December 10. 2003 ®l|c Jîortlanb (Oh semer Page AS \d\crtise with diversity in |JortIanb ( P h s c v u e v Call 5O3-288-OO33 ¡ A 12 foot bronze vine representing jazz, art and industry is installed along Interstate Avenue in the • historic Albina neighborhood. Thursday's installation marked one o f the last major art pieces to go in along the 5.8-mile Interstate MAX line. Albina’s Indomitable Spirit A sculpture created to sym bol­ ize the indom itable sprit o f A lbina in overcom ing a history o f neglect, racism and urban renew al w as in­ stalled T hursday on N orth Inter­ state Avenue. The bronze vine bursts from the pavem ent and flow ers into repre­ sentations o f jazz, the arts, and in­ dustries o f the A lbina neighbor­ hood. North west artists W ayne C habre and Jeanne M cM enem y created the artw ork “Second G row th" for the A lbina/M ississippi Street Station. Interstate MAX will open M ay 1 four m onths ahead o f schedule and under budget. THURSDOM-SOTURDOM oecemBenn-13 8-oopm linCOln HQll. schooi of Fine e peoFoominq o pts poRTlono stqts univoosny TICKETS: $12 Students and Seniors. $24 Adult, s««« foe Additional PSU Box Office (inside Smith Center, 1825 SW Broadway), 503-725-3307 and ticko trru tatar, 503-224-4400 Information: 503.245.1600 e xt. 201 SPONSORED BV f WILLAMETTE W EEK Eastside Streetcar Gains Momentum City considers • using Broadway Bridge to link service by J aymee R. C uti T he P ortland O bserver Functionality and nostalgia may soon com bine to bring m odern transportation to northeast P ort­ land. Longtim e residents may rem em ­ ber a trolley once passing through the northeast corners o f the city. If federal dollars com e through, the Portland Streetcar could serve new parts o f the city. A m ong a $2.5 million federal ap­ propriation, $29(),(XX) is earm arked to plan and analyze routes and reno­ vations needed to extend the west- side streetcar o v er the B roadw ay Bridge and add four miles o f service through Lloyd and Central Eastside Industrial districts. The proposed extension would serve the Rose Q uarter Arena, the O regon C onvention C enter and The O regon M useum o f Science and Industry. T he project should pick up m o­ m entum quickly, according to the city spokesm an Scott Farris. T he com plete Streetcar ex ten ­ sion com es with an estim ated $37.5 m illion construction cost. “ W e still h av en 't figured out how to do that yet," says Farris, but adds that a variety o f sources, in­ cluding another federal appropria­ tion could foot that bill. The Streetcar expansion, Farris said, is part o f the c ity 's broad public transportation vision, w hich may som eday include w ater taxis on the W illam ette River. “A num ber o f years ago, P ort­ land had an extensive streetcar network serving east Portland. Over tim e, m ass transit was no longer en vogue and everything w as being done forthe autom obile. Now w e’re going back to that public tran sp o r­ tation goal and the Streetcar is part o f a much broader strategy that will serv e P o rtla n d ’s tra n sp o rta tio n needs o v er the long term .” IMMWMMMRMNMMMMMN Free Haircuts Professional haircutters are once agai n poi sed to ha ve deserv i ng k ids looking their best for the holidays during a C hristm as H aircuts event at the Salvation Arm y Mixtre Street C orps and C om m unity Center, 5325 N. W illiam s Ave. Free haircuts are offered on a first com e, first serve basis from 10 a.m . to 3 p.m. M onday, Dec. 22 for boys and girls ages 16 and under. For m ore inform ation, call 503- 493-3925. Break free from what’s holding you back. If you’re tired of a career that seems to be going nowhere and a salary that depends more on the whim of your boss than on the work you do, American Express can help. When you join us as a financial advisor, you'll soon see you'll have a long-term career growth and your rewards match your efforts. The more you grow your practice, the more you'll grow your income. You'll also have control over how you start your career and expand your practice. To find out how to use your skills in a new way and become part of a group of financial advisors that’s almost 10,000 strong, visit us at: advisorcareers or contact: Ron A sch off - R ecruiter A lexan d ra K ikker American Express Financial Advisors Assistant to the Field Vice President IBS I Jfe Insurance( ’ompany American Express Financial Advisors 1499 SETech Center Place. Suite 220 IBS I Jfe Insurance Company November 29 th ™ December 28 th from Sunday - Thursday 5 :0 0 - 8 :0 0 pm Friday & Saturday 5 :0 0 - 8 :3 0 pm Come see over a half-million magical lights, ride the ZooLights Train, shop at the spectacular artist market and enjoy live performances every nightl Make the evening complete with a holiday buffet at the the zoo's Cascade Grill restaurant. • Take MAX to the Zool Call 503-238-RIDE for TriMet in fo rm a tio n Experience the thrill ride, running every night during ZooLights Vancouver. WA98683 Hxxie:(360) 882-7488ext 241 IO2()OGreenburg Road. Suite 110 Fax: (360)882-7507 Portland, OR 97223 email: nn.x4ischotf(