December 24,2003________________________________ (fili' ^lortlanb (Dbserucr Page A9 R eligion F a m ilie s S h a r e H a tid a g C o n c e r t The gospel group HeavenGift will perform Sunday, Dec. 2 8 at 6:30 p.m. during a free holiday concert at Maranatha Church, 4222 N.E. 1 2 h Ave. In M em o ry o f M y F a th e r Rev. Bendix Mennieweather on M is s is s ip p i A v enue, providing e m o D addy (R ev. tional, eco n o m ical and B endix M e n n ie spiritual support. w eather) was bom One o f his greatest S ep t. 9, 1917 in joys was working on his MerRouge, La., the "building" thereon M is third of 13 children in sissippi. He b eliev ed a very close family. strongly in his church After he decided to motto, which was, "F or make the Northwest every house is built by Rev. Bendix his home, he would so m e m an. He w h o Mennieweather make trips every sum builds all things is God. with his daughter mer back to the South "H eb. 3:4. Queenie Samuel. to bring his sisters and D addy fin is h e d brother here for better work oppor working on his "building" on Nov. tunities. They have all been suc 29, 2003. He w as laid to rest Dec. cessful in work, family and their 4.2003. contributions to the community. We will miss you daddy - K eep Daddy w as ordained a m inis the d o o r open, because w e all ter in the C hurch o f G od in C hrist want to com e in. Y o u ’ve fought on June 8, 1974. He was the the good fight and been a great pastor o f his ow n church “New leader. Now it is o u r turn to carry Jerusalem C .O .G .I.C .” fo ro v e r the torch. S ubm itted by, as he 30 years. D uring that tim e he w ould say, ”my o n ly ’est d a u g h m inistered to countless souls ter” Q ueenie Lee Sam uel. Mom to Many Remembered Ruby Reinette Denson Area residents are invited to a celebration o f family gospel con cert featuring HeavenGift o f Phoe nix, Ariz. and mem bers of the W est Family o f Portland. The free holi day perform ance will take place Sunday. Dec. 28 at 6:30 p.m. at Maranatha Church, 4222 N.E. I2lh Ave. The W est Fam ily o f Portland is led by V ernell and W anda W est and th eir talen ted ch ild ren , E van, A ntava and D arien. H eavenG ift, with the exception o f father “T ” is an all g irls ’ band that carries on the rich tradition o f the gospel sound w ith a unique blend o f originality. The W est family gospel tradi tion goes back to the early 70s in Salem, when mother Versie West Please Join us in this New Year’s Gospel Explosion G ibson’s Biblical epic on the crucifixion o f Christ, and said the film “shows how it was,” a Church official said Thursday. The official said the film ’s co-producer reported that the pope told his secretary the film was an accurate portrayal of C hrist’s death. "It shows how it was,” the pontiff was quoted Date: New Year’s Eve, W ednesday, Dec. 31 as saying. The p o p e ’s apparen t approval o f “T he P assio n ” follow s sim ilar praise from several top V atican officials, w ho have Tim e: 9 p.m . to 12:30 a.m . rejected com plaints by som e Jew ish leaders w ho say the Pastor W.G. and Ali Hardy film suggests Jew s w ere responsible for C h ris t's death. Place: N ortheast 18th Avenue and A lberta Street MUSIC, MIME DANCERS AND THE WORD OF GOD The church official, who spoke on condition he not be identified, said two screenings were recently held so the ailing, 83-year-old pontiff did n 't have to sit through one long produc Gibson plans to open the film in the United States on Feb. C hristian workers f o r fello w - • sh ip 6401 N.E. 10 lh Avenue Portland, O regon 97211 T H E R IG H T P E A C E ! (AP) — Pope