PaseB6___________________________________________ ‘(Tbc C lassifieds PORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY PORTLAND, OREGON KBOO C om m unity R ad io is lo o k in g fo r a A d v e rtis in g C o o rd in a to r to c o o rd in a te a proposed ad campaign. For a full job announcement: please see our w ebsite at w w w .k b o o .fm . send an e m a il to Portland Comm unity College is c u rre n tly s e e k in g q u a lifie d candidates for the position of Cam pus President of both its Cascade and Sylvania Campuses. The Portland Community College 2 3 1 -8 0 3 2 to re q u e s t an D is tric t (P C C ) is th e la rg e s t announcem ent, or stop by the in s titu tio n o f p o st-se co n d a ry station (20 SE 8th Ave & Burnside) education in Oregon, serving more Monday through Friday between than 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 s tu d e n ts 9 am and 5 pm to pick up an (h ea d count) in 2002-03. The announcement. co lle g e d is tric t is loca ted in N orthw est Oregon, and offers Aviation Positions c la s s e s th ro u g h th re e com prehensive cam puses, an Structural, mechanical, electrical extended learning campus, four and flight crew. Must have H.S. workforce training centers, as well diploma and be willing to relocate. as in a variety of other community Call M-F 1-800-914-8536. locations. A grow ing d istance learning program enrolls more PROGRAM DIRECTOR than 18,000 students annually. Lo ca ted in NE P o rtla n d th is p o s itio n p ro v id e s p rogra m For application information and s u p e rv is io n and co m m u n ity profile, go to: or leadership for African American contact Presidential Search Chair, a d o le s c e n t m a le s u b s ta n c e c/o Neal Naigus, PO Box 6119, abusers. Coordinates program, Beaverton, OR 97007-9911. For provides clin ic a l su p e rvisio n , additional information, call Neal manages budget and community Naigus at 503-977-4122 or email p a rtn e rsh ip s. MA in Hum an nnaigus@ A Gold Hill Services and African American Associates assisted search. cu ltu ra l s p e c ific p ro g ra m development preferred. African Americans encouraged to apply. Interested applicants may e-mail resumes to: fax to: 503-690-9605 or mail to: TVC, 14600 NW C o rn e ll Rd, Portland, OR 97229 Attn: Human Resources. Please include in your cover letter the position for which you are applying. To learn more about Tualatin Valley Centers p le a s e v is it o u r w e b s ite at Equal Opportunity Employer Construction Work No exp. Req'd. Will train qualified applicants to become electricians, carpenters and plumbers. Good pay and benefits. Paid relocation. Must be under age 34 with a H.S. diplom a. Call M-F 1-888-824- 6289. New Dining Center Request for Qualifications Campus Presidents Cascade and Sylvania Campuses PCC is an Equal O pportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer Immediate full and part-time open­ ings. S eekin g d ep e n d a b le , w ell- groomed, positive Individuals. $8.00 + Starting wage Overtime/advancem ent potential Medical & Dental, 401K avail. Drug test/Background Check New hires must have acceptable documentation to confirm both identity and eligibility to work. Apply 12:00-12:30 PM, Tues & Thurs at City Center Parking 130 SW Stark, Portland ^ßnrtlanb © b seru er______________________ Oregon State University (OSU) is s e e k in g q u a lific a tio n s from architectural firms interested in p ro v id in g a rc h ite c tu ra l, mechanical, and electrical design services for a new Dining Center to be lo ca te d In a P a rk in g Structure on the OSU campus. The new Dining Center will replace the existing Arnold Hall dining center that provides food service to the s o u th e a s t s e c tio n of campus. The Dining Center will be located in the new parking garage that will be built on the corner of Washington Way and 26th S treet. The total gross s q u a re fo o t re q u ire m e n t is approxim ately 35,000 square feet. S PORTS OSU is seeking a professional d esign tea m h ea d ed by an architectural firm experienced in H ig h e r E d u ca tio n w ork, commercial restaurant design and supermarket design work. P rim a ry a rc h ite c tu ra l firm s interested in assembling a design PHOTOS COURTESY OF STEVE D |P A O I . a /N |K E team should respond In writing Richard Fortson, youth services m anager at S e lf Enhancement, Inc. (far right) leads other teachers before close of business, Tuesday, in a P.E. drill at Vestal Elem entary School, 161 N.E. 82nd Ave. The group was participating in a January 6th, 2004. M ail your Nike supported initiative to m ake physical education m ore fun and m otivating for students. request for information to Aaron D. Howell, C.P.M., CPPO, Manager, Procurem ent and Construction C o n tra ctin g (P aC C )/C ontracts O ffice r, 644 SW 13th S tre et, Corvallis, Oregon 97333-4238. FAX 5 41 -7 3 7 -2 1 7 0 . The T eachers from Portland Public signed to teach students the jo y o f em entary School in northeast Port­ c o m p le te RFQ can be Schools learned how bean bags, m ovem ent, team w ork and learning land last Thursday. d o w n lo a d e d from th e PaCC hula hoops, parachutes and hip- new skills. T he pilot program aim s to in­ w e b s ite at: hop m usic will m ake their students Instructors learned the PE2G O crease the quality and quantity o f w j* w ,P a c e , Q re g Q n s ta te .e