Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 24, 2003, Page 6, Image 6

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    December 24. 2003
Page A6
Jazz Trumpeter
Dies in Portland
(A P )— Jazz trum peter W ebster
Y oung, w ho played with greats
such as M iles D avis and John
C oltrane in the 1950s, but never
gained the sam e level o f p ro m i­
nence him self, has died in P o rt­
land. He w as 71.
Y o u n g 's career got an early
boost w hen L o u is A rm stro n g
took him as a student when he
was lO y e a rso ld .h isso n P o rtla n d
attorney D orian Young said.
As a teenager, he jam m ed with
D izzy G illespie, earning the nick­
nam e "L ittle D iz” in W ashington
D .C .-area clubs for a style that
resem bled G illesp ie’s.
He broke into the m odern jazz
scene in New York City in the late
1950s, recording several album s
before returning to W ashington
to raise his fam ily.
He died Dec. 14 in Portland
from a brain tum or, Dorian Young
said. W ebster Young moved from
the W ashington to P ortland a
year ago to be near family, Dorian
Y oung said. He played gigs until
eig h t m onths before his death.
Y o u n g ’s c a re e r p eak ed in
1957, w hen he p la y e d co ro n et
w ith Jo h n C o ltra n e fo r th e a l­
bum " In te rp la y fo r T w o T ru m -
p ets and T w o T e n o rs ” fo r the
P re stig e recp rd lab el.
T he session w as recorded at
Rudy Van G e ld e r’s stu d io in
H ackensack, N .J., know n as a
hotbed fo r m odern ja z z at the
tim e, said C arl W oideck, a jazz
historian at the U niversity of
O regon School o f M usic.
T T lock
Trish Egan (left) and Shelley B. Matthews star in the local production o f (Old Age Ain't) No Place for Sissies.
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audiences will
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In an effort to calm the fears,
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newly created play "(Old Age A in't)
No Place For Sissies,” based on
first person stories told by those
who know what they’re talking
about - Portland-area seniors and
“No Place For Sissies” gives
audiences an alternative to dying
young. The production is inspired
by stories gathered through w ork­
shops and interviews with the eld­
erly and theircaregivers from part-
Magazine Gets Snippet
of Eminem Song
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Janet Jackson
Janet Jackson to
Perform at Super Bowl
(A P )— Janet Jackson will be the
featured perform er during the half­
tim e show at the Super Bowl on
Feb. 1 in Houston.
O ther perform ers will be an­
nounced later.
The show will be produced by
M TV, w hich also produced the
show for the 2 0 0 1 game.
“There is no bigger spectacle
than the Super Bowl,” Jackson
said. “H’s a unique and exciting
experience that I have looked for­
ward to for many years."
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P. Diddy Takes to Broadway Stage
Call 503-288-(|)33
(AP) — Sean C om bs, better
known as rap star P. Diddy, will
make his Broadway debut this sea­
son in a revival o f "A Raisin in the
Sun,” Lorraine H ansbury’s land­
mark dram a about a black family
moving into an all-white C hicago
S ea n
C om bs
“It is an American classic along­
side ‘Streetcar,’ 'D eath of a Sales­
man' and 'T heC rucible,” ' producer
David Binder said. “And it has never
ing in mid-M arch and an opening a
had a Broadway revival.”
The production, to be directed month later. Binder added. The ex­
by Kenny Leon, will most likely act dates, the rest o f the casting and
begin rehearsals in mid-February, the theater will be announced.
"W e are approaching very sea-
with preview perform ances start-
Give Your Child
An Outstanding
For Next Year's
6th and 7th
Grade Students
k V Ilr l u r t Y l
ism. The Source said it
(A P) — A federal judge
exposed the recording
on M onday allowed a hip-
w h ile in v e stig a tin g
hop magazine to publish
CDs containing limited ex­
forces that corrupt hip-
c e rp ts o f a p re v io u s ly
hop music.
Source co-founder
unreleased recording by
rapper Eminem that includes
Raymond Scott, who
also is a rapper, has re­
racially charged lyrics like
leased several record-
“black girls are dum b.”
i ngs attacking Eminem,
U.S. District Judge Gerald
E. Lynch authorized The Source who responded in kind. The maga­
magazine, which has been instigat­ zine also published a poster o f Scott
ing attacks against Eminem, to pub­ holding Em inem 's severed head.
At the news conference, The
lish up to 2()secondsof material from
two Eminem recordings. The maga­ Source said the recording included
zine said it would enclose the CDs in the lyrics “Black girls are dumb, and
its next issue.
white girls are good chicks.” It said
T hejudge said limited reproduc­ th ree w hite fo rm er frien d s o f
tion o f the recording falls within the Eminem had provided the record­
m agazine’s right to “fair use” o f ing to the magazine.
copyrighted material for the pur­
Eminem, 31, whose real nam e is
pose o f criticism.
Marshall Mathers, has said the re­
The Source held a news confer­ cording was “foolishness” that he
ence last month to publicize its dis­ made as a teenager “out o f anger,
covery o f the recording and to ac­ stupidity and frustration" after
cuse Eminem, who is white, o f rac­ breaking up with a black girlfriend.
Advertise w ith d ive rsity /'/;
We like little jobs too!
through humor, dram a and song.
The play show s Fridays and
Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at
2 p.m during its series o f perfor­
mances running on Jan. 23 through
Feb. 7, at the Fine Arts Building on
the cam pus o f Concordia U niver­
sity, located on N ortheast 27'*’ A v­
enue and H ighland Street.
Tickets are $12 for general ad­
mission, students and seniors $10.
For reservations, cal1503-750-1439.
FAX: (503) 227-8757
ner organizations including The
Providence Center on Aging, North­
w est P arish N urse M in istries,
Loaves and Fishes, the Marie Smith
Center, The Urban League Senior
Center, Old Lesbians Organizing
forC hange and the Salvation Army
Rose Center.
Scenes address a variety o f se­
nior issues including prescription
drug costs, caregiving, sexuality,
alcoholism — even “seniorcise”—
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soned New York theater actors” to
fill out the rest o f the cast, the
producer said, declining to be more
specific. Com bs has no stage expe­
rience. He has appeared in the m ov­
ies “M ade" and “M onster’s B all.”
B i rider said he contacted C om bs
last Septem ber after a mutual ac­
quaintance suggested that Com bs
“was interested in doing serious,
challenging work in the theater.”
Com bs auditioned several times
for the producer, the casting direc­
tor and Leon over the course o f the
fall. “We were all incredibly im ­
pressed - h e ’s focused on the
w ork," said Binder, a producer of
such off-Broadway hits as "D e La
G uarda” and “ H edw ig and the
Angry Inch.”
The original production, which
starred Sidney Poitier, C laudia
M acN eil, Ruby Dee and D iana
Sands, was a success on Broadway
in 1959 and later as a 1961 movie
with the same lead cast.
The title com es from a line in a
poem by Langston Hughes: “What
happens to a dream deferred'.’/D oes
it dry up/Like a raisin in the sun?"