December i7 .2003_____________________________________ (£jje JJortlanb (Dbscruer____________________________ PaSeB3 n Focus PARTNERSHIP fm tn tm g íuóitofKt Ahti». C Nanoin, ( M l Helpline (Make The Call): 8 00 923-1 IKI P l inea de Ayuda (Spanish): 877-515-7848 Yoiithline (Teen Helpline): 877-553-TtEN Soul Celebration Release Due Historic concert in stores for Black History Month ■ Issac Hayes performs a dramatic version o f his Oscar and Grammy winning hit ‘Theme from Shaft' in the PBS produc­ tion o f Soul Comes Home recorded for the grand opening of the Stax Museum of American Soul Music in Memphis, Tenn. photo by A ndrea Z uckek Solomon Burke,known as the ‘King o f Rock and Soul' performs during the Soul Comes Home broad­ cast on PBS. Soul Com es Home, a C elebra­ M emphis, TN. tion o f Stax Records and M em ­ This special DVD and CD fea­ phis Soul Music - captures the tures some of soul m usic’s b ig ­ once-in-a-lifetim e concert held on gest stars perform ing their g reat­ April 30 to com m em orate the est hits at the historic Orpheum grand opening o f the Stax M u­ Theater. Set for a Feb. 3 release, seum o f A merican Soul Music in Soul Com es Home offers a great way to celebrate Black History ion CD includes all of the m usical perform ances on the DVD plus M onth. Soul Com es Home aired on liner notes by noted Soul music many PBS stations across the authority P eterG uralnick, author nation in August. The DVD o f the o f "Sweet Soul Music: Rhythm concert includes all 16 o f the per­ and B lues and T he S o u th ern form ances seen in the PBS spe­ D ream of Freedom ." The Stax Museum o f American cial as w ell as a bonus track fea­ turing the Bar-K ays and Chuck D Soul Music preserves, prom otes and in terp rets soul m usic re ­ perform ing "Soul Finger.” The DVD also includes special corded in the 1960s and '70s. The docum entary features about the M useum ’s exhibits explore the Stax M useum , Isaac Hayes, Otis roots o f soul, profile its signifi­ Redding, Booker T. & The MGs cant practitioners, and exam ine and The Bar-Kays. The com pan­ its enduring presence in society. CANNON'S RIB EXPRESS = z _ ( FORMERLY CHUCK HINTON'S) Catering & Take-Out O ur S pecialty : R eal H ickory S moked B ar -B-Q • Sandwiches • Salads • Chicken • Pork Ribs • Beef Ribs TV Special Honors 'Godfather of Soul’ (AP) — The Kennedy Center - usually home to opera, symphony and theater - got on the good foot last week as stars from the R&B charts paid tribute to “Godfather of Soul” James Brown. The Kennedy Center Honors will be broadcast on CBS Dec. 26. Rapper LL Cool J said Brown “broke down mental and social barriers and made it possible for me, a black kid from Queens, to stand in front of presidents and say, ‘Say it loud. I'm black and I'm proud.’” Younger R&B stars covered some of Brown’s hits, with Anastacia performing “Sex Machine,” Joss Stone singing “It’s a M an’s M an's M an's W orld” and Brian McKnight tackling “Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag.” HOURS Monday 11:00-9«) Tuesday CLOSED Wed. & Thurs. 11:00-9:00 Fri.& Sat. 11:00-10:00 Sunday 11:00-8:00 CATERING ALLEVENTS Fish Sandwich — $858 ™°A Y & Fish Dinner — $11 69 SATURDAY * * * N ew L ocation * * * 5 4 1 0 N .E . 3 3 rd 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -3 8 3 6 MILLENNIUM M James Brown PROPERTIES Ex-Ronette ‘Devastated’ Over Spector Case (A P ) — R o n n ie S p e c to r G reenfield, who with her sister and cousin made up the black 1960s girl group the Ronettes, was "devastated” when ex-hus­ band and record producer Phil Spector was charged with m urder in California. "I had never seen him violent like that, with a gun or anything,” Greenfield said. "I feel awful.” G reenfield, now 60, acknow l­ edged that Spector often threat­ ened her while they were married, from 1968-74, and after they d i­ vorced. She said he w arned her he would send a hit man after her but was never violent himself. Spector, 63, is charged in the Feb. 3 shooting death of actress Lana Clarkson in his hilltop man­ sion in Alhambra, Calif. He sug­ gested that Clarkson, 40, may have shot herself. Greenfield said she hadn't con­ tacted Spector. “I really wanted to stay out of it," she said. "I think we'll always be friends because we have children together. I think it best if I don't talk to him now.” Her com m ents cam e outside a court hearing in New York where negotiations were underw ay to settle a lawsuit against Spector that w ould give the R onettes $890,000 owed for recordings but not for royalties for uses that include advertising and movies. The Ronettes' lawyer, Alexander Pelt/., says the women are due at least $1.5 million. The difference between the sums required a hear­ ing before a judge who will do her own calculation of what the women are owed. Ronnie Spector Greenfield FULL SERVICE REALTY Terence Keller Broker/Realtor Direct: 503.704.1154 O ffice: 503.282.2551 314 NE 19th Avenue Portland, OR 97232 MW Tiet I LMTWM MMVtCC MLS. gotkgo@ com w w w .ihom See Œ"'^ ertlan h ©beer Uer I {.Urtimi' <1 Winn «mynpnoptn wRh r,»Tn«- .rl» < »« ifu /Mitral ' Residential - Commercial Sales - Installation C arpet • C ountertop V inyl • C eramic T ile V c r • M armoleum C all “ B ill” for free estim ate: 5 0 3 - 2 8 2 - 2 7 2 9 ( T i l# 150277 ------------------------------------------------------------------- I Bu«h W«m«r T«»«*> Tetaran«« . d I " / ,rt 1 m ill I I I H » | I I I ~ R H i l l / llll ■ IS H IM m iy iiiilb llV Z«« Tun»« On L.fta* *0 ÍT» hjH» «*■* on the web @ ---------- w fail us ai 5 Rtwe Ciiy FEmctuimtg ££C WAI JC#6O2283(X)5 I h r P o r t l a n d (P h # e ru rr & ... Boarding at W aterfront1 Park December Cruises Dinner Dance• Holiday Dinners Champagne Brunch STERNWHEELER 1-800-643-1354 COLUMNA GORGE