Page A 8 B ids / C lassifieds SELF ENHANCEMENT, INC. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER SEI is committed to achieving and m a in ta in in g a d ru g -fre e workplace JOBANNOUNCEMENT The fo llo w in g p o s itio n (s ) are currently open at the Center for S e lf E n h a n ce m e n t, Inc. Job descriptions and applications are available at the Center for Self Enhancement located at 3920 N. Kerby, Portland, OR 97227. You m ay fax your resum e to (503) 2 4 9 -1 9 5 5 or e -m a il to LEAD RECREATION COORDINATOR (1 full-time position) The Lead Recreation Coordinator (Level III) position plays a lead role in all aspects of recreational and sports-related programming for S E I’s R e c re a tio n P rog ra m . Responsibilities include but are not limited to coordinating the daily activities of the recreation department, ensuring safety and risk management standards are m e t, e n s u rin g ru le s and regulations for all game room and gym activities are followed and re s p o n s ib le fo r o p e n in g and closing the facility on assigned days. • A degree in a related field highly desired. A minimum of three years of experience directly working with youth in a recreation or education environment may be substituted for education. • Proven effe ctive leadership skills and the ability to effectively motivate others. • Exp erience d e v e lo p in g and im p le m e n tin g re crea tio n and sports activities. • S k ill in p ro b le m s o lv in g , organizingand meeting deadlines. • Ability to build and maintain p o s itiv e p ro fe s s io n a l re la tio n s h ip s w ith s tu d e n ts , parents and staff, i • Knowledge of risk and safety management. • Willingness to work evenings, weekends and on-call as needed. • Must have valid driver’s license and clean driving record. Must be in s u ra b le u n d e r S E I's auto insurance. • Salary Range: $2,250 $3,000 per month. SEI o ffe rs an e x c e lle n t b en efits package for eligible employees that Include: • Paid medical/dental/vision for e m p lo y e e , o n e -h a lf paid fo r dependents. • 401k Retirement Plan - up to 3% company match. • 125 Plan (H e a lth Expen se Reimbursement Account). • 4 weeks accrued vacation. • Accrued sick leave. °*FCO* WASHINGTON COUNTY Affordable Fence For contracting opportunities with the City o f Portland and for valuable information on how to do business with the City, please log on to the Bureau o f Purchases Web Page: Your Chain Link Specialists! Residential • Commercial • Industrial Repairs Welcome! MENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST II $3,986 $4,844 / month Closes December 19, 2003 PROGRAM COORDINATOR Grants Manager Temporary Position $4,086 / month Closes December 12, 2003 Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) 846-4898 for information or see our w e b s ite : County application and supplem ental a p p lic a tio n fo rm s re q u ire d . Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. • Employee Assistance Program o f P o r tla n d B u re a u o f P u r c h a s e s 1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750, Portland OR 97204 503-823-6855 Call Today for Your Free Estimates! 503-720-1893 Licensed-Bonded-lnsured CCB# 15757 © CALL FOR NEW Minority Business Owners PORT OF PO R TLA N D Career Opportunities Information about career opportunities with the Port of Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call TDD, (503) 944- 7485. Applications are available by visiting the Port's website at or by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visit­ ing the Port’s office, located at 121 NW Everett Street, Portland. If you perform Construction Work or Construction Services and if you have a new business or recently formed a business in the last 2 years and are interested in doing future work with the City of Portland. Please contact: Group AGB LLC, Andre Baugh - 503 281-3638 or FM Burch & Assoc., Faye Burch - 503 735-9455 The Port of Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer APPLY TO: Washington County