Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 24, 2003, Page 8, Image 8

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    Page A8
^ o rtla n b (Bbseruer
December 24, 2003
For contracting opportunities with the City o f Portland and
for valuable information on how to do business with the
City, please log on to the Bureau o f Purchases Web Page:
B ids / C lassifieds
C i t y o f P o r 11 a n d
B u re au o f P u rc h a s e s
.T O N ,
Route Sales Rep
$12.719 plus commission (85%
to train). Min. of six mos verifiable
retail grocery exp., direct product
delivery, or sales with customer
contact. Excellent driving record.
Will order and deliver wholesales
bakery products, rotate stock, and
merchandise. Mon, Tues, Thurs,
Fri, & Sat 4:a.m. until finished.
$12.719 Available Wed., Sun.&
holidays. Rest of schedule to be
Excellent driving record & min. of
three mos. exp. merchandising or
selling in retail grocery store.
Both positions are in the Salem
A re a
re q u ire
u n io n
membership. Excellent Benefits.
Applications may be obtained at
Salem Career Center Field Office,
605 C ollage Street NE, Salem
9 7 3 0 1 AAP/EEO
°# F C O ^
Mental Health
Services Coordinator I
Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned at the City of
Camas, 616 NE 4m
(Bilingual - Spanish/English)
$3.114 $ 3 ,7 8 4 / m o n th
Closes January 9, 2004
Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503)
846-4898 for information or see
w e b s ite :
www.co.washington.or.us. County
application and supplem ental
a p p lic a tio n fo rm s re q u ire d .
Women, minorities, and people
with disabilities are encouraged
to apply.
Washington County Human
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Avenue, Camas, Washington 98607, up to 10:00 a.m., local time
on Wednesday, January 21, 2004, for furnishing the necessary
labor, materials, equipment, tools, and guarantees thereof for the
construction of the Phase II Washougal Wellfield Improvement
The Phase II Washougal Wellfield Improvement project includes
equipping of Well No. 10 with pump, piping, controls, and CMU
building. Installation of onsite hypochlorite generation system
caustic soda feed, and a fluorosilicic acid feed system is included
in this project. The project also includes the installation of a metal
utility building housing three large chemical storage tanks, and all
control valves, site piping, and electrical and telem etry system s
required for a complete installation.
C la c k a m a s C o u n ty Ju v e n ile
Departm ent has immediate full­
tim e o p e n in g fo r exp erie nced
Ju v e n ile C o u n s e lo r. Ju v e n ile
C o u n se lo r 2 's perform intake
assessments, risk assessments
and d e v e lo p c a s e p la n s In
C oun ty’s Juvenile Departm ent.
In c u m b e n t p e rfo rm s s o c ia l
casework and is responsible for
su pervisin g and m anaging full
caseloads of both misdemeanor
and felony cases with heavy field
a n d c o u rtro o m e m p h a s is .
Com pletive candidates posses
th o ro u g h u n d e rs ta n d in g of
adolescent developm ent; have
strong skills in adolescent needs,
strengths and risk assessm ent
and minimum of two years work
e xp erie nce m an agin g ju ve n ile
c a s e lo a d a n d p re p a rin g and
p re s e n tin g
c o u rt re p o rts .
B a c h e lo r’s D e g re e In S o c ia l
S c ie n c e s
(e .g .
S o c io lo g y ,
P s y c h o lo g y
C rim in o lo g y )
P r o j e c t M g r - C o n s t r u c t io n .
O re g o n Zoo . $ 5 5 ,2 0 0 - $
77,200/year, FT. Deadline 1/12/
04. O v e rs e e s and m a n a g e s
contractors, subcontractors, other
professional and technical staff
as assigned, and the construction
of multiple exhibit additions in
accordance with the Oregon Zoo
Master Plan.
To apply, submit a resume with a
cover letter describing why your
background and experience make
you th e id e a l c a n d id a te , in
addition to com pleting our AA/
EEO form , to: M etro H um an
R e s o u rc e s , 6 0 0 NE G ra n d
Avenue, Portland, OR, 97232; or
fax to (503) 797-1798; or email
the complete job announcement
you m ay v is it o u r w e b s ite at
w w w .m etro-region .org/job s, or
you may pick up a copy at Metro
Human Resources.
