Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 31, 2003, Page 9, Image 9

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    © je JJortlanh (ßbßerlier
December 31. 2003
Kwanzaa Principles for Good Health
the highest in O regon; more than
one in four A frican-A m erican
adults sm okes. In com parison, 18
percent o f H ispanic adults in O r­
egon smoke.
“Part of the focus of the tobacco
Many African Americans learn prevention program is to work with
and recite the tenets of Kwanzaa diverse communities,” said Dr. Mel
this time or year, but applying the Kohn, state epidemiologist in the
holiday’s messages o f character Oregon Department of Human Ser­
and collective responsibility to vices. "The tobacco prevention
better health can be tough.
message with Kwanzaa is a natural
The Oregon Department of Hu­ fit because Kwanzaa represents the
man Services is challenging smok­ principles of healthy living and
ers to apply Nquzo Saba, the seven community involvement.”
principles of Kwanzaa to quitting
The following Kwanzaa prin­
ciples put emphasis on the impor­
A ccording to the health d e­ tance o f creating a positive support
partm ent, sm oking rates for A fri­ structure to help people through
can-A m erican adults are am ong the process o f quitting smoking.
Quit smoking
campaign uses
holiday tenets
Each tip focuses on developing a
different positive habit:
UmojaorUnity-1 will help myself
or someone I care about to quit and
I will feel good about it.
Ujichagulia or Self Determina­
tion- 1 will make the commitment to
quit smoking by setting a realistic
date and sticking to it.
Ujima or Collective Work and
Responsibility-1 will join a support
group or form my own for encour­
UjamaaorCooperative Econom­
ics- I will use the money and energy
I save by not buying cigarettes to
support my community and non­
profit organizations.
Nia or Purpose-1 will make a list
of the reasons I want to quit smok-
ing to make my purpose clear and I
will review this list w henever
KuumbaorC’reati vity-1 will keep
a journal of thoughts, poems or
sketches that chronicle my journey
to a smokefree life.
Imani or Faith-1 will pray, chant
or meditate for spiritual assistance,
repeating I will quit smoking.
The health department has pub­
lished a bookmark that uses the
Kwanzaa principles and directs
people to the toll-free Oregon To­
bacco Quit Line at 1-877-270-7867.
The bookmarks can be found at
Reflections Bookstore, 313 N.E.
Killingsworth St. and the African
American Health Coalition, 28OON.
Vancouver, Suite 100.
Page A9
R eligion
Long Time Resident Dead at 94
Mary Hunter
A memorial service was held Tuesday, Dec 30,2003, in Killingsworth
Little Chapel of the Chimes for Mary Hodges Hunter, who died Dec.
25 at age 94.
She was bom May 23, 1909, in Aberdeen, Miss. She moved to
Portland in the mid-1940s from St. Louis, Mo. In 1942, she married
Louis; he died in 1983.
She was a homemaker and deaconess in the Bethel A. M E. Church,
where she volunteered visiting the sick. Surv ivors include her daugh­
ter, Marlene L.; and many nieces and nephews.
Vancouver Resident Dead at 101
M. Ruth Huff
something in my life and someone to
take care of. Is it normal for me to feel
likethis? -V ickieM .;O rlando,FL
Dear Vickie:
Real People, Real Advice
t n advice iidnniii known ¡or
its fearless approach to reality
based subjects!
Holdup. Where’sthe"BabyDaddy”
going to come from? You have is-
sues with yourself that need to be
handled before bringing a baby into
the mix. Seek some psychiatric help
to see what’s making you feel so
alone and pinpoint what’s causing
this big void in your life. As for
wanting something to take care of,
start with a plant or flower and then
get bold and work up to a dog before
thinking about having a child.
Dear Deanna!
As the New Year comes in, I’ve
made up my mind to move a bunch
Dear Deanna!
back stabbing females and no
I make New Year’s Resolutions ev­
cheating men out of my life. 1
ery year to lose weight but I fail and
drama in 2003 to write
break it every time. After about 2
movies. When the
months, 1 can’t take the dieting no
more and I end up eating like crazy clock strikes 12 that’s when I plan
and gaining more weight than be­ to start deleting e-mail, blocking
fore. Nowmywifeiscallingmeapig calls and kicking them all to the
and saying I don’t have discipline. - curb. Any suggestions on getting
-Anonymous Male; Pittsburgh, PA no good people out of your life? -
-Kellie; Phoenix, AZ
Dear Anonymous Male:
Forget the New Year. If this were
something you really wanted to do,
you wouldn’t plan it around a cal­
endar, society or a holiday. You
would get off your butt and make it
happen. No, you don’t have disci­
pline because like learning a bike,
you fall and get back up until you
can do it. March yourself to your
physician and get his help so next
year you can blow a resolution on
something else.
