(Ebe JJortlanh ®bseruer December 17. 2003 Page AS Rental Discrimination N early one o f three Native A m ericans face discrim ination when trying to rent a hom e, a rate higher than any other m inority group, a governm ent-sponsored study found. D ata previously released by the U.S. Dept. o f H ousing and Urban D evelopm ent did not sur­ vey discrim ination against N a­ tive A m ericans, but found that H ispanic renters were discrim i­ nated against 26 percent o f the tim e, w hile rates w ere less for African A m ericans (22 percent) and A sians (21 percent). The latest study also found that Native A m ericans were more likely than other m inorities to experience severe form s o f discrim ination, such as being lied to by a building m an­ ager that an available apartm ent w as taken. By com parison, other m inorities w ere m ore likely to be exposed to m ore subtle form s o f discrim ina­ tion, such as being charged higher rents or application fees. Close Save at Molly's Tavern site called ‘death trap’ in 1998 Office Depot Celebrated as Community Partner Portland Mayor Vera Katz' policy development manager, Anthony Lincoln (from left), joins Office Depot store manager Jay Blunt, Laurel Barton o f the Portland Business Alliance, Quin Ashton of Office Depot's corporate offices, and John McKibbon and Linda Murray o f the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce for Thursday's grand opening celebration of the Jantzen Beach store in north Portland. Vanessa Gaston, president of the Urban League of Portland, also attended the event. Office Depot gives back to the community by making donations to several local organizations, including the Urban League. Workforce Leader Hired at TriMet E v ely n M in o r-L aw ren ce has jo in e d T riM et in the n ew ly c re ­ a te d p o s itio n o f m a n a g e r o f w o r k f o r c e d e v e lo p m e n t a n d em p lo y e e relations. M in o r - L a w r e n c e f o r m e r ly w o rk ed as a h u m an reso u rces m a n ag e r for M u ltn o m ah C ounty. S he p rev io u sly w o rk ed in p e r­ so n n el at the C ity o f B eav erto n , O reg o n D ept. o f T ran sp o rtatio n and O reg o n D ept. o f E n v iro n ­ m ental Q uality. M in o r-L a w re n c e g ra d u a te d fro m M ic h ig a n S ta te U n iv e r­ sity w ith a b a c h e lo r ’s d e g re e in u rb a n a ffa irs . S h e re c e iv e d h er m a s te r ’s d e g re e in u rb a n a f ­ fa irs fro m th e U n iv e rs ity o f W is c o n s in . S h e e a rn e d c e r t if i­ c a tio n as an e x p e rt in h e r fie ld fro m th e N a tio n a l I n s titu te s S o c ie ty o f H u m a n R e s o u rc e M a n a g e m e n t a n d th e In te rn a ­ tio n a l P e rs o n n e l M a n a g e m e n t A s s o c ia tio n . Evelyn Minor-Lawrence L a n d in g a C a r e e r photo by Man Shot in Head at Club A local man w ho once pro­ tested in front o f form er Police C h ief C harles M oose’s hom e w as shot and critically injured at an after hours club on the 3500 b lo c k o f N o rth e a s t M artin L uther King Jr. B oulevard. D aniel B inns w as shot in the h ead ju stafter I a.m. Sunday. He w as taken by am bulance to Legacy Em anuel Hospital. T here have been no arrests and police say they have no su sp ects. A uthorities are asking w it­ nesses to com e forw ard with inform ation about the shooting. Police said the shooting may have been drug- or gang-related. n o rth w e s t P o rtla n d site. “ It's o u r jo b to look a fter these p eo p le," he says. "T h at fire raced th rough the bu ild in g so fast that engine co m p an ies c o u ld n ’t a c ­ T he tw o -alarm fire that d e v ­ cess the second floor b ecau se a sta te d th e h is to ric a l M olly the stairs had been burned out. M cG uire tav ern could have re ­ T he o ccu p an ts w ould not have su lted in m ore than a dozen fa ­ g o tten out in tim e .” talities. Portland Fire & Rescue inspects F o rm e r P o rtla n d F ire In ­ all occupancies every tw o years, s p e c to r R u ss L ip p e rt c a lle d operating on a beefed up inspec­ the ta v e rn a “ d e a th tra p " in tion schedule as a result o f an En­ 1998, a n d v a c a te d th e in h a b ­ hanced Fire Prevention program, ita n ts o f n in e ille g a l a p a rt­ designed to save lives and prop­ m e n ts in a sp a c e a b o v e the erty through fire prevention. IMAGINE ASPIRE CREATE DISCOVER PCC Gift Certificates. 