Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 31, 2003, Page 8, Image 8

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    December 31. 2003
Page A 8
B ids /C u \ ssifieds
Miracles Club
10th Year Anniversary
Organic and natural
markets confident
Columbia County Department of General Services
Columbia County Courthouse,
230 Strand Street, ST. Helens, Oregon
In the M atter of Contracting for Engineering
And Architectural Services for the Design of
A Solid Waste Transfer Station and Household
Hazardous Waste Collection Facility In
Columbia County
Columbia County, Oregon is requesting proposals for design and
Construction of a new solid waste transfer station. The site for the
station has been acquired by the County. Schematic layout drawings
have been developed and will be used as a general guideline for
the design. The p roje ct is estim a te d to be a p p ro xim a te ly
Proposals will be received until 4:00 pm., January 23, 2004. The
Director of General Services is the person designated for receipt of
proposal. Proposals must be mailed or delivered to and received
by the designated time at the Department of General Services,
Columbia County Courthouse, Room 158, 230 Strand Street, St
Helens, Oregon, 97051. The proposals received will be reviewed
by an evaluation committee. The most qualified firms will be invited
to an interview for final selection. Design firms without experience
and knowledge in the design of solid waste transfer stations will
likely not be selected.
The complete Request for Proposals for design services may be
seen at, and copies obtained from, the Department of General
Services, Columbia County Courthouse, Room 158, St Helens,
Oregon, 97051; telephone number 503-397-2100.
The County reserves the right to waive minor informalities in the
proposals received. The County may also reject any proposals not
in compliance with all prescribed requirements and may, for good
cause, reject any or all proposals upon a finding by the County that
it is the public interest to do so,
This project will be funded in part with a financial award from the
Special Public Works Fund, funded by the Oregon State Lottery and
administered by the State of Oregon, Economic and Community
Development Department.
Featuring Ocean 503
January 3, 2004 starting 7:00pm
Miracles Club
4069 NE M.L.K. Blvd
$10.00 General Admission
$7.00 Treatment $5.00 Children
Dress to Impress
Food Available 50/50 Raffle
Come Celebrate our 10th year at
the Miracles Club!!!
For contracting opportunities with the City of Portland and
for valuable information on how to do business with the
City, please log on to the Bureau of Purchases Web Page:
C it y o f P o r tla n d
Multnomah County, the City of Portland and the City of Gresham
are in the process of developing their Action Plans for fiscal year
2004-05. These Action Plans will describe how federal funds,
including CDBG, HOM E and othe r housing and com m unity
development resources, will be used in the coming year to address
the objectives established in the approved Consolidated Plan
2000-2005. Before issuing proposed FY 2004-05 Action Plans,
the jurisdictions want to give local residents and providers the
opportunity to present information and views on housing and
community development needs and priorities. The hearing will be
at the Housing and Community Development Commission meeting
Wednesday, January 7 ,2 0 04 ,5 :30 p.m.
The Multnomah Building, Board Room, First Floor
5 0 1 SE Hawthorne, Portland
All comments received at the hearing will be considered in preparing
the jurisdictions’ FY 2004-05 Action Plans. HCDC will also accept
written comments through February 4, 2004. Please address
written comments to HCDC, c/o City of Portland, 421 SW 6th
Aven u e , P o rtla n d , OR 9 7204 or sen d th e m to
bkave@ci.Dortland.or.us. A summary of public comments will be
Included in the final plan document.
The hearing is accessible to people with mobility impairments.
Please notify Ruth Benson, Bureau of Housing and Community
Development, (503) 823-2392, (503) 823-6868 (TTY) at least
seven days before the hearing if you need interpretive services.
For more information, please contact Beth Kaye, Bureau of Housing
and Community Development, City of Portland, at (503) 823-2393
or bkaye@ci.portland.or.us.
S ocial S ervices
Full tim e Y o u th A d v o c a t e
needed for a lternative school
providing GED and employment
training for youth ages 16-21.
