Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 03, 2003, Page 6, Image 6

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(The JJorHanb (Dbseruer
P o r t l a n d
Forgotten Films Made by Blacks Restored
S a b in
C o m m u n it y
D evelo pm ent
C o r p o r a t io n
(AP) — Forgotten films discov­
ered in an old warehouse 20 years
ago now enjoy a new life, thanks to
technology and an effort to pre­
serve movies made for and by blacks
during the 30s and 40s.
Southern Methodist University
got a grant last year to digitize nine
feature films and seven shorts it
obtained in 1983, when then-pro­
fessor G. William Jones got a call
about someold films found in Tyler,
Texas, a town about 90 miles south­
east of Dallas.
The collection of some 400 films
included mysteries, comedies and
vaudville-like shorts, that gave
black audiences an alternative to
- r
Date: Saturday, December 6,h, 2003
F ilm P remier : V anport : T he S urvivors T ale
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(A P)— When the spirit moves him, the Rev.
Al Green throws his head back to laugh, clap­
ping his hands and stomping his feet.
His producer, Willie Mitchell, who helped
Green craft some of the great soul albums of the
early 70s, only smiles in his reserved, dignified
The two men could hardly seem more differ­
ent. but they are connected by a special bond that
has lasted more than 30 years. Now the partner­
ship between Green and Mitchell has produced
their first soul album together since 1976- “I Can't
Stop,” released last week on Blue Note Records.
It was recorded at Royal Studios in Mem­
phis, where Green and Mitchell worked to­
gether from 1969 until 1976, when Green turned
to gospel music and preaching.
The new album was the result of a spiritual
revelation for Green: His voice is agift from God
and sharing it with others is the right thing to
do, even through secular music. He and Mitchell
say they're discussing other possible projects
to follow “I C an’t Stop.”
“I’m singing w hat’s real, and if you’re sing­
ing what’s real, that means it ain’t no lie,” Green
said, “And if it ain’t no lie, then it’s all right for
me to sing it.”
With Mitchell as his mentor and producer,
Green developed the unique vocal style of
falsetto bursts and intricate phrasing that make
his 1970s hits instantly recognizable. At Royal,
he cut such classics as “Look What You Done
for Me,” “F m Still in Love with You" and “Here
I Am (Come and Take Me.)”
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(AP) — A young actress who starred in "Secret Ballot,"
an Iranian movie that's banned in her native land, has a new
role: college student.
"I prefer to be a grad student to a movie star," said Nassim
Abdi Dezfooli. who is pursuing a m aster's degree in educa­
tion at Bowling Green State University.
She starred in Babak Payami’s comedy about the prob­
lems in bringing democracy to Iran, which won several
awards at the 2001 Venice Film Festival.
Her role was largely ad-libbed.
Some Iranian directors don’t work from a script because
they fear the government might shut down a movie with an
objectionable story line, she said recently. Instead, the
director describes a general scene and actors respond as s
they would in real life.
431 NE Jarrett Street
Portland, OR 97211
Sax Files West
(503) 493-6027
Charles Gayle, a New York jazz saxophone street
performer, will have a rare west coast perform ance al
D isjecta, 116 N.E. Russell St., on Jan. 24. Free.
(503) 493-6029
vwost@vwsarvices com
Bridge Builders is holding its seventh annual Kwanzaa Gala and Initiates
Ball at 7:30p.m. Saturday, Dec. 27 at the Portland Center for the Performing
Arts. Tickets are $30. For more information, call 503-306-2960.
kunnin^ Cafe *
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Tasha T.
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Walk-Ins Welcome
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Give Your Child
An Outstanding
A p p lic a tio n s
F or N ext Year's
6th and 7th
G rade Students
Happy Times
The C hildren’s M useum is creating happy tim es for kids during the
holidays including clay glazing w orkshops from 2 to 4 p.m. each
Saturday this month. For more inform ation, call 503-223-6500.
Jazz Giant
Charles Gayle, the free jazz saxophone giant, will play D isjecta on Jan.
10.116 N.E. Russell St.
Urban Bush Women
The Portland Revels presents the 2003 Christm as Revels Stage Show
from Dec. 5 through 14. Tickets are $25, and discounts are available.
For more inform ation, visit w w w .portlandrevels.org.