Wanted for
PCC is one o f 12
colleges and the only
tw o-year school in
the country to par­
ticipate in the CNN
C am pus
V ib e
M o o re h o u s e ’s
perspectives in the
race w ill be p u b ­
lish ed w e e k ly on
O ne
P o rtla n d
C om m unity College
student becam e the
envy o f her school
n e w s p a p e r w h en
Christy Moorehouse
she w as h ired by
CN N to co v er the
cam pus' political clim ate dur­ C N N .c o m .
“ I’d like to help ed u cate the
ing the 2004 presidential race.
C h r is ty M o o r e h o u s e , a public as m uch as p o ssib le so
northeast Portland resident, is w e can all m ake in fo rm ed d e c i­
studying creative w riting and sio n s,” she said. “ I in ten d on
journalism at PCC and is a staff q u e s tio n in g e v e r y th in g , r e ­
w riter and assistant editor o f se arch in g a lot an d rep o rtin g
PC C ’s new spaper, the "B ridge.” the facts I fin d .”
Advertise with diversity in
^ o r t l a n h (© b se rn e r
Call 503-288-0033
or email: ads@portlandobserver.com
.HigUand UCC
Please Join us in
this New Year’s
Gospel Explosion
Dear Kellie:
Baby— you need Jesus. The prob­
lem isn’t with your friends— it’s
with you. As humans, we
what we project. Sounds like you re
mad right now because things
aren't going your way with men or
women. Ifyou really want to get rid
o f them— go to church. If these
people are as bad as you say they
are, they’ll hide as you run to the
altar and definitely w on’t join you
as you jam for Jesus!
Dear Deanna!
I am single and tired of being alone.
I’ve decided that in 20041 want to get
with someone and have a baby. I’m
not looking to get married or any­
thing I just want a baby so I can have
Local Student Hired by CNN
A memorial service was held Monday, Dec. 22, at Killingsworth
Little Chapel of the Chimes for M Ruth Huff, who died Dec. 18 at age
She was bom April 30, 1902, in Goldendale, Wash. In 1936, she
married Gearld; he died in 1953.
She was a homemaker. Survivors include her son, Richard Huff, six
grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.
Remembrances to Shriner’s Children’s Hospital of Portland.
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
a sk d e a n n a l @yahoo.com
write: DeannaM. P.O. Box88847,
Los Angeles, CA 90009
Date: New Year’s Eve,
Wednesday, Dec. 3 1
Pastor W.G. and Ali Hardy
Dorris, Verlean, John Jr., and Denise
are happy to celebrate the 67th
Wedding Anniversary of their parents
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Sylvester Sr. who
were married on Dec 27, 1936 in the
state of Louisiana.
Place: Northeast 18th
Avenue and Alberta Street
Theme: The Crossing
We will be celebrating what God did in 2003 and will do in 2004.
All are welcome. For more information, call 503-287-9567
24 HR Clerical Service
Residential/Coinniereial Organizing, telephone Answering
Service/Dispalching. Office fraining/Workshops
Event Planning. Errand Service.
Residential Shredding Service and more1
d ire c to ry
Time: 9 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.
V a le r ic B r o w n
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(SW ) 281-1201
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441 N Killingsworth 8t Portland. OR, 17217
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OFF.: (503) 286-1103
FAX: (503)286-1146
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Harold Strong
6527 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard
Suite A
Portland, OR 97217
Fax:(503)671-0121 • Office: (503) 671-0221
Address: Washington Square Office; 9020 SW Washington Sq. Dr # 100;
Portland, OR 97223
E-Mail: harolds@iohnscott.com
3otw L. Scott
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This office is independently owned and operated
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Paul Houge
Phone: 503 2 8 X 8 5 6 5 • \Tat: 5 0 3 -2 8 9 8 3 4 0
407 b P. Unton. Quite I • 'Ponftand, Pheqon 972tt
8238 N Denver Avenue, Portland, Or. 97217
Phone: (503) 289-8418
♦Teresa, Owner & Stylist
♦Deborah, Stylist
♦Horace, Barber
2 8 6 -3 7 5 8
222 N. Killingsworth
97217 (Vancouver)
Reggie Brown
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3 2 13 NE M.L.KIng Jr. Blvd. - Portland, OR 97211
Between Cook & Fargo ■ Formerly; MUSIC GALORE
Hours; Tuesday thru Saturday • 10am to 7pm