December IO, 2003 (Ehi' JJortlaxth (ßbseruer Page A6 Hate Crime Draws Prison (AP)— The ringleader of agang of teenage skinheads in Portland was sentenced Monday to nearly three years in prison for burning crosses at a Jewish cemetery and spray-painting racist graffiti on a Korean church three years ago. Brian Raymond Hauth, 26, who lives in Montana, was convicted of civil rights and conspiracy charges as part of a plea bargain reached late last summer, said Assistant U.S. Attorney Stephen F. Peifer. According to an FBI affidavit filed in Portland, Hauth was as the "commander” of a teen hate group, which called itself the "Oregon State Boot Boys." Hauth admitted to having re­ cruited five boys three years ago — all minors ranging in age from 14 to 17. He masterminded each act, the affidavit said, dri ving one o f the boys to the Agape Wide World Mission Center on Dec. 8, 2000, where he encouraged the boy to paint a swastika on the wall of the Korean sanctuary. One month later, he returned with several other boys, vandaliz­ ing the church a second time. They also spray-painted swastikas on the entrance pillars of Portland’s Congregation Shaarie Torah Cem ­ etery. On March 12, 2001, Hauth returned again, this time to bum crosses in the cemetery. White supremacists have a long history in Portland. In 1988, m em ­ bers of a neo-Nazi movement beat an Ethiopian man to death with a baseball bat. Coat Drive to Benefit Life Center Breaking ground for the Portland Housing Authority's New Columbia neighborhood in north Portland are City Commissioner Erik Sten (clockwise from left), John Meyers, regional HUD director, Lee Moore, HAP commissioner, Terry McLain, former resident o f New Columbia, Steve Rudman, HAP executive director, County Commissioner Serna Cruz, John Ball Elementary students Billy Cha and Coeisha Fauntleroy, Ron Coulam. HAP s ta ff member and Benjamin Chimiku, former Columbia Villa resident. [lew CoLUFiBin T akes R oot io Trees were planted and ground Commissioner Erik Sten andCounty residents as the new housing be­ was broken for New Columbia, a Commissioner Serena Cruz for the comes available. New Columbia will offer a mix of mixed-economy housing project Dec. I celebration. The groundbreaking marks a piv­ housing types and amenities. The replacingColurnbia Villa, the World War II era public housing neigh­ otal milestone in the project, which architecture, street patterns, ser­ is slated to complete the first hous­ vices and recreational and educa­ borhood in north Portland. Housing Authority of Portland ing unit in the late summer of 2(X)5. tion opportunities are planned to A total o f382 families were relo­ integrate New Columbia with the staff joined local school children, former Vi Ila residents and dignitar­ cated over the past several months surrounding neighborhood and ies such as U.S. Senators Ron to pave the way for the redevelop­ enrich the lives of residents and Wyden and Gordon Smith, City ment. Each will priority over new neighbors. If the sleeves are getting short on your children’s winter coats or your own closet is full of jackets falling in and out o f your fashion taste, consider making a donation to the needy this chilly season. Self-Enhancem ent, Inc. and Wells Fargo Bank is sponsoring a coat, clothing and toy drive to benefit the Life Center. "This holiday drive is an awe­ some opportunity for us to part- ner with a wonderful organization such as SEI and solidify our com ­ mitment to this community,” said Mark Miller, Wells Fargo Walnut Park branch manager. Collection barrels are at the C en­ ter for SEI, and W ells Fargo branches at Walnut Park, Hayden Island and at Jefferson, Benson, Grant and