Human Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 97124 C ity Lowest Prices of the Year! All Work Guaranteed! SUB-QUOTES REQUESTED FOR We are working to create a database of new companies that includes the services they can provide. Let us help you take the next step to increase your opportunities and Profits. South Waterfront Infrastructure Project WE ARE SEEKING SUBCONTRACTING BIDS IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: C f,v SE»VL Site Demolition • Trucking • Survey • Traffic Control Landscaping « Shorlng/TleBacks • Underground(IncludlngWater) Material Supplies PARKING FACILITY Operator ings. Seeking d ep e n d a b le , w ell- Bid Date: December 11,2003 SUB-BIDS REQUESTED J ta c y a n d W itb e c k , In c . University of Oregon Many Nations Longhouso groomed. positive Individuals. $8.00 + Starting wage Overtime/advancem ent potential Medical & Dental, 401K avail. Drug test/Background Check New hires must have acceptable documentation to confirm both identity and eligibility to work. Apply 12:00-12:30 PM, Tues & Thurs at City Center Parking 130 SW Stark, Portland The City of Portland is an equal opportunity employer Call for Details Immediate full and part-time open­ 403 SE Caruthers Street Portland, OR 97214 Phone (503) 231-5300, FAX (503) 231-6692 Bid Date: December 10, 2003 Bid Time: 4:00 p.m. We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from all subcontractors and suppliers Including M inority and Women-Owned, JOHN H Y L C O A N ST N INC D Disadvantaged, Disabled Veterans, and Emerging Small Business Enterprises. JOHN HYLAND CONST., INC. P.0. Box 7867 Eugene, OR 97401 Phone: 541-726-8081 Fax: 541-741-0896 CCB # 46071 Subsidized Units May Be Available At ThisTIme. If subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from emerging small businesses, small disadvantaged subcontractors, women, minority business enterprises. applicants may be placed on Waiting lists. Guardian Management Corporation is committed to “Equal Housing Opportunity” Move In Now. Cash down-, no banks needed. Two Locations to choose from: Vancouver, WA or Portland, OR, 3bd/2ba or 3bd/ 1.5, sunk-in living room, large fenced backyard, new carpet, p a in t, and tile . A p p lia n c e s included. Fireplace or wood stove. Single or double car garage, 1200 SF or 1400 SF on large lots, close to 1-205, schools, shopping, bus lin e . M ust S ee . C a ll fo r appointment - 503-288-4407. SUBCONTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES WORK FAIR Stewart Terrace 5 7 5 N Sherwood Blvd. Ò- t=T Sherwood, Oregon 9 7 1 4 0 (5 0 3 ) 6 2 5 -7 8 8 3 Fair Is Directed To Small, Small Disadvantaged, Minority, Women-Owned, HUBZone, Subsidized Units May Be Available At ThisTIme Service Disabled Veteran-Owned, and Veteran-Owned Business Concerns. If subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified applicants may WAYNE L. MORSE UNITED STATES COURT HOUSE EUGENE, OREGON be placed on Waitinglists. Guardian Management Corporation iscommltted to “Equal HousingOpportunity" DATE: DECEMBER 4 ,2 0 0 3 1:00 PM - 3 :3 0 PM Linnwood/Sherwood $250 to $500 a week Will train to work at home Helping the US Government file HUD/FHA mortgage refunds No experience necessary Call Toll Free 1-866-537-2906 CHRISTIAN BASED COMPANY c a re e r w o rk in g from hom e. Seeking PT FT Reps, and Sales Managers, great pay working at your pace with our 18yr-old stable company. If you believe you have what it takes for success call 1-888-640*7316. 6- 5 7 5 N Sherwood Blvd. LOCATION: Phoenix Inn - 8 50 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, Oregon t=ï Sherwood, Oregon 9 7 1 4 0 (5 0 3 ) 625 7 883 (Phoenix Room, - (5 4 1 ) 3 4 4 -0 0 0 1 J.E.DUNN NORTHWEST, INC. Persons May Be Available At ThisTIme. 