Responsibilities include providing
ca se m a n a g e m e n t to 2 5 -5 0
program participants, organizing
ed uca tio na l and re crea tio n a l
a ctivitie s, co o rd in a tin g youth
services with external program
partners, and managing program
paperwork. The position also
in v o lv e s e s ta b lis h in g yo u th
a c a d e m ic a n d c a re e r g o a ls ,
su p p o rtin g th e a cq u is itio n of
' » those goals, and monitoring and
re p o rtin g p ro g re s s . P re vio u s
experience working with at-risk,
d is a d v a n ta g e d yo u th and
p ro fic ie n c y w ith c o m p u te rs
p re fe rre d . S ta rtin g range
$26,500-$28,500 per year with
e x c e lle n t b e n e fits . P osition
clo se s 1/7/04. S ubm it cover
letter and resume attn: Operations
Mgr, Youth Employment Institute,
1704 NE 2 6 ’\ P o rtla n d , OR
97212. We value diversity and
are an equal opportunity employer
$250 to $500 a week
Will train to work at home
Helping the US Government file
HUD/FHA mortgage refunds
No experience necessary
Call Toll Free 1866-537 2906
Police Officer
The Port of Portland is recruiting
for Police Officers. The position is
responsible for the protecting of
life and p ro p e rty w ith in the
ju ris d ic tio n
P ortla n d
In te rn a tio n a l A irp o rt (P D X ),
ensuring public convenience and
well-being while traveling through
airport facilities, and responding
to needs of airport tenants in a
prompt and professional manner.
Minimum requirements are: Must
be citizen of the United States of
America, must be 21 years of age,
must possess high school diploma
or GED, and must possess or be
able to obtain a valid Oregon or
Washington State driver’s license
be hire date.
Only On-Line Will Be Accepted: To
complete an application visit our
w eb
s ite
www .p o rto fP Q rtla n d .c o m .
Applications received after Friday,
Ja n u a ry 9, 2004 m ay not be
The test date is January 24,2004.
Test assignm ent time and other
inform ation will be
sent via email so you
m u st in c lu d e an
email address with
your on-line.
How the cow became infected
initially baffled officials, since the
p ra c tic e o f fee d in g an im al
byproducts to other cows, the pre­
sumed transmission o f the illness,
was banned in 1997, according to
Dalton Hobbs, an administrator
with the Oregon Department of Ag­
The infected cow was found to
be bom in Canada four months
before the countries banned using
brain and spinal cord tissue in cattle
feed, officials said.
Safety rules improved
from Front
almost two weeks before test re­
sults showed that it had mad cow
-Prohibiting air injection stun­
ning of cattle, a pre-slaughter prac­
tice that can disperse brain tissue.
-Stricter controls on automated
carcass stripping systems to better
insure that spinal cord tissue isn’t
-Creation of a national animal
identification that would enable
officials to respond faster to an
The agriculture secretary called
the regulatory changes “very ag­
gressive actions.” She said they
should not impose any hardship on
the cattle and meatpacking indus­
tries, nor consumers.
“I d o n ’t expect an increase in
the price to consum ers,” she said.
"The num ber o f cattle that enter
the food su p p ly c u rre n tly as
dow ner anim als is very sm all.”
Veneman acknow ledged that
banning dow ner anim als from
slaughter m eans they w o n ’t be
tested for the presence o f mad
cow disease. She said officials
are looking for other ways to test
those at-risk anim als but added
that d o esn 't necessarily m ean on-
the-farm testing.
Gene Bauston, president of the
New Y ork-based anim al rights
group Farm Sanctuary, which has
been suing the governm ent for
years to try to stop the use o f
dow ned anim als for food, said
the changes were huge.
“T his is a good th in g fo r a n i­
m a ls a n d a g o o d th in g fo r
p e o p le ,” said B auston. “T h ese
an im als are m ade to su ffe r h o r­
rib ly , h um ans are put at risk,
and th ere has n ev er been an
ex cu se fo r th is p ra c tic e .”
B u re a u o f P u r c h a s e s
1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750, Portland OR 97204
Legislator Won’t Run
Democrat to finish
term in 2004
P rogram T echnician
Notice of Public Hearing on Community Needs
from Front
Public Employees
Retirement System
Rep. D eborah K afoury, the
Democratic leader who represents
north and northeast Portland in the
P ro g ra m T e ch n ic ia n 1
State Legislature, has announced
PERS covers n e a rly 3 00 ,00 0
Immediate full and part-time open­ that she will not seek reelection in
m e m b ers and a d m in is te rs
ings. S e e k in g d ep e n d a b le , w ell- the upcoming May Primary for
retirem ent, d isability benefits,
groomed, positive Individuals.
House District 43.
health insurance and deferred
$8.00 + Starting wage
Kafoury served as House Demo­
compensation plans statewide.
Overtime/advancem ent
cratic Leader during the conten­
The purpose of this position is to
tious special legislative sessions
serve as Customer Service Center
Medical & Dentai,
o f 2002 and during the long and
(CSC) specialist/coordinator and
401K avail.
tumultuous 2003 regular session.
