Page A6 December 31. 2003 Focus Festival Plays Blues, Hip Hop Films Michael Jackson answers questions from Ed Bradley o f 60 Minutes in the first interview since his arrest on child molesta­ tion charges. Jackson Defiant in TV Interview Singer says police injured his shoulder during arrest (A P) — M ichael Jackson says he is still in pain from being put in police handcuffs last m onth and tells C B S ’s “60 M inutes” that au­ thorities "m anhandled” him. The pop star said he suffered a dislocated shoulder from the way he w as cuffed and handled during his arrest on ch ild m olestatio n charges. “ It’s hurting m e very badly,” Jackson said in an interview broad­ cast Sunday. “ I’m in pain all the time.” R epresentatives o f the S anta B arbara C ounty s h e r iff s depart­ m ent did not return a call seeking com m ent. D istrict A ttorney T ho­ m as Sneddon has said Jackson was treated fairly w hile in custody. Jackson denied the m olestation charges against him in a partial tran­ script o f the interview released Fri­ day, and said he still believes it’s acceptable to have children sleep in his bed. On Sunday, C BS released the full transcript o f Jackso n 's Christm as night interview with Ed Bradley. Jackson, 45, is ch arg ed with seven counts o f perform ing lew d or lascivious acts upon a child under 14 and tw o counts o f adm inistering an intoxicating agent. A ftersu rren - dering to Santa B arbara, C alif., au ­ thorities Nov. 20, he w as set free on $3 million bail. ‘Five Sides o f a Coin' is a movie that explores the immense popularity o f hip-hop. D uring the televised interview, w hen Jack so n w as ask ed if he thought it w as still O K to sleep with children given the charges against him , he answ ered: “W hy not? If y o u ’re going to be a pedophile, if y o u ’re going to be Jack the Ripper, if y o u 're going to be am urderer, it’s not a good idea. T hat I am not.” “B efore I w ould hurt a child, I w ould slit my w rists,” Jackson said. T he pop star also said authori­ ties sought to belittle him when he was taken into custody. “T hey w ere supposed to go in, and ju st check fingerprints, and do the w hole thing that they do when they take som ebody in,” he said. “ T h e y m a n h a n d le d m e v e ry rough ly. M y shoulder i s di slocated, literally.” T he pain from being handcuffed behind his back "keeps m e from sleeping at night,” he said. Jackson said he w as locked in a restroom for 45 m inutes after he asked to use the facilities. He said the room w as sm elly because o f feces throw n all over. His bedroom at his N everland ranch w as left a “total w reck” by investigators acting on a search w arrant, Jackson said, although he adm itted he has yet to see it. B radley pressed Jackson, a fa­ ther o f three, on w hether he would allow his ow n children to sleep in a bed with a45-year-old man and if he understood the w ay this appeared to others. “People think sex,’’Jackson said. “T h ey ’re thinking sex. M y mind d o e sn 't run that way. W hen I see children, I see the face o f God. T hat’s why I love them so m uch.” on T hursday, Jan. 15. "T he H ow lin’ W olfS tory” isthe last w ord on W olf, told through u n cu t p e rfo rm a n c e s o f c la s sic tracks, excerpts, interview s with surviving band m em bers and inti­ m ate reflections from fam ily and friends. T he film follow s W o lf s early years in the M ississippi delta, his little-know n military service in O r­ egon and tim eless cuts o f “M oanin’ at M id n ig h t,” “S hake for M e,” "B ack D oor M an” and m ore. The film prem iers at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 7. The film ’s director, Don M cG lynn will be in attendance. Black titan shaped American business The grandson o f slaves, bom into pov­ serving in the celebrated all-black regim ent erty in 1892 in the deep South, A. G. during W orld W ar I, bound him to the near­ G aston died more than a century later with slavery o f an A labam a coal m ine— but a fortune worth well over $ 130 million and even here G aston saw not only hope but a business em pire spanning com m unica­ opportunity. He launched a business sell­ tions, real estate, and insurance. ing lunches to fellow m iners, soon estab­ G aston was, by any m easure, a heroic lished a rudim entary bank— and from then figure w hose w ealth and influence bore on there w as no stopping him. com parison to J. P. M organ and A ndrew A t the tim e o f his death in 1996, A. G. C arnegie. Here, for the first time, in “ Black G asto n w as one o f the w e alth iest black Titan: A .C . G aston and the M aking o f a m en in A m erica, if not the w ealth iest. He B lack A m erican M illionaire” is the story w as a m an w ho had p ro v ed it w as p o s­ o f the life o f this extraordinary pioneer, sible to o v erco m e sta g g erin g o d d s and told by his niece and grandniece, the m ake a p lace fo r h im se lf as a lead e r, a aw ard-w inning television journalist Carol cap ta in o f in d u stry , an d a fa r-sig h te d Jenkins and her daughter Elizabeth G ardner p h ila n th ro p ist. Hines. “B lack T itan” is the story o f a m an w ho B om at a tim e w hen the bitter legacy o f created his own future— and in the pro­ slavery and R econstruction still poisoned c e s s , b la z e d a fu tu re fo r all b la c k the lives o f black A m ericans, G aston was businesspeople in A m erica. determ ined to make a difference for him ­ “B lack T itan” is available in hardcover self and his people. H is first job, after through Ballantine Books. No up front cost © b s e ru e r Closing cost and dawn payment Assistance programs. 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Overcoming Staggering Odds in Matestic 4 The Reel M usic Festival at the G uild T heater in dow ntow n P ort­ land is featuring a m ovie on hip- hop in January and another film on one o f the w o rld ’s greatest blues artist in February. “Five Sides o f a C oin" is an in- depth look at the w orldw ide hip- hop phenom enon through the industry's pioneers, insiders, crit­ ics and fans, including A frika B am baataa, G randm aster Flash, Jazzy Jay, De La Soul, The Stereo M C ’s and others, including crit­ ics w ho deplore its elem ents o f gangster glorification. “Five Sides" prem iers at 7 p.m. For centuries, the w orld has been falsely told that blacks are intellectually inferior to other races. C onsequently, many around the world, including som e black people, are unaw are o f the contributions people o f A frican ancestry have had to society and the developm ent o f the U nited States. T he book “E xposed, True B lack H istory As It H as N ever Been T aught,” gives factual evidence that black inventors played a m ajor role in the creation o f the Industrial Revolution, and that it’s im possible for anyone to spend one day w ithout using a black invention. “ E xposed,” by Dr. R om eo L. T ay lo r Sr., is available now through C able T V A d v ertisin g C o n cep ts o r by callin g 310- 412-1932. History Asil teimfffieeiitaiijlil f j i The Blade Holocaust ^Jortkmò (Observer w w w .p o r tla n d o b s e r v e r .c o n i On W eb As the world becomes more and more electronic, The Portland Observer strives to meet the needs o f our read­ ers and advertisers by going online. With the capability o f the Internet, the Portland Observer now reaches a broader audience, and thus sets your business in front o f a new generation. Visit