AA/EEO Employer
County Employment Application
Required. Application materials
and detailed job announcem ent
available at Clackam as County
P e rs o n n e l, 9 0 0 M ain S tre e t,
Oregon City, OR 97045, (503)
6 6 5 -8 4 5 9 or fro m h ttp ;/ /
www.co.clackamas.or.us. Closing
date: January 7, 2004 5:00 PM
EEO Employer
The Multnomah County Library is
seeking candidates for a Electronic
Resources Coordinator position. This
position will be responsible for the
id e n tific a tio n ,
e v a lu a tio n ,
selection, and implementation of
electronic resources, including CD-
ROM and In te rn e t a cce ssib le
resources. This position will assist
and coordinate the development
of docum entation and conduct
a n d / o r a rra n g e tra in in g on
e le c tro n ic
re s o u rc e s .
experience is required; however,
two years’ of experience in the
identification and selection of
electron ic resou rce s is highly
Immediate full and part-time open­
desirable. All a pp lican ts m ust
ings. Seeking dependable, well-
have or be within 3 m onths of
groomed, positive individuals.
re c e iv in g an A L A a c c re d ite d
$8.00 + S ta rting wage
M a s te r’s D e g re e in L ib ra ry
Overtim e/advancem ent
Science or its equivalent. Salary:
$20.63 to $25.38 per hour. Apply
M edical & Dental,
by December 26, 2003. Please
401K avail.
c h e c k o u t o u r w e b s ite at
Drug test/Background Check
www.multcoiobs.org to apply.
New hires m ust have acceptable
docum entation to confirm both K B O O C o m m u n it y R a d io is
identity and eligibility to work.
lo o k in g fo r a P /T N ew sroom
Apply 12:00-12:30 PM, Tues Trainer to train news department
& Thurs at
v o lu n te e rs . F o r a fu ll jo b
C ity Center Parking
announcem ent: please see our
130 SW Stark, Portland
website at www.kboo.fm. send an
$250 to $500 a week
Will train to work at home
Helping the US Governm ent file
HUD/FHA mortgage refunds
No experience necessary
Call Toll Free 1-866-537-2906
5 0 3 -2 3 1 -8 0 3 2 to req u e st an
announcem ent: or stop by the
station (20 SE 8lh Ave & Burnside)
Monday through Friday between
9 am and 5 pm and pick up an
Career Opportunities
Information about career opportunities with the Port
of Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503)
944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call TDD, (503) 944-
7485. Applications are available by visiting the Port's website at
ww wjortportlandor.com or by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visit­
ing the Port's office, located at 121 NW Everett Street, Portland.
The Port of Portland is an
Equal Opportunity Employer
Minority Business Owners
If you perform Construction Work or Construction Services
and if you have a new business or recently formed a business in
the last 2 years and are interested in doing future work with the
City of Portland.
Please contact:
Group AGB LLC, Andre Baugh - 503 281-3638
FM Burch & Assoc., Faye Burch - 503 735-9455
We are working to create a database of new com panies that
includes the services they can provide. Let us help you take the
next step to increase your opportunities and Profits.
The work shall be com pleted within one hundred sixty (160)
calendar days after the commencement date stated in the Notice
to Proceed. All bidding and construction is to be preformed in
compliance with the request for Proposal, Plans, Specifica.ions,
and Contract for this project and any addenda issued thereto which
are on file at the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, City of Camas,
At the time and date stated above, the proposals will be publicly
opened and read aloud.
#3270 - $4152 Per Month
Proposals are to be submitted only the form provided with the
Specifications. All proposals must be accompanied by a certified
check, cashiers check, money order, or bid bond payable to the
City of Cam as" of value not less than five percent (5%) of the total
amount bid.
Plans and Specifications may be examined at the office of the City
of Camas, local plan centers in the project area, or the offices of
Project Engineer, Gray & Osborne, Inc.,
(Seattle at 701 Dexter Avenue North Suite 200, Yakima at 107
South 3™ Street or Olympia at 2401 Bristol Court SW, Bldg. A).
Copies of the plans and specifications may be purchased only at
the Seattle office of the Project, Engineer, Gray & Osborne, Inc.,
(701 Dexter Avenue North, Suite 200, Seattle, WA 98109, (206)
284-0860), fora non-refundable price of sixty-five dollars ($65.00)
including sales tax and shipping. Payment must be made at the
time the Project Plans and Specifications are requested. A list of
planholders will be made available, by request, through the project
Engineer's office prior to the bid opening, via the U.S mail.
A pre-bid conference is scheduled for Wednesday, January 14,
2004, at 1:00 p.m. The conference will begin at the City of Camas
City Hall, 616 NE 4"’ Avenue, Camas, Washington 98607, at 1:00
p.m. (local time). Prospective bidders are encouraged to participate,
Unauthorized or unscheduled visits not to be allowed.
