December 03. 2003 Page A3 Getting Winter-ready “The Vision’ by Charles Rex. demonstrates Kujichagulia, a Kwanzaa principal meaning self determination. Rex's work will be on display through Dec. 31 at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center on North Insterstate Avenue, ju st north o f Killingsworth St. Kwanzaa Illustrated at Interstate Firehouse Portland General Electric Employee Rick Weijo installs vinyl storm windows on the north Portland home o f Elmer Miller. radio, blanket and other essentials. At each home designated by the Community Energy Project, a non­ profit located just off Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard on Northeast Alberta Street, volunteers also Portland resid en ts can stay weather-strip doors, install vinyl warmer for less this winter and pre­ storm windows and compact fluo­ pare themselves for power outages, rescent light bulbs, seal air leaks, thanks to a new effort from the insulate pipes, install energy-sav­ American Red Cross Oregon Trail ing showerheads and faucet aera­ Chapter, Portland General Electric tors, and caulk cracks around the and the Community Energy Project. house. Red Cross volunteers also Specially trained Red Cross and explain the importance o f relying Portland General Electric volunteers on flashlights instead of candle­ recently gave participants, who are light, which has become a major limited income seniors and people cause of house fires during power with disabilities, a short course on outages. dealing with storms andotheremer- T h e C o m m u n ity E n e rg y gencies, and lessons on weatheriz­ Project offers various w orkshops ing their homes and compiling an throughout the city about w eath­ emergency supplies kit. erization, w ater conservation and The Red Cross team explained lead poisoning prevention. Free how to put together a fami ly outage m aterials are often available. For and emergency plan, and wfiafgoes more information about the w ork­ in a well-stocked kit including food, shops, locations and tim es, call water, flashlight, battery-operated 503-284-6827. Red Cross, PGE aid non-profit energy project I Local African-American artists of the seven principles of Kwanzaa exhibit on Thursday, Dec. 4 from 5 and community members will ex­ th is m onth at the In te rsta te to 8 p.m. with traditional drumming hibit textiles, paintings, prints, Fi rehouse Cu ltural Center, 5340 N. by Calvert and Lasan Johnny. An drawings, photography and other Interstate Ave. lFCC-hosted Kuumba celebration mixed media works to reflect one A public reception will open the is from noon to 5 p.m. on Dec. 31, to Trimet Eases Holiday Shopping Tri Met eases the bustle of holiday shopping by adding a shuttle to transport shoppers to a Christmas Bazaar. T he sh u ttle w ill take shoppers from north P ort­ land to the C hristm as B a­ zaar at the Expo C enter this weekend. Running every half hour, the shuttle will pick up riders on the northwest corner of North Interstate Avenue and Lombard Street between 9:45 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, ending at 5:45 p.m. on Sunday. From the Expo Center, the shuttle will travel to Jantzen Beach and then to the north Portland site until 7:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and 5:45 on Sunday. For more information, call 5 0 3 -2 3 8 -R ID E or v isit www. trimet, org- Advciise with diversity /'/; J l ‘ ].lo v f b tn h 0)1 jr r ti e i I) celebrate the principal of creativity. Karamu, a community feast is at 4 p.m., the same day. For more infor­ mation, call the IFCC at 503-823- 2061. h IMAGINE ASPIRE CREATE DISCOVER PCC Gift Certificates. 3,000 Adventures Start January 5. Available tor 110. *25 and »100. Call 503 533 2882 to order Visa/Mastercard Accepted P o r t la n d Cotrcrnunlly College ( all 5O3-288-OO33 ads(«'ptirtlmidob » I