du move. curriculum , sponsored by N ike and physical education in schools with under "Vendor Services." Physical education instructors SPA R K S (Sports, Play and A ctive program s that have been battered New Spin on PE OSU is an AA/EEO employer and e n co u ra g e s th e s u b m itta l of responses from women, minority- ow ne d and e m e rg in g sm a ll business enterprises. OSU may reject any response not in compliance with all prescribed public contracting procedures and requirements, and may cancel this solicitation or reject any or all responses upon a finding of OSU it is the public interest to do so. are being trained in a new P.E. de- R ecreation for Kids), at Vestal E l­ ADULTS: Alcohol is the #/ drug o í choke for kids THIS HOLIDAY SEASON: Talk to them Forward says league exploits young players (A P) - P ortland T rail B lazer R asheed W allace issued an apol­ ogy S aturday saying he w as sorry if his language and com m ents o f­ fended anyone in a recent inter­ view. The N BA forw ard d id n ’t hold the league in high regard in the Rasheed Wallace article published last w eek in The O regonian. W allace said leag u e’s w hite e s­ tablishm ent is exploiting young black athletes to enrich itself. “I a in ’t no dum b-ass nigger out here. I'm not like a w hole bunch o f these young boys out here w ho get caught up and captivated into the league,” W allace, 29, said. "N o. I see behind the lines. I see behind know the real business, and they the false screens. I know w hat this d o n ’t see behind the charade.” business is all about. I know the W allace also said h e ’s not co n ­ co m m issio n ero f this league m akes cerned w ith N BA officials, w ho more than three-quarters o f the play­ w histled him for a record 4 1 techni­ ers in this league.” cal fouls in 2000-01. W allace added that team s are " T h a t's ju s t the fire in me. Som e drafting high school players be­ o f th e te c h n ic a ls 1 d e s e rv e d . cause they w ant athletes w ho are C ussing at the o fftcia lso r throw ing "dum b and d um ber.” som ething," he said. “ But som e o f "T h at’s w hy th ey ’re drafting all them I d id n 't deserve. these high school cats, because “I'm not scared o f the N BA. I'm they com e into the league and they not scared o f the N BA officials. If I d o n ’t know no better. T hey d o n 't feel as though m yself or my team ­ know no better, and they d o n ’t m ates have been dealt a w rong LeBron James Makes ‘Fascinating’ List about the dangers o f drinking. OREGON PARTNERSHIP Preventing Substance Abuse. Changing Lives. ivtuv. copartnership. cog LeBron Jam es I by budget cuts. Wallace Slams NBA Owners If 1 feel as though myself or my teammates have been dealt a wrong hand, I ’m going to let it be known. I December 17.2003 (A P) — B arbara W alters m ade LeB ron Jam es a top pick again. T h e C le v e la n d C a v a lie r s ’ rookie guard has been nam ed one o f the "T he 10 M ost Fascinating People o f 2003” for W alters' up­ com ing netw ork TV special. Jam es w as the No. 1 overall pick in the NBA draft last June. The 1 8 -y ear-o ld Jam essaid h e w as surprised to m ake the list, w hich includes C alifornia G ov. A rnold S ch w arzen eg g er, Sen. H illary R odham C linton, N icole K id m an and life sty le m av en M artha Stew art. “ I d o n 't know w ho votes on som ething like that." Jam es said. Jam es' interview with W alters will a iro n W ednesday. Dec. 17 at 9 p.m. on ABC. hand. I'm going to let it be known. T m not going to sit up here like most o f these cats and bite my tongue. T h at’s not m e.” W allace is in his eighth season w ith Portland and is m aking $17 m illion this season. He is the only Blazers player w ho lives in the area throughout the year, not ju st d u r­ ing the N BA season. W allace said he and his wi fe o f fi ve years, Fatima, like the city and w ould prefer to stay. W allace said his wife helped him realize that som e o f his actions can have a negative effect on their fam ­ ily, such as w hen he w as arrested and charged with m arijuana pos­ session in N ovem ber 2002 while riding in a sport utility vehicle with guard D am on Stoudam ire. W allace says he d id n ’t regret the incident initially. Then he heard from his wife. “It w as em barrassing from the standpointofm y fam ily.T hat sone o f the th i ngs my wi fe m ade me real­ ize. She w as like, ‘I know how you are. I know stuff like that do esn ’t really affect you too m uch. But it affected u s,’ “ W allace said. “She m eant her and my kids. T hat m ade m e sit back and think about it, and she w as right. A situation like that, I have to think past m yself. I got a fam ily. G ot a wife. She w as telling me w hat w as happening with my kids. A fter I talked to her about it, I regretted the w hole situation.” Globetrotters to Bring Game to Town The Harlem Globetrotters are not known for a “serious” bas­ ketball career, but by introducing new and amazing ball-handling routines in every game, playing before 120 million fans world­ wide and donating more than $ 10 million to local and national chari­ ties, they are a serious force in sports entertainment. The Harlem Globetrotters will play the New York Nationals at the Rose Garden at 7 p.m. Satur­ day, Jan. 24 at the Rose Garden Arena. Tickets, starting at $11, can be purchased at the Rose Garden box office or by calling 503-227-4400.