Page A2 December 24. 2003 Gore Son Arrested for Marijuana Early Christmas for Local Kids ( AP) — The son o f former vice president and 2000 D em ocratic presidential candidate Al Gore has been charged with marijuana pos­ session. Albert A. Gore III. 21. was ar­ rested Friday night after he was stopped for driving a vehicle with­ out its headlights on. Tw o passengers were also ar­ rested and charged with m isde­ meanor marijuana possession. A M ontgomery County, Md., police officer noticed the car’s win­ dows and sunroof were open, de­ spite cold tem peratures. There was also a smell of m arijuana coming from the vehicle, police said. A search of the vehicle turned up a partial marijuana cigarette, a cigarette box containing suspected marijuana, and a soft drink can that also smelled of marijuana. In Septem ber 2(X)2, the younger Gore was ticketed for driving under the influence. In the summer o f2000, he was cited by the North Carolina Highway Patrol for driving 97 mph in a 55-mph zone. Jon Mathis o f Hasson Com­ pany Realtors, David Yandell from Radio Cab, Mark Dybvig o f Swift Couriers celebrate the holidays with Boise-Eliot Elementary School students Angela Williams, Whitney Hall, Nancy Reyes, Shaniece Holh and School Principal James Brannon. Yandell and his fleet o f Radio Cab drivers brought 100 students at the north Portland school bicycles and helmets during a school assembly last Wednesday. photo by M ark W ashington / T he P ortland O bserver A Secret No More Daughter of senator framed by race issues steps forward (AP) — The 78-year-old daughterofthelateSen. Strom Thurmond and a black maid said that now that she has come forward to disclose her heritage, “at last I feel com ­ pletely free.” "There are many stories like Sally Hemings’ and mine,” said Essie Mae W ashington-W ill­ iam s. referring to T hom as Jefferson's relationship with one o f his black slaves. “The unfortunate measure is that not everyone knows about these stories that helped to make America what it is today,” W illiams said. W illiams announced she is the illegitimate daughter of Thurmond, a former segrega­ tionist, and a black teenage maid in his family home. Carrie Butler. Thurmond was 22 and But- lerw as 16when Williams was bom in Aiken, S.C., in 1925. Starting in 2004, we will be taking a more comprehensive look at how a student comes to OSU. I Ins approach w ill help ns improve the future OSU community as well as ensure your individual success. Io find out more about becoming part of the OSU class of 2004/2005, pick up an admissions O R E G O N S T A T E U N IV E R S I T Y packet online. o re g o n s ta te .e d u Open minds. Open doors. Essie Mae Washington-Williams comes forward to disclose she is the 78-year-old daughter of the late Sen. Strom Thurmond and a black maid who worked in his South Carolina family home. (AP photo) She was raised in Pennsylva­ nia by an aunt and uncle, see­ ing her mother sporadically and not meeting Thurmond until she was 16. A fter T hurm ond died in June at age 1 (X), W illiams said she began to think about end­ ing “all the speculation and questions" about the long-ru­ mored relationship. She said she did not come forward ear­ lier because she didn’t want to jeopardize Thurm ond’s politi­ cal career. “I am not bitter. I am not angry,” she said during a news conferencejust blocks the State­ house where a monument of Thurmond sits. "In fact, there is a great sense of peace that has come over me in the past year. “I feel as though a great weight has been lifted. I am Essie Mae W ashington-W ill­ iams, and at last I feel com ­ pletely free.” Cabbie Killer Sentenced Free H IV Testing in NE Portland (A P) — A man convicted o f w as robbery. aggravated m urder in the death B arr, a rre ste d in a P o rtla n d o f a Portland taxicab d river has b ar d ay s a fte r the c rim e , a d m it­ been sentenced to life in prison ted in M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty C ir­ w ithout the possibility o f parole. c u it C o u rt on M onday th a t he Stephen W. Barr, 63, pleaded to o k the tax i to h is w o rk p la c e , g u ilty to k il li n g G r ig o r y th en w ent in sid e and re trie v e d R ogozhnikov, 33, avoiding the a han d g u n w ith the in te n tio n o f death penalty. sh o o tin g the d riv e r, w hom he Barr killed R ogozhnikov early h a d n 't paid . Feb. 16, ju st hours after he had A fter dum ping the v ic tim ’s been cited for drunken driving by body behind an electrical trans­ Portland police and had his car form er box in front o f the bu si­ tow ed. Police think the m otive ness, B arr took o ff in the cab. Tuesday and Thursday Evenings 5 :0 0 -8 :0 0 p.m. (last check in a t 7 :3 0 p.m .) NE Health Center MLK J r. Blvd. And NE Killingsworth (Enter in rear door near Emerson, go to 2nd floor) Se habla espanol los Martes For more information on H IV and testing Call the Oregon AIDS Hotline 1 -8 0 0 -7 7 7 -AIDS Multnomah County Health Department See I .......... ~..... .... -Ar ìli«' Portimi» —1 ^ îo r t la u h (Db serum* - 1 1 E d ” on the web @ ■I Soon you’ll be preparing your federal tax return... don’t forget you can And you’re not limited to monetary count your donation to KMHD 89.1 FM as donations, we’ll take a charitable •Your car contribution! •Your boat Your donation can •Your house add up to a nice tax deduction if you itemize.