The City of Cam as expressly reserves the right to reject any or all
bids and to waive minor irregularities or informalities and to further
make award of the Project to the lowest responsive, responsible
as it serves the interest of the City
Fu ll
tim e
E m p lo y m e n t
The City of Portland
is an equal
opportunity employer
Notice of Public Hearing on Community Needs
Multnomah County, the City of Portland and the City of Gresham
are in the process of developing their Action Plans for fiscal year
2004-05. These Action Plans will describe how federal funds,
in clu d in g C D B G , H OM E and oth er h o u sin g and c o m m u n ity
development resources, will be used in the coming year to address
the objectives established in the approved Consolidated Plan
2000-2005. Before issuing proposed FY 2004-05 Action Plans,
the jurisdictions want to give local residents and providers the
opportunity to present inform ation and views on housing and
community developm ent needs and priorities. The hearing will be
at the Housing and Community Development Commission meeting
Wednesday, January 7 ,2004, 5:30 p.m.
The Multnomah Building, Board Room, First Floor
501 SE Hawthorne, Portland
All comments received at the hearing will be considered in preparing
the jurisdictions' FY 2004-05 Action Plans. HCDC will also accept
written com m ents through February 4, 2004. Please address
written com m ents to HCDC, c/o City of Portland, 421 SW 6th
A ve n u e , P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 0 4 or se n d th e m
ave@ci.Portland.or.us. A sum m ary of public com m ents will be
included in the final plan document.
The hearing is accessible to people with mobility impairments.
Please notify Ruth Benson, Bureau of Housing and Com m unity
Development, (503) 823-2392, (503) 823-6868 (TTY) at least
seven days before the hearing if you need interpretive services.
For more information, please contact Beth Kaye, Bureau of Housing
and Community Development, City of Portland, at (503) 823-2393
or bkaye@ci.portland.or.us.
S p e c ia lis t needed for alternative
s c h o o l p ro v id in g G ED and
em ploym ent tra in ing for youth
ages 16-21. R e sp o n sib ilitie s
In clu d e
p ro v id in g
c a re e r
e x p lo ra tio n and e m p lo ym e n t
re a d in e s s w o rk s h o p s , jo b
development, and job retention
services. Bachelor's degree with
major coursework in business,
marketing, com m unications, or
closely related field, or equivalent
relevant exp erie nce and good
rapport with at-risk youth required.
Good d riv in g record, pro o f of
in s u ra n c e
re lia b le
tra n s p o rta tio n
re q u ire d .
D e m o n stra te d e x p e rie n c e in
e m p lo ym e n t
in te rv ie w in g ,
te a c h in g , c o u n s e lin g a n d /o r
vocational guidance; two years is
preferred. E xperience w orking
with a ve ry c u ltu ra lly diverse
population and proficiency with
com puters preferred. Subm it
cover letter and resum e attn:
O p e ra tio n s
M gr,
Employment Institute, 1704 NE
2 6 th, P o rtla n d , OR 9 7 2 1 2 .
Position closes on 1/7/04 at
5:00 pm. We value diversity and
a re an e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity
seeking PT/FT Reps. And Sales
Managers in the area.
G enuine business opportunity
working from the comfort of your
home with our 18yr-old debt-free
and stable company. Great pay
and unrivaled benefits! If you can
train, inspire and be a leader, call
1 -8 8 8 -6 4 0 -7 3 1 6
o r o g o l@ m s n .c o m
A t l v e i l ts e
with divei N l >
j.lnrU la n b (Obs I f f U
These are just a few of the current job openings available with the
State of Oregon. A more complete announcement listing,
application forms, and additional job information are available at:
a) local Employment Department field offices, or bj the Oregon
jobs page at: www.oregonjobs.org The State of Oregon and
all its divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers.
(503) 431-8905. Closing date is December
24, 2003 at 5 pm EOE/AA.
OF OREGONIANS by joining the Oregon
Department of Human Services (DHS). the
statewide health and human services agency.