3,000 Adventures Start January 5. Available tor $10. $25 and $100 Call 503.533 2882 to order. Visa/Mastercard Accepted. / Portland Com m unity Colleqe M ark W ashington /T hk P orti ani » O bserver Leah Wyatt (right) and TriMet supervisor J.C. Vannatta point to future transportation routes on display boards that Wyatt designed. con tin u ed fr o m Front She said that businesses also benefit trem endously from Inroads corporate careers. W yatt joined the Inroads talent interns, because they get highly pool after a com petitive screening trained interns w ho learn their po­ process. She then began the rigor­ sitions and the culture o f the co m ­ ous 18-hourtrainingcurriculum in­ pany from a young age, en g en d er­ troducing her to the corporate e n ­ ing com pany loyalty. She says that because Inroads vironm ent and providing a unique understanding o f w orkplace expec­ participants are young people o f color, the com pany is better able to tations. “W hen we have a brand new tal­ serve the diverse com m unities it ent pool o f candidates com peting for does business in. Inroads currently internships, we coach them on how coaches 72 high school and college to dress, how to write a resume and students from O regon and south­ what to expect on a business inter­ w est W ashington in the program . view so they can give a good first O f those, 24 are A frican A m erican, impression and talk about their hard 28 are Asian American, 17 are Latino and soft skills," said M arie Alaniz, and 3 are N ative A m erican. "W e want com panies to look at market manager for Inroads. A lanizcalls Inroads' facilitators these students as contributors and “co aches" because they guide stu­ not as tokens. T hinking strategi­ dents through college and beyond. c a lly , e m p lo y in g a d iv e r s e "T h e b e n e fit fo r stu d e n t is w orkforce brings m ore business th ey 're going to get real work expe­ from those com m unities. T his is a rience w ith coaches and m entors to person w ho can do the jo b and can help them through their personal, benefit the bottom line o f the co m ­ academ ic and business careers," pany,” she said. W yatt learned vital professional said A laniz. \d\cTtise vvitli diversity in C ull 503-288-0033 tools from Inroads, and m ade life­ long friends in the process. "It gives students com fort know ­ ing there are so m any students o f color that are graduating from co l­ lege and you d o n 't feel like y o u 're square because y o u ’re going to graduate and going to m ake m oney one day," said W yatt. Her connection to Inroads hasn ’t ended since W yatt started her ca­ reer. She now volunteers for the program , designing press kits and increasing visibility for its public relations departm ent and instruct­ ing new talent at Inroads' L eader­ ship Institute. “ I still use Inroads," said W yatt. "T h ere’s a strong alum ni netw ork and I try to help out in any way I can. I' 11 al way s gi ve back to it by encour- aging interns when I see them b e­ cause th at’s what w as done for me.” Inroads is accepting applications for new talent through Jan. 21. To learn more about the program and apply online, visit w w w .inroads.org. Come see over a half-million magical lights, ride the ZooLights Train, shop at the spectacular artist market and enjoy live performances every night! Make the evening complete with a holiday buffet at the the zoo's Cascade Grill restaurant ^3 % K V ’3 620«njr Zttii/ > U n ite d R en ta ls www oregonzoo.org • Take MAX to the Zoo! Call 503-238 RIDE for TriMet information Experience the thrill ride, running every night during ZooLights o r t la n b (P h s e r n e r em ailads@ portlandobserver.com t/wrude, I J