Page B4 R eligion Rev. Charles Me Cloud, Pastor Johnny Pack and members o f the Fellowship M inistry Baptist Church, photo by M ark W ashington /T hf . P ortland O bserver Standing on the comer, gang-banging life away holds no future. The stark reality of street life was the message of organiz­ ers at the fourth annual Youth Anti-Gang Outreach at Fellowship Ministry Baptist Church on Sunday, Dec. 14. Rev. C harles Me C loud is director o f the program and Bishop Johnny Pack IV is the pastor of the north Portland church. M cCloud says faith in God can keep at-risk kids away from a life of crime and violence. “Just because th ey ’ve made some m istakes d o esn ’t mean you have to throw them to the wolves. Jesus loves them. So do I,” he said. The gang o u treach ’s them e. Stand­ ing for Children, em bodied the philoso­ phy of the day, which drew attention with skits and music and may soon hit the road to spread the anti-gang m es­ sage, nationally. Under Me Cleoud's direction, youth from many churches and schools through­ out the city are giving testimonials, orga­ nizing musical performances and much more as an alternative to gang activity. To make a donation to the anti-gang efforts, call 503-234-4452. Beverly Crawford A Chorus of Family Gospel singer Beverly Crawford has a huge family. She’s toured with her siblings and par­ ents, giving gospel performances since she was five-years-old. She considers her fans her family, as well. Her newest album, “Family and Friends LIVE!" is a rockin’ and soothing mix of gospel dexterity featuring her father, daughter and six siblings. Crawford perfected her musical skills through the first half of the 90s as the lead singer for the gospel artist and impresario Jones’ group Bobby Jones and New Life. She amassed a fervent following for her live performances before ever entering a recording studio as a solo artist. The album, released by EMI Gospel Records, is available now. World Chaos and Religion Provoke Discussion Mission Collects for Christmas Meal Union Gospel Mission is ask­ ing for donations o f food and clothing for its annual Christmas celebration with P o rtlan d ’s the m ission on Thanksgiving. Hams top the list as the most needed donation item for the Dec. 25 meal, mission officials said. hom eless and needy. Hats, scarves, gloves and other Last C hristm as, the dow n­ town m ission served 644 din­ warmclothing will be given as gifts ners of ham, m ashed potatoes, at the event. Large sized coats are an item especially in demand. yams, vegetables, rolls, coffee Food and clothing donations and pies. But demand for meals can be dropped o ff at the Union has increased throughout the year G ospel M ission located at 15 and 1,305 meals were served at NW Third Ave. Portland B aha’i m em bers will dis­ cuss the link betw een science, chaos and religion at a talk and presentation on Friday, Dec. 19 at the Portland B aha’i Center. Electrical Engineer Norm Peterson will lead the talk to focus on how natural phenom enon parallel social and Church of the Living God , 11 4 1 r CATERING AVAILABLE THF Espresso Coffee Tea Breakfast Lunch BUSINESS i Juices Pastries WE DELIVER Special O rders Gladly A ccep ted ! Paul H o u ge S hirlene C arson J Phone: (803) 289-8418 Your Chain Link Specialists! Residential • Commercial • Industrial Repairs Welcome! 'Am 'R ail 'H otel 'C ruise "C ar 'G roup 'P ayment P lans are A vailable ' T ravel A gent 8238 N D enver A venue, Portland, Or. 97217 Lowest Prices of the Year! All Work Guaranteed! IPO B ox 30791 i P owland , OR 97294 IO wice and F ax . 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