John Paul II has seen "The Passion," Mel 25 — Ash W ednesday on the Roman Catholic calendar. Church of the Living God H ig k la n d U C C Biblical Epic Earns Praise from Papal Seat tion. sought out Raymond Hunt to teach her boys to sing. Brother Hunt and the W est brothers formed a quartet known as the Kings o f Harmony. This rich family tradition continues through the W est brother's chil dren. T h e m e : T he C rossing land in 1987. She leaves behind 5 children. Excell, James, Phillip, Felecia and Ruby Rebecca and five grandchil dren. Rachael. Courtney, Jessica, Abigail, Rayne and Royce. She also leaves many w ho call her their adopted mom. The family suggests contribu tions to N orth P ortland N urse Practioners Clinic. A memorial service was held Friday, Dec. 19 at Irvington C ov enant Church for Ruby Reinette Denson who died at the age of 79. She was born in New O rleans, La., the d aughter o f C ourtney V io la an d W ad e H a m p to n T urner. She and her husband o f 41 years, C alvin W. D enson m oved from C alifornia to Port- Services Pastor and First Lady Roy G. Moxie 9:45 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. Sunday School Morning Worship Evening Worship Weds Bible study Study “Where there is no vision, The People perish. ” F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n p le a s e c a ll (5 0 3 ) 2 8 4 -5 1 7 1 Everyone's Welcome..... CATERING AVAILABLE TW Espresso Coffee Tea B rutte Lunch We will be celebrating what God did in 2003 and will do in 2004. All are welcome. For more information, call 503-287-9567 MUSIC EVENTS Every S atu rd a y 4:30p m -6:30p m B U S I N E S S ///™ ¿Tory STATE FARM HOME OFFICES:BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS EXPERT STYLISTS: • /^ n g e la 3ohnL^cotf< (5 0 3 ,2 8 6 -1 1 4 6 C -a r te r (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 5 1 2 4839 NE MLK Suite 203, Portland, OR 97212 Email: angiemonti@uswest ■g'Cool Runnings Cafe Harold Strong INSURANCE COMPANIES “Where a reflection of you, is a reflection of me" W a s h in g to n FA* MONTHLY ART DISPLAYS WE DELIVER 441 N Kllllnpaworth tt . Partland. OR. »7217 PhanatPai IM » 2M 4*47 OFF.: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 0 3 Mirage 5 a'on ^ a n tin a <Arc i HL Portland, OR 97217 H (503)780-4094 Fax: (503)671-0121 • Office: (503)671-0221 Address: Washington Square O ffice; 9020 SW Washington Sq. Dr # 100; Portland, OR 97223 E-M ail: 6527 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Suite A Broker S ii ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent & Juices Pastries r ’ 3ohn L. Scott John L. Scott PTL • Washington Square O ffice This office is independently owned and operated REAL ESTATE meat \f4aP anddccessoties Special Orders Gladly Accepted! íZ'-rár’ l- Paul Houge TJtiCfmhicb - Outua 887-860-0047 C a r i b b e a n fr C a j u n C u i s i n e ,41 IONE FremonL.503-282-2118 8238 N D e n ve r A venue, P ortland, O r. 97217 Pkonr: SP9 2 F P 8 Ü 6 Ü • TTao 5 0 2 - 2 8 9 X 2 4 0 407 illastin. Quitet • Pmtfand. fheqnn 972U Phone: (803) 289-8418 6 m x M - CCB ««2102 • IBFW local 48 MBACELITTE FRILLfl, D C. REGGIE'S BARBER SHOP Conversion of fuse boxes to Circuit Breakers are our specialty. Shop: Mr. 503 280 0222 Reggie Brown Give us a call today. 503 577-0404 Cell: Master Barber 3213 NE M.L.KIng Jr. Blvd. - Portland, OR 97211 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Ed W ils o n , President 5 0 3 7 7 5 -5 3 1 1 AMPERE ELECTRIC 75 00 SE Division Portland. OR 9 7 2 0 6 Between Cook & Fargo - Formerly: MUSIC GALORE Hours: Tuesday thru Saturday - 10am to 7pm >