437 N. COLUMBIA BLVD. PORTLAND, OREGON 97217 Phone (503) 978-0800 * Fax (503) 978-1031 * CCB#84045 If subsidized unitsarenotavallableatthls time, qualified We are an Equal Opportunity Employer “ OyNN Subsidized Units For Seniors, Or Disabled, OrHandicapped applicants may be placed on Waitinglists. Firefighters Wanted Guardian Management Corporation Iscommltted to “Equal HousingOpportunity” Sherwood Park t=i 5 7 5 N Sherwood Blvd. Sherwood, Oregon 9 7 1 4 0 (5 0 3 ) 6 2 5 -7 8 8 3 • Paid life and disability insurance (after waiting period). December 03, 2003 (E I je ^Jortlanò (#) b Bern er We ./or lease houses, any area, a r condition, any price. All Cash. 503-288-4407. Must have manual dexterity, good vision & a b ility to use tools/ eqiupment. Must be physically fit, under 34 with H.S. diploma. Pd relocation. Call M-F 1-877-646- 6289 Advertise with diversity Looking For Away Out! Look No Further! Good cred it Bad credit. Available Up to $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 . Fast Results. CALLTOLL FREE 1-866-834-6795 in {Cl;i ^tnrtJanb (© bsm nr ( ’.ill .503-2X8 (K ,3 3 emailads^porttandebserv) 'co m F rnpkjytnent OREGON DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Revenue Agent 3 Collector 3 Learn about job openings available now. These are just a few of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional job information are available at: a ) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the Oregon jobs page at: www The State of Oregon and all its divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers. I he Oregon Department of Revenue is recruiting tor a Revenue Agent 3 located in our Gresham Office. This position will perform complex field collection and investigation work under the authority of a variety of revenue produc mg statutes, which generate a nunibei of different types of delinquent accounts and tax la b ilitie s due the state. Salary is $2.320 $3.208/m onth. FFO/AAE/AOA To request Job Announcement «LERV0082A and an application, call (503) 9 4 5 8 5 5 5 or visit our website at www dor state d us. TTY (hearing or speech Impaired only) (503) 9 4 5 8 6 1 7 or (800) 8 8 6 7 2 0 4 Apply now We could stop taking applications at any time. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (ODOT) CAREER OPPORTUNITIES.. JOIN OUR TEAM! ODOT supports a vast range of innovative transportation products and services, touching the life nt every Oregonian, every day. Explore our variety ot rewarding occupations... Englneerlng/Envlronmental View current job openings and apply online: Or visit the Providence Employment Center at 1235 NE 47th Avenue, Suite 200 (Just off Halsey) Rrovtderxe Health System it an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer Rre-employment drug and health screens are required It Providence Health System A c a rin g d if f e r e n c e y o u can f e e l PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM (PERS) Retirement Counselor 2B W Salary $2,357 $3,375/month Announcement 4OCDT3575 White Cty/Medford Salary: $2,546 - $3.529/m onth PERS covers nearly 300 ,000 members and administers retirement, disability benefits. health insurance arid d efered compensation plans Perform complex and technical assignments and benefits calculations m rdatioi’ to retirement eligibility, provide nfotm ation to members and employers, researching information as necessary: audit calculations: and review contested benefit claims. To review the fob description. in clu d in g m inim um q u a lifica tions, obtain Job Announcement 4LE300658A from your local Employment Departm ent Held office the state |ob website at www.oregon)ot>, or by calling PERS Human Resources a t (503) 603-7552. Closing dale is December 19. 2003 at 5.00 pm. EOE/AA. W • Survey Technician W J Project Management/Planning • OMV Medical Programs Coordinator Salary $.3,208 $4.476/month Announcement JfOCDT3243 Salem To apply, you must obtain a copy of the appropriate announcement number, which provides lull details, qualificattons/reouirernents, and how to apply instructions. Call (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (503) 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 for the heanng impaired], or visit As an AA/EEO employer. ODOT is com m itted to inlegrating the prom otion and management ot worktoice diversity and arflrmative action into every facet of our business.