Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 24, 2003, Page 7, Image 7

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    December 24, 2003_____________________________________
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Page A7
One o f the preeminent
electric bassists o f our time,
Grammy award-winning Vic­
tor Wtxiten, includes Port­
land as a stop on his rare
solo tour next month.
As the bassist o f the
w orld-acclaim ed roots-fu-
sion quartet Bela Fleck and
the Flecktones, W ooten has
stretched the boundaries of
his instrument, bringing it
to new levels o f virtuosity in
the styles o f hard-edged
funk, jazz, R&B and rock.
Wooten will perform a
smoldering show in Portland Dance beat surgeon Victor
at the Aladdin Theater on Wooten performs with his
magical electric bass.
Feb. 7.
H ippos
There's still time left to see 500,000 lights spark up
animated hippos, crocodiles, condors and more at the
Oregon Zoo 's holiday Zoolights. The lights will turn on
during four final nights this week from 5 p.m. to 8:30
p.m. on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Lawyer says Vendetta Behind Jackson Charges
appears to have
several hurdles
to climb
(A P)— Michael Jackson, facing
charges that could send him to
prison for years, is the victim o f a
vendetta and is ready to fight to
prove his innocence, his attorney
said after the pop music star was
charged with perform ing lewd acts
on a child.
D is tric t A tto rn e y T h o m as
Sneddon, who tried to bring a sim i­
lar case against Jackson 10 years
ago, filed seven counts o f m olest­
ing a child under the age o f 14
against Jackson on Thursday. The
entertainer also was charged with
two counts o f plying the boy with
“an intoxicating agent" to make it
easier to carry out the assaults.
Filing the charges was a victory
for Sneddon, w ho failed to build a
T heentertainer’sattom ey, Mark
G eragos, denounced the allega­
tions as driven by money and ven­
geance, and said Jackson, w ho is
free on $3 million bail, Itxtk forward
to resolving the matter in court.
“A nybody else who knows any­
thing about the history o f these
accu sers, anybody w ho know s
anything about the history o f the
investigators and the axes they have
to grind know that these charges
are not only categorically untrue,
but they’re driven, driven by two
things: money and revenge. And
we will prove that,” G eragos said.
Michael Jackson
Sneddon appears to have sev­
eral hurdles to overcom e to win a
case against Jackson in 1993 when conviction.
a boy who made sim ilar allegations
Persuading a jury to accept the
refused to cooperate with authori­ ti mel i ne o f the al leged cri mes is one
ties after reportedly receiving a o f the key ones.
multimillion-dollarsettlement from
Five o f the counts state that Jack-
the pop star.
son m olested the boy, a cancer
This time, Sneddon says, he has victim the entertainer befriended,
a cooperative witness w ho isn’t sometime between the approximate
interested in a piece o f Jackson’s dates o f Feb. 7 and M arch 10. The
other two counts, and the charges
o f giving the boy an intoxicant,
state that those crim es allegedly
occurred between the approximate
dates o f Feb. 20 and March 10.
That means Jackson would have
begun molesting the boy amid the
swift and fervent criticism he re­
ceived after the Feb. 6 airing o f a
docum entary in which he told of
letting children sleep in his bed­
room and sometimes in his bed when
they visited his Neverland Ranch
in Santa Barbara County.
Los Angeles County child wel­
fare officers began investigating
Jackson’s relationship with the child
on Feb. I4,prom ptedbyacom plaint
to a county hot line from a school
administrator who saw the show.
The investigation, which ended
Feb. 27, found there was no basis
for molestation allegations afterthe
boy, his mother and his siblings
denied them.
Russell Halpem, an attorney for
the father, has said the boy's mother
had a “Svengali-like ability" to make
her children lie in testimony.
i s i m n s m s i Tet Celebration
Take in the Portland lights from the Stem w heeler for
The V ietnam ese comm unity celebrates the year of
GUIDE ► the monkey
Christm as through Dec. 28. Admission ranges from $20
with a traditional festival Tet and Lion Dance
What a View!
to $65 for dinner, dancing and holiday brunches. For more
information, visit www.stemwheeler.com or call 800-643-1354.