Oregon Retirem ent Plan (ORP)
Drug test/Background Check She recently gave birth to her sec­
subject matter expert; provide
New hires must have acceptable ond child, a boy.
technical support; participate in
documentation to confirm both
“I’m thankful to the people of my
program planning and serve as a
identity and eligibility to work.
district for giving me the opportu­
specialist in drafting language for
Apply 12:00-12:30 PM, Tues nity to serve them in the House,”
a d m in is tra tiv e and b u sin e ss
& Thurs at
the three-term incumbent said. “I’m
rules, including analysis of impact
City Center Parking
grateful to my Democratic col­
on agency. Salary range: $2,664 -
130 SW Stark, Portland
leagues for the honor and privilege
$3,698/month, DOE. EOE/AA. To
of serving as caucus leader. We
review the job description for
CH R IS TIAN BASED CO M PAN Y is stood up for the principles and
A n n o u n ce m e n t # LE3 0 1 0 9 7 ,
seeking PT/FT Reps. And Sales values that have made Oregon great
including minimum qualifications,
Managers in the area.
and I know w e’ll have a chance to
o b ta in th e a p p ro p ria te jo b
G enuine business opportunity work together again.”
a n n o u n ce m e n t fro m
yo u r
working from the comfort of your
First elected in 1998, Kafoury
Em ploym ent Departm ent field
home with our 18yr-old debt-free served two terms on the House
office, the state job website at
and stable company. Great pay Revenue Committee. This year, she
and unrivaled benefits! If you can successfully pushed the “Parents
PERS Human Resources at (503)
train, inspire and be a leader, call As Scholars” bill, which enables
4 3 1 -8 9 0 5 . C lo s in g d a te is
1 -8 8 8 -6 4 0 -7 3 1 6
recipients of Temporary Assistance
January 8 ,2004 at 5 pm.
o r o g o l@ m s n .c o m
to Needy Families to count college
C a re e r O p p o rtu n itie s
Information about career opportunities with the Port
of Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503)
944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call TDD, (503) 944-
7485. Applications are available by visiting the Port’s website at
www.DortDortlandor.com or by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visit­
ing the Port’s office, located at 121 NW Everett Street, Portland.
The Port of Portland is an
Equal Opportunity Employer
Minority Business Owners
If you perform Construction Work or Construction Services
and if you have a new business or recently formed a business in
the last 2 years and are Interested in doing future work with the
City of Portland.
Please contact:
Group AGB LLC, Andre Baugh - 503 281-3638
FM Burch & Assoc., Faye Burch - 503 735-9455
We are working to create a database of new companies that
includes the services they can provide. Let us help you take the
next step to increase your opportunities and Profits.
Rep. Deborah Kafoury
courses as “work” in qualifying for
government aid payments. She used
her influence as Democratic Leader
to help fund state and local efforts
to assist survivors of domestic vio­
Throughout her tenure in the
House, Kafoury has fought to en­
act tax credits to support develop­
ment of affordable housing. She
has also sponsored and passed
incentives for businesses to pro­
vide affordable childcare.
“Though I’ve decided to leave
the Legislature at the end o f my
current term, I plan to continue
helping people get positive results
from the Legislature, particularly
those vulnerable Oregonians who
have suffered most from the recent
recession,” Kafoury1 said.
C h in e s e G a r d e n to F i x L e a k
The City o f Portland and the permitting.
general contractor for the Port­
The G arden will be closed to
land Classical Chinese G arden the public during the repair pe­
have reached an agreem ent to riod.
repair a long-standing leak in the
M ore than 500,000 have vis­
G arden Pond.
ited the G arden since it w as
“I am extrem ely pleased the opened in Septem ber 2000.
City and Schom m er were able to
The G arden cost $14 m illion
am icably reach this agreem ent. to construct. The C ity ’s share o f
The G arden is a beautiful trea­ the construction cost w as ap ­
sure in our City and everyone proxim ately $5 m illion w ith the
involved w ants it to function in rem ainder funded through grants
the way it was intended,” M ayor and individual and corporate do­
V era Katz said.
U nder the term s o f the agree­
The City ow ns the physical
ment, A.C. Schom m er and Sons. structures that m ake up the G ar­
Inc., is scheduled to begin the den. but the G arden is operated
repairs in m id-February w ith a by Portland C hinese C lassical
target com pletion date o f March G arden Inc., a non-profit that
20, w eather and other conditions receives no public funding.
Double J Tires
New & Used Tires
Overstock & Used Tires
$ 1 5 & u p PRICED TO SELL
All tires mounted & blanched on the car, out the door - no additives.
Free stock wheels w / purchase of any new or used tlre-
The City of Portland
is an equal
opportunity employer
to stock on hand 30 years in business
2 locations to Serve You
6841 NE MLK, Portland 503-283-9437
4510 SE 52nd & Holgate 503-771-1834