Scrooge Lives
A d v e rtise » ith div ersity
2723 NE 7,h Avenue, Portland, OR 97212
The N orthw est C hildren’s T heater and School
presents the "All New Christm as C arol” at the N orth­
west N eighborhood Cultural Center, 1819 N.W. Everett St.,
through Dec. 24. Tickets are $20 for adults. For show tim es and more
inform ation, call 503-222-4480 or visit w w w .nw cts.org.
Revel Rousers
Styfot/Mair Consultant
( A P)— A mob o f fans tried to force their way
into a concert by rapper Jay-Z, resulting in six
arrests, police said.
No one was injured in the Nov. 26 crush,
which began around 9:30 p.m. outside the con­
cert at Madison Square Garden.
Officers were called in for crowd control and
arrested four people for disorderly conduct and
two others for obstruction o f governmental
adm inistration, said police spokesw om an
Jennara Everleth.
It was unclear what sparked the crush or how
piany of the fans had tickets, police said.
The concert, billed the start of Jay-Z's final
nationwide promotional tour, was sold out.
W hite Bird and the PSU Dance Series presents return o f Urban Bush
W om en in “Shadow 's C hild” at 8 p.m. from Dec. 11-13 at PSU ’s
Lincoln Hall, Sorthw est Park and Market. T ickets are $24 with
student discounts available. For tickets, call 503-224-4400.
Style Solutions: BEAUTY &
It’s a return to soul for Green, who for more
than two decades has been focused on reli­
gious music and leading his church, the Full
Gospel Tabernacle in Memphis.
All New Christmas Carol
Kwanzaa Gala
We like little jobs too!
Licensed • Bonded • Insured
Rev. Al Green (left) and his producer Willie
Mitchell collaborated on Green's new CD,
“I Can't Stop," his first secular album in
over 25 years. (AP photo)
The Talisman G allery presents "Foot Square," benefiting H abitat For
Humanity, through Dee. 28. For more information, call 503-287-9529.
Let us buitd it
o rfis it
within your budget
defending a man framed on a mur­
der charge.
Actor Ossie Davis offers an in­
troduction on the DVD collection.
He said it shows the "do-for-self’
spirit of blacks just after the turn of
the century. “They had to make do
with nothing. And look what they
Crowd Storms Jay-Z Concert
Arts Benefit
General Contractor
CCB# 153199
the stereotypes portrayed by Hol­
Among the movies found were
“Juke Joint," about two down-and-
out men who pose as theatrical
experts to get free rown and board
for helping the landlord's daughter
prepare for a beauty pageant, and
"Murder in Harlem,” about a lawyer
A1 Green, Producer Unite for Album
Legend calls new CD
‘singing what’s real’
IN C .
December 03. 2003
525 0 N E M a rtin L u th e r K in g , Jr. B lv d .
Catering & Take-Out
O ur S pecialty :
R eal H ickory S moked B ar -B-Q
Sandwiches • Salads
Chicken • Pork Ribs
• Beef Ribs
MHCC Theatre A rts D epartm ent
holds a “Scrooge L ives” arts fair
at the Mt. Hood C om m unity C ol­
lege Gresham cam pus, in the C ol­
lege C enter Fireplace L ounge
Room on W ednesday, Dec. 3 and
in Room 1051 on Thursday. Dec.
4 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more
information, call 503-491 -7670.
Trippin’ through Town
Take a trip through tim e to find
the hottest poetry, hip-hop and
so u l in f lu e n c in g P o rtla n d
Wednesdays at the Ohm. $7 cover.
31 N.W. First Ave.
Wild Party
M onday
Wed. & Thurs. 11:00-9«)
Fri. & Sat.
Fish Sandwich — $8°°
Fish Dinner - $10”
* * * N ew L o catio n
5410 N.E. 33 rd
★ * *
Excite your child with a birthday
party in the w oods, m eadow or
near a pond, hosted by Portland
P a rk s an d R e c re a tio n s ta ff.
Them es include forest fairies,
Indian legends, Lew is and Clark
exploration, animal tracking,cam ­
ouflage critters and more. Parties
begin at $100 for lO ehildren. in­
cluding gam es, activities and fa­
vors. For more inform ation, call
Heading Out
B ookies S ports Bar and L ounge
featu res karao k e on D ec. 5. 736
N. Lom bard. For m ore in fo rm a­
tion, call 503-286-7520.