Santa’s Late
Find Santa at the Oregon Z oo’s holiday sim ulator ride for the holidays
through Dec. 28. Call 503-226-15 6 1 or visit www.oregonzoo.org for more
Jazzy Family
Chris Brown, son of local jazz legend Mel Brown, performs at the Blue
Monk, 3314 SE Belmont, at 8 p.m. Tuesdays, Dec. 23.
on Saturday, Jan. 17 at the O regon Convention Center, 777 N.E.
MLK Blvd. Festivities, gam es and music are from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. with
a fundraising dance at 8 p.m. for a cost o f $25. For more information, call
Ozzie's Birthday
Join O regon Zoo staff for a third birthday party on Jan. 2 for Ozzie, the
famous otter, who was conceived, bom and raised by his mother in
captivity. Birthday party guests receive cupcakes. For more information,
call 503-226-15 6 1 or visit www.oregonzoo.org.
Sax Flies West
Communal Art
Talisman Gallery features a group show o f all o f its members withdi verse
style, content and media from Jan. 2-25 with an opening at 5:30 p.m. Jan.
2. For more information, visit w w w .talism angallery.com .
C harles G ayle, a New York jazz saxophone street performer, will have a
rare W est C oast perform ance at Disjecta, 1 16 N.E. Russell St., on Jan. 10.
Arts Benefit
Nationals Emergency
The H arlem G lobetro tters w ill play the New York N ationals at the
R ose G arden A rena at 7 p.m. S aturday, Jan. 24. T ickets start at $ 11
and can be purchased at the Rose G arden box office o r by cal I ing 503-
No Sissies!
Bump In the Road Theatre presents "(Old Age A in’t) No Place For
Sissies” from Jan. 23 through Feb. 7 at the Fine Arts Building at
Concordia University, Northeast 27,b Avenue and Highland. A "pay
what you will" perform ance is at 8 p.m. Jan. 22. O ther performances are
at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays. Tickets range
between $ 10 and $ 12. For reservations, call 50 3 -7 5 0 -1439.
The Talisman Gallery presents “Foot Square," benefiting Habitat For
Humanity, through Dec. 28. For more information, call 503-287-9529.
Kwanzaa Gala
Bridge Builders is holding its seventh annual Kwanzaa Gala and Initiates
Ball at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 27 at the Portland Center for the Performing
Arts. Tickets are $30. For more information, call 503-306-2960.
All New Christmas Carol
Catering & Take-Out
O ur S pe c ialty :
R eal H ickory S moked B ar -B-Q
• Sandwiches • Salads
• Chicken • Pork Ribs
• Beef Ribs
M onday
T uesday
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F ri.& S at.
Fish Sandwich — $8“
Fish Dinner - $11”
11:00- KMX)
* * * N ew L oc /V uon * * *
5410 N.E. 3 3 rd
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Portland, OR 97232
gotkgo @ comcast.net
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( X11# 150277
The Northwest C hildren's Theater and School presents the “All New
Christm as Carol" at the Northwest NeighborhtxxJ Cultural Center, 1819
N.W. Everett St., through Dec. 24. Tickets are $20 for adults. For
sh o w tim es and m ore in fo rm atio n , call 5 0 3 -2 2 2 -4 4 8 0 o r visit
w ww.nwcts.org.
The Portland International Auto Show is from Feb. 5 through 8 for
domestic and imports, concept and economy cars, at the Oregon
Convention Center, 777 N.E. MLK Blvd. General admission is $8. For
more information, call 800-322-4821.
Trippin' through Town
Take a trip through time to find the hottest poetry, hip-hop and soul
influencing Portland W ednesdays at the Ohm. $7 cover. 3 1 N.W. First Ave.
Wild Party
Stack 'Em Up
A dult L ego en th u siasts will love the 2004 B rickFest Expo at the
O regon C onvention C enter. The ex h ib it will have them ed d isplays
and m osaics from 11 a .m .to 4 p .m .F e h . 15 fo ra n ad m issio n o f $5 per
person or$20 max per family. For more information, call 503-297-5090.
Excite your child with a birthday party in the woods, meadow or near a
pond, hosted by Portland Parks and Recreation staff. Themes include
forest fairies, Indian legends. Lewis and Clark exploration, animal track­
ing, cam ouflage critters and more. Parties begin at $100 for 10 children,
including gam es, activities and favors. For more information, call 503-
t B oarding at _ „
W aterfro n t Parle
December Cruises.
Dinner Dance • Holiday Dinners
Champagne Brunch
for reservations