Roosevelt high schools. For more information, call 503- 249-1721 ext. 241. (W H Racial & Ethnic Approaches to Community Health A program of Die African American Health Coalition. Inc Sponsored by the COC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Wellness Within REACH Activity Calendar All classes are free of chargel Mon Matt Dishman 77 NE Knott Salvation Army 5325 N Williams. Sab 630 7:30pm Henry W U Oats Market 3535 NE 15th. Peninsula Park. 700 N Portiaml Mallory Avtnne Christian Church (Gym) 126NEAIwrta Hébfaadümttd Chuck of Q m t 4635 NE 91k Ave. Whitaker Track 42nd4 Kihnpwwtii photo by M ark W ashington /T hk P ortland O bskra er The African-American Kwanzaa event is celebrated by Vicki Goinn, storyteller Askari, Jerrell Gaddis, Pexton Gaddis and Parker Gaddis at the Kaiser Town Hall on North Interstate Avenue. Friday's festivities were sponsored by the Kaiser Permanente African American Association. Umoja for Kwanzaa Food, m usic and um oja, w hich m eans u n ity , w ere highpoints of Kaiser Permanente A frican A m erican Association's seventh annual K w anzaa C eleb ra tio n last Friday. The event featured speeches by storytellers with drum-beat­ ing backdrops, dancing by the Woodlawn Elementary School Youth African Dance Troupe and gospel selections by the Brown Sisters and Cathedral Choir of Bethel AME Church. Wed Thurs Sat Fri African Dance Stretching Burli Stretching /Body Sculpting Sculpting 103»-11:00am 7-8am l «s 7-8am tors Addo Water Aerobics Ta Chi Contact AAHC 630 -7:30pm Contact AAHC 50X4131850 Ivies 503413-1850 Water Aerobia Vina Voga Body Conditioning 7:3O-830pm 7:30-8:30pm 930-10-30am O’Rourke ORoorke Nickerson Walking Groop Walking Group* Walking Group* 6«0-7:00pm 63)0-7:00 pm 1230pm Woods Woods Woods Aerobia Aerobia Aerobia 5:306:20pm 5:30-620pm 530 6:20pm Granville Granville Granville 630 7:30pm 63O-7:30pm 6 3 0 -7 3 0 « Nicktreon Hickerson Nickerson Aerobia Aerobic Aerobia Aerobia Aerobia 6:00-7:00» 63JO-73)Opm 6:00-7:00am 63»-7:OOpm 63W -73»« Pierce Keller Pierce Keller Pierce Wt. Management' Wl. Management / Wt. Management/ Condittoniny Conditioning II Conditioning 9:00-10:00am 63» 7:00am 93»-IO:Oflam Hasan Hasan Hasan Walk Io Run Walk Io Ron 630pm Thome 630pm Thorne IrrngtM Covenant ( W 4008NEM UBW Aerobia Aerobia 7 3 0 -830pm 8 :0 0 -9 3 » « Keler Norris Low Impact DaBeTs Memorial Church 1 2 A IC B « n « tk Aerobics 7 :1 5 -8:15pm Granville "M u s t be 21 or older to participate Please check with AAHC before showing up to the first class 503-413-1850 Please receive approval from your doctor before beginning exercise class + Walking group meets inside Lloyd Center in front of Sears African American Health Coalition, Inc. 2800 N Vancouver A v e . Suite 100 • Portland, OR 97227 • Phone 503-413-1850 E-mail: kdempsey@aahc-portland org • Web: www Free H IV Testing in NE Portland AFFORDABLE J J & key FULL LOCKSMITH Tues Tuesday and Thursday Evenings SERVICE • RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED OUT? WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH: HOUSE. OFFICE OR CAR 5 :0 0 -8 :0 0 p.m. Portland 503.284.9582 • Oregon City 503.656.2116 Serving Portland/Metro area (N, NE, SE, SW & NW) (last check in a t 7 :3 0 p .m .) NE Health Center DOMONIQUE'S / HAIR DESIGN *Teresa, Owner & Stylist *l)eborah. Stylist ♦Horace, Barber MLK J r . Blvd. And NE Killingsworth (E n ter in re a r door near Emerson, go to 2nd flo o r) Se habla español los M artes 2 8 6 -3 7 5 8 222 N. Killingsworth 97217 (Vancouver) For more information on H IV and testing Call th e Oregon A ID S Hotline 1 - 8 0 0 - 7 7 7 - A ID S Multnomah County H ealth Departm ent WHERE THE HEALTH OF YOUR HAIR COMES FIRST! ♦