with 200 show s a year. “M y fun is usually nights on stage, w atching the people,” said King, 78. “I pay attention to them and how they respond to the music. Ride with us and bring a friend for FREE* T h at’s my biggest fun w hen I see the people out there enjoying them ­ selv es.” King, m arried tw ice and now d i­ vorced, has 14 living children, tw o o f w hom help m anage his shows. He said his wish for his children is a good education. “ I d id n ’t finish high school, only IS R L IIIk M lM W O Uptown Readers Barnes and N oble hosts a read­ ead- ing o f “ Black Renaissance Harlem: U ptow n" at 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 28 a, 1317 Lloyd Center. GUIDE Wild Child Just take this ad to the Portland or Vancouver, WA, I Hand 2 M outh Theatre and Signal Light Puppet Theatre present, “The W ild C hild," based on true accounts o f children raised by wild anim als. Show opens M arch 5 and plays Fridays through Sundays until M arch 27 at Perform ance W orks N orthw est, 4625 S.E. 67,h Ave. All perform ances are at 8 p.m. and tickets range from $7 to $10. For reservations, call 503-235-5284. Amtrak’ stations by February 29, 2004, and you International Exchange can exchange it for a F re e C o m p a n io n F a re The U niversity o f P ortland's International Club, A ssociated Students o f the U niversity o f Portland and the O ffice o f International Student Services invites you to a night o f cultural sights, sounds and tastes with “Intervision," from 5 to 7 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 28 at the U niversity C om m ons on cam pus, 5000 N. W illam ette. T ickets are $8. For more inform ation, call 503-943-7367. C o u p o n good on the California Zephyr," Laughing Through It Coast Starlight," Empire Builder,“ Southwest Chief,8" Sunset Limited" or Texas Eagle “ routes. A P o r tla n d J a m N ig h t p la n s to h e a l th e co m m u n ity ’s ills th ro u g h la u g h ter at the W ave T h eatre in N orth P o rtland T he live m usic and sketch im prov. C o m ed y is at 9 p.m . F ridays. T ic k ­ ets are $7 for a d u lts and $4 fo r kids. For m ore t ”5 5 < A M T R A K went through the 10th grade," he said. “There is never a day that com es up that I d o n 't regret no, finishing school. If I’d gone to school, I might have gotten a de­ gree in com puters, or m aybe music. “ I’m still tutoring myself. I still learn som ething new every day. If I d id n ’t, I figure it’s a day w asted.” information, call 503-735-4184 o r visit w w w .jam -n ig h t.co m . Open Mie Competition Bands and solo perform ers can com pete for a $3,000 cash prize at the New C opper Penny in southeast Portland for free on M ondays from 8 to 11 p.m. begin­ ning M arch 15. There is a $5 cover charge for patrons. To register, call ore-m ail Richard M athison at 503-408- 0 3 0 0 , r ic h a rd @ a d v o c a te s o u n d .c o m o r v is it w w w .advocatesound.com /venues.htm l. New Vaudeville N om adic Theatre presents gut-splitting com edy, ju g ­ gling, clow ning, m agic and acrobatics with “Tw o C low ns Flex," benefiting Clow ns w ithout Borders, at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 2 8 atth e W iningstad Theater, 111 S.W. Broadw ay.Tickets range from $10to$20. For tickets, call 503-248-0557. Larger Than Life-sized O M S I's big-screen O M N IM A X theater is show ing “Pulse: A Stom p O dyssey” through February, “Coral R eef A dventure" through March, "L ew is and Clark: G reat Journey W est" through June and “Jane G oodall's W ild C him panzees" through May. For more inform a­ tion, call 503-797-4588. Trlppln' through Town Take a trip through tim e to find the hottest poetry, hip- hop and soul influencing Portland W ednesdays at the O hm . $7 cover. 3 1 N.W . First Ave.