We help Oregonians be independent, healthy
and sate We are absolutely committed to
ongoing innovation in the delivery of services,
and we are com mitted to recruiting,
developing and retaining a diverse workforce
• Program Technician 2
Child Protective Services Program
Salary range: $3.208 $4.476/month
Announcement »LEHS3630 Salem
Position closes January 2, 2004
• Principal Executlve/M anager D
Governors Advpcate/Ombudsman
Salary range: $3.720 $5,486/m ontb
Announcement 4LEHS3629 - Salem
Position closes January 2. 2004
To obtain detailed job announcements ano
application materials, visit the OHS website
www.dhs.state.or.us/iobs/; call the DHS job
line at (503) 945-5742; TTY (503) 945-6214
or contact any local Oregon Employment
office. Information is available by referencing
the announcement number,
Project Coordinator
Salary: $3,060 - $4.265/m onth,
PERS covers nearly 300 ,000 members and
admmsters retirement, disability benefits,
health insurance and deferred compensation
plans statewide. This position will coordinate
a team of 4 - 7 people who will be responsible
for freezing cost of living increases for
retirees and ex spouses (alternate payees);
a rd evaluating and implementing a major
project, making interpretations and developing
recommendations for management and
administration To review the job description,
including minimum qualifications, obtain the
Announcement «LE301037 from your local
Employment Department field office, the
state job website at www.oregonjobs.org,
or by calling PERS Human Resources at
Human Resources Division
Labor Relations Unit
State Labor Relations Manager
The Department of Administrative Services
in Salem. Oregon is seeking an experienced
chief negotiator for complex labor contract
negotiations. Requirements include 5 years'
progressively responsible labor relations
experience, which must have included acting
in the role of chief negotiator, administering
labor contracts, arbitrating grievances, fact
finding, and human resource consultation.
Salary is $4,745 - $ 6 .6 5 9 / month, with a
benefit program contribution toward family
health, dental insurance, and life insurance.
Other benefits include a retirement program,
insurance, optional short and long term
disability insurance, paid holiday, vacation, and
sick leave For detailed Job Announcement
«LEDA3119. visit www.oregonjobs.org. or
call (503) 378-3622. Close date is January
5. 2004.
Principal Executlve/Manager H
PEBB Administrator
The Public Employees Benefit Board, located
m Salem, Oregon is seeking an experienced,
progressive leader to serve as an Administrator.
PEBB is governed by an 8 member labor and
m anagement board and is functionally
placed within the Department of Administrative
Services. The Board's statutory mission is to
provide high quality benefits at an affordable
cost to both the employer and employees.
Salary is $5.763 $8.487/m onth with a full
range of benefit options For detailed Job
Announcem ent
www.oregonjobs.org or call (503) 373-7655.
Position will be open until filled
Administrative Specialist 2
Licensing Coordinator
This employment opportunity is with the
Oregon State Board of Medical Examiners in
its License Services Departm ent. This
position will coordinate procedures for all
aspects of the licensure process for the
C all 5103-288-00 U
y j
1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750, Portland OR 97204
Phased Washougal Wellfield Improvements
Juvenile Counselor 2
Notice To Contractors
City of Camas
e g o
Board's 4 licensing programs (physicians,
podiatrists, physician assistants, and
acupuncturists): serve as a team leader for
the licensing programs (2 specialists and 2
assistants); assist with rule writing; and act
as a liaison with other Board departments.
Salary range is $2,208 $3,060/m onth, plus
excellent benefits. The Board's office is
located next to the M arriott Hotel in
downtown Portland, 1500 SW First Avenue,
Suite 620 Please download the application
and in fo rm a tio n about th is position
A n nouncem ent
#LE 301036,
www.oregonjobs.org. To find out about the
Board of Medical Examiners, visit the Board s
w e bsite a t w w w .bm e.state.o r.us. This
recruitment doses 5 pm on January 14,2004.
ODOT supports a vast range of innovative
transportation products and services, touching
the life of every Oregonian, every day.
• Public Inform ation Representative
Salary $2,546 - $3.529/m onth
Announcement AOCOT3776 Salem
• Electrician
Salary $3.698 - $4.265/m onth
Announcement H0CDT3576 Grants Pass
■ Records and Policy Coordinator
Salary $3.060 $4.265/m onth
Announcement AOCDT3773 Salem
• District Manager
Salary $4,099 $6.048/m onth
Announcement #0CDT3474 Troutdale
• Region Roadway Safety Program
Salary $3.060 - 14.265/m onth
Announcement »OCDT3621 Salem
• Inter-City Passenger Rail Coordinator
Salary $3,160 $4.525/m onth
Announcement HOCOT3777 Salem
• Program Services Management Analyst
Salary $2,664 - $3,698/m onth
Announcement »OCOT3244 Salem
• Sensitive Inventory Specialist
Salary $1,949 $2.664/m onth
Announcement #OCOT3772 Salem
To apply, you must obtain a copy of the
appropriate announcement number, which
provides full details, qualifications/requirements,
and hew to apply instructions Call (5031
986 4030 (TTY (503) 986-3854 (or the hearing
impaired), or visit www odot state or us/johs. As
an AA/EEO employer, OOOT is committed to
integrating the promotion and management of
workforce diversity and affirmative action into
every facet of out business.